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When I was little a thought that if you believed in god the first easter after death, you would come be reserected.

Mikey B
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I used to believe that when u die u start another life in another body in another family

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When I was a kid my dad had an abstract picture. My brothers said that if you saw Jesus in it you were going to heaven and if you didn't you were going to hell. A lot of my friends saw Jesus in this picture, but I never did. When my Uncle (who drove the school bus) saw this abstarct piece of art he said "Where'd ya' get the picture of Jesus?" I knew then and there I was hell-bound.

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When i was a little girl i had this dream: i was on like this (eek forgotten what you call the thing you put your shopping on and it moves) and i was an eg,this big guy with a beard(who i thought resemnled santa clause) was sitting watching it go buy and when it came to me i talked to him about being put on earth and if i was sure and saw a baby (me) in a big bubble.
so up till i was ten i thought that was how people came to earth and what re-incarnation was

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For no explainable reason, I used to think that everyone's soul looked like a small child dressed in Victorian clothing. Maybe a wee too much Oliver as a kid?

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I used to believe that if you dug in the ground deep enough that eventually you would find the door to hell.

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I use to believe that when you die you become an animal like a dog or a rabbit etc. That god would asign you a sertain amount of animals then were your done being an animal if you were good at being one you would edventally go to heaven!!

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When I was 5 I used to think that the clouds were where God and the Angels were. When we were flying to Europe when I was 6, I looked despritly around in the window hopeing to see an angel. When we got to Europe, I realized there were no Angels up in Clouds...

Karli KandyBar
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When I was 5 I read a book about mummies and my sister told me that live people were made into mummies and then they had to live like that forever. I think we both misunderstood the book a little.

Don't ask please
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When I was very little (3 or 4) the family dog was injured in a fight and had to be put down. As we were driving to the vet, I asked my parents "Where is Duffer going?" Mom said "Heaven." At that moment we were driving past a big brown brick building, so I assumed that heaven was inside that building. It didn't look like much...

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i remember once going through the bible as a child and i randomly came upon something that said it was better for me to rip my eye out from watching adultery then to be cast into hell. and growing up with two very older brothers i can recall seeing a view R rated movies with some sexual scenes, after that i was scared out of my pants that God would throw me into hell when i died so i would pray everynight!

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I thought that spending eternity in hell was something like spending years in jail.

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Once a friend of mine told me about the reincarnation. To make it clear she gave me an egzample.For months I thought I will turn into the glass after I die.

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i used to think that when you flew in an airplane you would cut through heaven...so when i got off i'd turn around and check the door for any hand prints.

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i used to believe when you died you went to heaven and played sale of the century!!!!

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When I was younger my mom told me that when you died you would go to heaven and there would be gold and jewels everywhere, so me thinking heaven was just a place in the clouds I decided that when I died(at the time I was kinda hoping I was young and not old when I died)I would just throw off a whole bunch of jewels and expensives things then jump down myself because I thought I would be alive again... I was a greedy little child

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I used to think that whenever you saw those "sunbeams"..those breaks between the cloud when you see the actual beam go all the way down to the earth, I used to think those were the angels pathways, and if u stood in them long enough and believed--like when they came in through the window...u could try to get 'beamed up'-to heaven.

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once me and my friend were digging a hole, and we were convinced that if we dug far enough, we would reach hell. Although we rather hoped we'd just run into bugs bunny instead.

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I, who was raised by atheist parents, was told by Catholic schoolmates that if I was not baptized by the time I was 10 years old, I would go to hell.

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When I was little, I used to believe that whatever you were buried in or with after you died, is what you'd have in heaven. So when my grandfather died when I was 6, I started spouting off all this stuff we had to put in his casket, so he'd have it in heaven. The only good thing about this belief was that every time someone in my family died, I was sure to chear everyone up. It wasn't until I was 9 and my great grandmother died, that I realized you couldn't take anything with you to heaven.

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