i used to believe

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I used to believe there was a girl named "Alyssa Naimes" because on the announcements one morning they said "A LIST OF NAMES will be hung on the bulletin board." I ran down to the bulletin board because i thought they hung a girl on it!

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Our pediatrian was named Dr. Woodhead. I remember my brother and I (under 7 years old) were horrified and scared that our doctor had a wooden head. It took my mom a while to explain the concept of a last name!

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When I was very young (3 or 4 I think), I was led to believe by my Dad that my last name was from an ancient indian word. I held this belief until I was around 9 or 10 and shared this information with some of my friend. They laughed so hard they cried. I said "come with me" and took them to see my dad. After telling my dad about it, he started busting out laughing as well. Apparently he was joking with me and never thought that I'd retain that information. I was humiliated, but luckily I had good friends that didn't give me too hard of a time about it. :)

I think that incident is the root of my cynical nature. ;)

Rick B.
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When I was younger, I thougt that Benadryl was only for my brother, whose name is Ben. I thought that if any other person took it, they'd turn into my brother. Imagine my horror when my mother tried to give me a spoonful one day..!

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When I was 3 or 4 I had the B-I-N-G-O record for my little record player. I used to play it all the time and walk around singing the song. Unfortunately I misheard what the song said and thought it was B-I-M-B-O so when a little stray dog walked up our drive one day, I named him Bimbo.We were friends for years. Now I am an adult, I wonder why no one ever said anything about his name!

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A friend and I had the same name, but mine was spelled "Sara", and hers was "Sarah." I thought that my name was better because it didn't have the "h" and I kept prenouncing my friend's name Sara-HUH because I didn't know the "h" was silent.

Sara, not Sarah
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When i was 5 i had a friend named Jodan. So i thought she was related to the basketball ball player Micheal JORDAN!!!

Billy Bob
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I used to believe that "Anon" was a person who made up a million stories that he used to believe in. I thought it was ridiculous that they would allow so many stories from one person.

This was as of ten minutes ago.

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I thought that when someone said that they were going to commit harakiri that they were going to then act like baseball broadcaster Harry Caray.

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I found this site when I was just a kid myself. Lots of submissions ended in "-lol." I didn't know it stood for "laughing out loud," so I thought that Lol was a name. I thought, "Who is this lol person who keeps submitting so many beliefs?"

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When I was young I used to believe that Princess Diana died because her name was Diana. (like Die+Anna)
I thought that anyone called Diana would die young and I couldn't understand why anyone would want to name their child a name with the word Die in it

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My name is Julie. When I was little my sister knew a girl named Julie, who was overweight and not attractive. I use to think anyone with the name Julie was going to turn overweight and ugly and that I was going ot turn out that way.

Julie (wowie)
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when i was little, and knew nothing about the fashion industry, i believed that Gucci was another word for small

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My mom said her last name used to be carter until she married my dad, and it caused me to believe when two people got married they got to make up a new last name together by combining their old last names.

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When I was about 6 years old, where we lived I would often see a dark blue van and it had the word 'Strangers' on it in yellow. I used to think that the man driving it used to drive round and pick up strangers and put them in the back of his van to take them to the police station. I later found out that 'Strangers' was a building firm and was pronounced with a hard 'g' as in string.

Jayne Beaumont
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I am not from a native English speaking country. While in 5th or 6th grade, I learnt the poem -" Jack and Jill". I used to belive that both Jack and Jill were boys. I realized that Jill is a girl's name when I was a senior in university.

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when i was little my mom told me i was named after her dog that died before my birth,so i use to think that i was a dog before i was born then i died and came back a human ,when i tell people i was named after a dog they start laughing because it not very day that you meet a human with a dog / human name.

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I used to think that "Unknown" was a real name. when I went to a Cematary in Washington D.C. and I saw all The Unknowns I thought it was one really tall guy that needed a huge space to be buried! I also thought that "Unknown" was really special because he had a gaurd and realth layings (the Tombof The Unknown) I was 8 at the time.

Unknown ;-)
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When i was like 5 years my brother told me that i was ugly. For a while i belived him. Then i went to ask my other brother if i was ugly and he said i was! Considering I didn't know what ugly was i went to ask my mom. She said that i was beautiful so i went to school kindergarten the next day and went around and told everyone i was ugly and beautiful! My teacher didn't approve and i got a note home so i started calling myself Nicole. (My name)

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My Mom used to believe that there was a woman named Mrs. Sippy.

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