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top belief!
someone once managed to convince me that there was such as thing as a sand magnet. i had been to the beach one day and was complaining about the sand in my shoes. he said "what you need, is a sand magnet"
"what?" i replied. so he told me
"you know that sand makes silicone, and silicone makes glass? well how d'u think men carry those big panes of glass across roads? they use a glass/sand magnet"
he almost managed to convince me that i could pick one up from a D.I.Y store.
thank god i didnt attempt to buy one...i might have looked a little silly. sad thing is...the person who told me this was a boyfriend, and it was only about 2 yrs ago....i'm 20 now!
I used 2 believe that because our computer was soo slow and from what my dad told me that the internet asked every site ru .(insert url here)! i still kinda think that 2 this day
When i was little i saw my mom typing on the computer really fast. I thought she was just hitting letters. So one day i decided to do it and i broke the key board!
I used to think that html stood for hotmail and shtml stood for shitmail
I believed that any time my family did anything requiring electricity or fuel - turn on the stove, answer the telephone, drive the car - it was processed and governed by a giant central computer somewhere with technicians running around and big flashing lights. I was never quite clear on whether they controlled things, or just monitored them, but I knew surely they were required to turn on the oven and the telephone and the car in the first place.
as a child i used to believe that inside a radio tower, there were many people in futuristic clothing dancing inside rooms that were covered with silver wallpaper. I guess that's why i am a designer.
my mom always told me that if i kept watching the microwave oven while it was going that i would mutate from the energy waves or something. only later did i not only realize that this probably could never happen but she had no clue what she was talking about.
im still afraid of the microwave though
sometimes, and this onlt started a little bit ago, i go into the computer room, turn on the computer then run like hell so it wont see who turned it on..i mean come on, everyones cranky when somebody wakes them up!!
Ibelieved only computers could think.((i started at a too early age my mom says))
When I was like 4 or 5 (don't remember exactly), I asked my dad why we had to turn off the computer after that "It is now safe to turn off your computer." thing appeared. He said it would blow up if we didn't do that. I was always careful to shut down the computer at the right time until I saw my dad just push the off button on the computer and nothing happened.
top belief!
I used to believe that your computer mouse was really a mouse, in camouflage. I would pet them everyday...but I was puzzled why they wouldn't accept the food from me.
When I was a kid I was scared of installing things because I thought you had to do it fast because it always shows like a wire with flamey sparks going around the Earth, so I thought if I didnt do it fast enoughm, the earth would burn up
(I stopped believing this when I was 8)
When my friend was younger, she thought that little people lived in her cd player and when she played cds the little people sang for her!!
top belief!
when i was on the computer one day, the screen suddenly turned blank and said that there was a FATAL ERROR. i was so scared by the word FATAL that i thought i was gonna die. my mom WAS right. i was stupid.
top belief!
In our old microwave, there was a square place where the light/heat came from (I guess it was the heat) that was really bright. Well I thought if I talked to it I could talk to people in Heaven. So whenever I heated something, I'd start talking to my deceased grandfather.
top belief!
I used to believe that there were millions of little hampsters on running wheels in order to supply us with electricity.
I think Saturday morning cartoons instilled this in me.
I remember thinking as a child, that by the time the year 2005 came, we would all be in flying cars and using hover boards! Man....was I wrong.
The way we're going, we'll be lucky if we see another 100 years!
when i was a little kid (about 5), i thought there were little people in computer speakers. I thought whenever you would turn the volume up a little needle poked their butts to make them be louder. So (being a kind person) i always turned the speaker down.
I joined the navy at 18 to be on a submarine. The recruiter talked me into choosing nuclear power plant operator for my job-path and I thought it sounded pretty cool even though I knew zero about nuclear power. The next day in high-school I'm telling a friend about joining and running the sub with nuclear power and stuff and he says to me "oh, so they don't use propellers anymore?", and I'm like "no, they use nuclear power now." I guess I was picturing it to be some sort of jet propulsion type thing with 'nuclear power' shooting out the back of the boat to push it through the water. After boot-camp I started the classroom training and I was a little dissapointed by the low-tech reality of nuclear power. For those who don't know all it does is boil water to create steam for turbines.
On another note about the navy, I didn't realize until boot-camp that wood isn't used to build ships. I knew the outside was steel but I figured the inside must be at least partially wood to reduce the weight. What did I know, I was from Nebraska and had never even seen the ocean!
top belief!
1) I was about 10 in 1980 and worried frequently about nuclear war with the USSR. I didnt understand how it worked and somehow concoted this theory that our country and the USSR had buried wires that ran all the way through the Earth to just underneath the other country. If one wanted nuclear war you just push a button and poof! that country vaporizes.
2) One girlfriend I had didn't understand how the space shuttle left the Earth's atmosphere b/c she thought the Earth was surrounded by some sort of glass-like window. She was 25! My current girlfriend confessed to me that when she first immigrated to the US from Vietnam she saw her first vending machine in the airport. When she saw someone use it and get change she figured there must be a midget inside to couint the money. She was 18!
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