i used to believe

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When I was little whenever my mom got mad at me, she used to call me Alexa Q and so I believed that my middle name was Q up until 3rd grade when I had to take the SAT test and i put in for my middle name Q. I was a little dork.

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When I was young, I asked my mother why she didn't have a middle name. She told me that her family was poor and couldn't afford one. I figured that parents paid for each letter on the birth certificate... my mother still loves to confuse me.

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When my sister Kylie was about 10 some kid in the neighborhood came up to her and was talking about this girl that lived on the end of our street who killed little kids whose names started with the letter K. Poor Kylie got so scared that one day when we went to play at a friends house down the street she wouldn't pass the house that had been pointed out to her. She even started crying.Then to make things even worse the girl came outside and Kylie ran home screaming.

No lie
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I used to believe and wonder why, my dads unmarried sister Hannah had a different surname to us; we were Wood and she was Tanner; as everyone called her Anne Tanner!

Mark Wood
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When I was younger I used to find it pretty surprising how my Dad could call my Grandad (his Father-in-law) names and get away with it.
I remember later telling Mum in the most concerned voice; "Mum! Dad called Grandad DICK!"
Later I found out this was due to his last name being Whittington and had something to do with the story of Dick Whittington and his cat.

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My name is Alexander. When I was a little guy (3 or 4), I thought my first name was Alex and my middle name was Sander.

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When I was little, I thought that my Aunts had two names. Their first name was "Annie" and then they had another name to differentiate them.

"Annie-Dolores" and "Annie-Darlene"

Later, I learned that "Annie" was a corruption of "Auntie" and at that time, I decided to keep calling them that, because I liked it.

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I used to think that your name was your destiny, so whatever your name meant, you had to become/witness. Once I knew a kid named Cayden, which means round or lumpy, and I told him that some day he would turn into a potato... I got in trouble for that!

Some one...
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im from mexico therefore my english is not so good
When i was a child i used to believe that my name was just for the time while i was a kid and by the time when i grew up i'd change my name

and i waste a lot of time, thinking about what name i should have when i grow up...

for example,,
my name is samantha and i used to believe it was a name for a little girl.. and my name for adult.. should be Elizabeth.. because for me..it was a name for an adult...
i hope.. you understand some about what i wrote.
( im 19)

samantha ochoa cepeda.. de mty., mexico :P
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I used to believe that all fire engine drivers were called Dennis. Until my dad laughed and told me Dennis was the manufacturer's name.

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When I was about 3 or 4, I remember my grandmother introducing me to some acquaintance of hers and telling me to "say hello to the nice gentleman." Since I had never seen this man before, I thought that "gentleman" meant the same thing as "stranger." I didn't say anything to the gentleman because I had been taught never to talk to strangers. My grandmother gave me a talking to afterward about being rude.

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I used to believe that former Washington, DC mayor Marion Barry was two people, Mary and Barry...and Mary was his wife. When I was 10 I saw it spelled out on the news and finally realized it was just one person.

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I used to believe that Paganini was a type of food instead of a composer.

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I believed that my anorak was in fact an "Annarack" and therefore named after me! So, by default, you could have a "Katherinerack", a "Beckyrack" or a "Simonrack"

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I used to believe that Walt Disney was "Walk Disney". I imagined him spending his entie day walking up and down the sidewalks of Disneyland.

Jessica Tinch
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When I was young I asked my mom when I would change my name for a grown-up name. I was convinced that we were given a "child name" and that when we would grow, we would change name for an "adult name" like Rita or Gertrude.

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I thought a teacher's last name was their first name. Since my teacher's names were, Mrs. Zen, Mrs. Murry, and Mrs. Francis I thought their names were in fact, Zen, Murry, and Francis.
I concluded Mrs. Francis had the only normal parents.

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i used to think my aunt sandra was aunt bannana.

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When I was 5 my cousin told me a story about his friend, Ryan Jackson. I dont know what the story was about because before he could finish I asked if Ryan was related to Michael Jackson. When my cousin said no, we got into an argument because I thought no one in the world could have the same last name unless they were related.

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When I was very young, I believed that my parents actual names were "mum" and "dad".

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