i used to believe

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I thought that all my classmates are my cousins.

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I didn’t think pi was an actual number, and that my classmates were pulling the teacher’s leg when they used it, and I thought they were saying “pie” to make math equations that made no real sense. I then said “TV + Jar Jar…” and didn’t even answer, recess was next.

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When I first started elementary school, I remember thinking that when kids went to the nurse she took their temperatures rectally because that was the only way my mom ever did it at home. When I got sick I opened my whole mouth. I didn’t get the “under the tongue” thing.

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When I was a child, I used to believe that the school attic was full of ghosts and elfs.

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When I was younger I used to believe the bathroom in our school was haunted by a murderer that only appeared when it rained.

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For some reason, I used to think the school playground had some sort of resemblance to a beach.

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When i was in primary school i used to believe that in the last bathroom there was an evil clown

Fernanda Vaz
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In our school nativity play, the teacher shouted out 'choir!' when we had to sing Silent Night, but I thought she said 'quiet!', so everyone looked at me when they were singing, and I didn't join in! Talk about heavenly peace!

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I used to think the writer's workshop lessons we had in primary school would be like some of carpentry or DIY workshop, and pictured a man from somewhere like Homebase or IKEA coming into the classroom, and saying 'who are these people in my workshop?!'

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I used to have this very strange idea, not sure why exactly, that there was some sort of plagiarist law for schoolkids about quoting book characters in certain situations, so when I was 11, in year 6, I had this cringe-worthy incident when we heard the word 'bossy' used in a school lesson that was being read to us in English class, it brought back this memory of when I'd randomly told two classmates to 'stop being bossy', although they weren't really, I was just quoting someone from a book that I thought of at the time, and I managed to discreetly cry about it in the next lesson, until a boy saw my tear-stained face at lunchtime, and luckily he wasn't interfering enough to actually tell on me, because he'd just noticed, but then everyone did, and the headmistress and dinner lady believed that I had really been 'bullied' escpecially when I didsn't want to name anyone, since it was all made up, and I certainly didn't want anything to happen to me or anyone, both started panicking about me, thinking I'd really been 'bullied', when I tried to explain this phobia I had and had to convince them that it really was just made up!

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I used to believe that when the teacher said 'work hard at school' it meant writting with your pen pressed down as hard as possible... It therefore confused me when l was punished for the results of my 'hard work' which was a writting exercise book torn by the excessive force l was exerting on the ball point pen.

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I used to believe, instead of in a weekday/weekend pattern, whether or not there was school on a certain day was totally ranfom.

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I once randomly thought out loud that school days were 14 hours long, only to find out that it's actually 6. No idea why.

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I used to think that going to university would be like going to boarding school, hence the fact that you stay overnight. No wonder I never had a chance to go.

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You know those shirts you wear in school for P.E which say "physed"? For the longest time I misread it as saying "psyched" and wondered why they had the kids shirts that said that.

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When I was four through six, I attended this school which had "the golden rules", only the paper these rules were written on was actually yellow, not gold, so I thought that they ought to be called the "yellow rules".

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I went to a private school as a child, and I thought they were called "private schools" because you weren't supposed to tell anyone about them. It was weird every time my relatives asked how I was doing in school, only to get the response of "That's a secret."

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When I was five or six, I drew on a globe and a teacher snapped, "You must not draw on school property!!".
So I thought that drawing wasn't allowed on school premises.

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In 1st grade the teacher told us on our first day that we could get detention for misbehaving, and I was terrified of having it happen to me. I thought detention meant you weren't allowed to go home that day and you had to stay at school all night copying lines onto the chalkboard until class started again the next morning. One day I finally did get detention - I was whistling during class and didn't admit to it when the teacher asked who was whistling; but a girl one desk over told on me. My impending detention was the only thing I could think about for the rest of class. Needless to say, I was VERY surprised and underwhelmed when the teacher told me, 5 minutes after everyone had left, that my detention was over and that I could go home.

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When I first went to School, I thought it was like hell. It's not as a bad as I thought, hehe

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