i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to believe that if I could get a huge diamond which I could place on top of a thick flashlight, I could create one of those cool, powerful lasers they showed all the time in cartoons.

Andres Cabezas
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top belief!

I used to believe an answering machine was a device that answered ANY questions you asked it, through some kind of magic.

Andres Cabezas
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I used to believe the speakers recorded my voice, not a built in microphone. I tried this on every speaker I owned and thought that I only had luck with some of them.

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I used to believe that the name of the Commodore 64 home computer was Commandore 64.

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I used to think that if you want to write programs in machine code, you need two monitors for your computer: The ordinary one and a machine code monitor.

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When I was a kid, I had two computers in my home, an Amiga 500 which uses the common 3 ½ inch floppy disks and a Commodore Colt that takes the older 5 ¼ inch floppy disks. Neither of my two computers back then had hard disk drives so I jumped to the conclusion that the 3 ½ inch disks of the Amiga were all hard disks because they had a much harder surface and were less flexible than the 5 ¼ inch disks. I had over one hundred games for the Amiga and I told some of the teachers at my school that I had a computer with over one hundred hard disks and they were wondering how the heck my family could afford so many hard disks and how I could fit all of the hard disks into my computer. I believed that all 3 ½ inch floppy disks were hard disks until I was 14, when my Info Tech teach set me straight by getting my to write one hundred lines stating that 3 ½ inch disks are floppy disks.

Confused Freak
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When I was little I knew that if you ran "C:\Con\Con" on a windows 95/98 PC it was mess up the computer. I thought that "C:\Con\Con" was some kind of magic word that would mess up or kill anything you said it to, or wrote on. I was horrified that I might absent-mindedly mumble it to myself or write it on myself. I once had a nightmare that it happened and I died. One die I was fed up with my little brother, so I wrote on his forehead "C:\Con\Con" during his nap, because I knew it was mess up his head. I still write it on things I don't like, it's a force of habit. I'm a nerd.

I miss my Windows 95 :(
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when i was little (15 now) my cousin had the kind of lamps that u tap to turn on/off and so on. she had me convinced that that she did it with magical powers....i dint learn until 5 years later when my mom bought me one for my birthday!

my birthday is july 26!! im a leogirl
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I grew up in a household that was rather behind-the-times, technologically. When I was in 7th grade (1995-96), the only computer we owned was a hopelessly obsolete old MacIntosh.

So one day in Social Studies class, the teacher asked, "Do any of you know who the richest person in the world is?"

A boy answered, "Bill Gates. He's got, like, fifty billion dollars."

"And who is Bill Gates?"

"The guy who invented Windows."

The guy who invented windows. My first thought was, "Wow! No wonder he's so rich-- I've never seen a house without windows."

My second (slightly more intelligent) thought was, "Wait... The guy who invented windows is still alive? How OLD must he be?!"

I forget how long it took me to realize they were talking about the operating system. I'm glad I didn't say anything out loud-- otherwise they never would've let me move up to 8th grade.

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This goes for my friend

He thought when online ordering first came out. The item would just pop out of the computer screen!

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I used to think that my computer had a mind of its own. Whenever i ever was in a bad mood, my computer would strangeley enough run faster and download stuff faster, as if it were comforting me. Whenever i pushed my computer to much, it ould get angry and run slower and make me do worse in video games.

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One day at my grandma's house I was looking at a book that I wanted on Amazon.com. My cool grandmother came in, and, without question, bought the book for me and my little brother. i knew it would be a few days before we got it in the mail, but my brother sat anxiously in front of the printer, asking where it would come out.

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When I was little, my grandma had a printer that made a whirring sound as it printed the paper. It sounded like a little voice saying, "Help me, help me, help me!" MY printer, on the other hand, had a cute little voice that said, "f*** you, f*** you, f*** you..."

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i used to believe that I could not make a camera self- potrait since I would have to stare in the lens & pose ( with a smile) at the same time! (impossible!!!!!)

J@M & $uG@r
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I used to think that I could put a audio tape into the VCR (even though the audio tape is too small) and it will still work. I once tried it and it broke.

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My sister thought that she could video me by simply inserting the VHS tape into the VCR sideways.

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I thought if you point the video camera at the TV then both the video camera and the TV will explode.

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top belief!

I thought that if you wanted to print something out in landscape, you had to buy a special sideways-printing printer.

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I used to believe that if someone took a picture of another person, the person in the picture would stay in that position/place forever.

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I thought horsepower meant how fast horses can run. But 200 horses can't run any faster than 2, so why was 200 horsepower better than 2?.....

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