i used to believe

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Growing up as a kid in western Pennsyvania, I thought Steeler great Franco Harris was named "Frank O'Harris." He didn't look very Irish to me.

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I used to think that the HON. (for example, HON. Judge Smith) meant honey. I couldn't figure out why judges seemed to be in such bad moods all the time when they had 'honey' right in their name.

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I always thought that Osama and Obama were the same people. Imagine my suprise when he ran for president! I was so confused until my parents explained to me they were different people. I was 13 at the time.

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my Dad is called Gary and until a few years i thought it was short for GARAGE, i was so upset when i found the truth out .
i've told my friend since and anyone called Gary we refrer to as GARAGE , they are slightly confused by us

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I used to believe that everyone who had the same first name must also have the same middle name. My younger brother is named Matthew Scott (we call him Scott) and I assumed that every Matthew I met was also Matthew Scott. (I have an uncommon name, and never met anyone else with it and that was only more proof somehow.)

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My mother is french, and my name is Marie, and the french word for husband is mari, pronounced the same way as my name. I remember getting angry at my mom for naming her little girl husband!hmm...then I met other Maries...

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my brother who is 2 years older than me, told me that he was king of the phillipines because his name was philip. i believed that up until i was about 7 and got more sense, though he still kept on insisting it was true...he neva gave up!

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My sister used to beieve that when you become a "grown up" you change your name to an adult name. This was because adult names were like Helen or Richard and kid names were like Daniel and Nicole.

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I used to think that the female version of a Squire was a Squirelle

Kid wow
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I used to think that Alex Trebek's name was Jeapoardy.

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I speak french, so when I was child and my english teacher said "usually" I used to think that she said "You, Julie" So I always thought she would talk about me and I was very shy

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When I Was in the thrid grade, There was a girl in my class known as "Sam", which I thought was a peculiar name for a girl, though I soon learned that it was a nkckname for "Samantha", a name I had not previously heard of. Also in my class was a girl named "Pam", whom I'd known since first grade. I decided that, since "Sam" was a nickname for "Samantha" (in the case of the new girl I'd met, at least, and presumably whenever a girl has the name "Sam"), "Pam" must be a nickname for "Pamantha". You should have seen the strange reactions the first time I referred to Pam as "Pamantha"!

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I used to think all guys we're called "Bill". So instead of saying "Who is that man?" I would say "Who is that Bill?" My mom said that happened because at that time the only men I really was around like my grandfather, uncle and cousin were all named Bill.

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When I was little, my mom had a People magazine with Brad Pitt on the cover. The headline described him as a "ladykiller." For the longest time, I actually thought Brad Pitt had murdered a lot of women!

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My father's name is Olav, and when I started reading I confused it with "oval" - and my Dad is not skinny, so it took me a few years to understand that I misspelled his name...

Slim Shady
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I used to believe that the name Geoff (Jeff) was pronounced Gee-off and I still sometimes
mistakenly say it that way even now. Also I used to think that the name Penelope was
pronouced like Pennell-lope (with the lope part sounding like antel(lope).

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One Christmas, I wanted a certain doll more than anything else in the world. Every day I would tell my parents about it, or I would point it out in the store. After kindergarten one day, I came home to find a bunch of toys, including the doll, but they were all marked "ED." I cried in my room because the things I wanted were all going to some girl named Ed who I'd never even met before. I never told my mom because I wanted to be good, and Christmas morning I finally opened my presents. There were the doll and all of the other presents. My mom, amused at my surprise, proceeded to explain to me what initials were.

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For the longest time I always thought babies where borned with Name Tags. So that people knew what to called them.

Generic Name Tag
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"Dad, how come in every war movie there is always a man named Lieutenant?"

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I used to beleive that someone's initials were the first two letters in their FIRST name because my brother's intials were CH and his name was Chris.

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