i used to believe

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I used to think Ellen Degeneres was Ellen The Generous. I figured that even today, people could be known with cool, old-timey epithets.

Anon The Smelly
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When I was about 7, there was this paper-boy whose name was "Perumal". Later we went to live at another place and there was some other paper-boy. One day I was telling my dad something aobut this paper-boy and I kept calling him "Perumal". I used to believe that one who brings paper is called "Perumal", like one who gives medicine is called doctor!

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When I was just getting ready to start kindergarten, my dad tried to teach me to write my name. He wrote "CRYSTAL" on a sheet of paper and told me those were the letters to my name. He didn't understand when I wrote"LCATRSY" (or something similar).
I thought the letters were MY letters (and no one elses) and I could use them in any order I wanted.
I wonder just how worried he was about me starting kindergarten.

SYRTALC (or something similar)
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When I was little I thought everyone with the same name as me had stolen my name (Stephen). Then when I was in 1st grade, a new boy came in named- guess what- Stephen. That night, my mom caught me in my room about to call the police on the "thief".

=) lol

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Up until a few years ago I thought that the SEAL in Navy SEALS was because they were trained to be vary agile in the water just like seals. Until later when I realized SEALs part was capitalized at it was an abrreviation for sea ,air, and land teams. Now I see , comically its a bit of both.

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I used to believe that Anon was a person who wasted all of his time posting hundreds of ridiculous beliefs on this site. Then, I eventually realized, "Anonymous...duh!" I'm glad I'm not the only one here who thought that.

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I used to believe that all people with the same last name were related. For instance, I thought actor George Kennedy was related to President Kennedy's family.

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I used to believe that when I turn 25, the government will send me a form that said I had to change my name (it was mandatory). I decided I would change it to Lucy.

Camille Noire
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My son, now 10 just found out today that he is not a nut, he thought that there was a kind of nut called macaDAMIAN nuts... cute.

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My mom has a thick "Rhode Islandese" Accent, and for the longest time (Up until I was 14-15) I thought my middle name was Collin, then I was suprised when I finally saw it written out - "Carlin"

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I used to think children had children's names and you would get a grown up name when you grew up. Or, i believed that grownups were born grownups and so they got their grown up names from the start. One or the other... i was always surprised when a woman had a name like lily of emma or jennifer. I would think, hey, she's got a child name, how strange.

Strange Crescent moon
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when i was a kid, i thought no one could possibly have the same first name as me. When i heard of someone else with my name i would get mad.

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When i was about 4, i thought that we would get a new name when we grow up, i was shocked when i found out that that was not true because i thought my name was silly and childish

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My nursery school teacher was named Mrs. Rainwater. But she didn't want us to call her that; she simply wanted us to address her as "Rainwater" (I guess "Mrs. Rainwater" would've been too much of a mouthful for 3-year-olds). When she explained that to me, she said, "Just call me plain Rainwater." Well, I understood that a little TOO literally and started addressing her as "Plain Rainwater"! Mrs. Rainwater didn't seem to mind, though, and my family thought it was hilarious!

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i once asked my dad how grownups got their signatures because I really wanted to have one. He told me you went to a signature bank and paid ten dollars and they gave you one. He thought I knew he was joking - until I asked him the next day where the closest one was!

Erin Jones
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One day my grandma and I were picking up my little brother from school. After he got in the car I noticed a boy had the same bookbag as him. I pointed it out to my brothe and he said: "Yeah that's Josh. His last name is Ua." (Josh+ua)

Kel "Evacuation Sign"
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My sister Rosie used to think that 'letters after your name' meant that the Queen sent you letters. And you had to run away from them.

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I always kind of wondered why we had middle names. I figured that they were around, like second-place winners and understudies, in case our "real" names were somehow unable to fulfill their duties as name and had to step back or take a breather for a little while.

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I thought Jack was a nickname for Jackery ( like Zack and Zachary).

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JFK was elected when I was 4. When I was 8, which was after JFK was asassinated, I surprised my parents by talking about "Elect Kennedy" as if "Elect" was his first name. When asked why I would refer to him that way, I explained that his name was "President Elect Kennedy". So, of course his first name must be "Elect" or why would they call him that?

Curt Coker
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