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top belief!

When I was 8 some girls at school told me that vaginas were poisonous and boys had to wear condoms or else they'd die.

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I saw a condom machine in a mens toilet and thort it was a conudrum machine. lol.

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top belief!

My parents never gave me 'The Talk' when I was younger, yet thanks to television and friends, I knew pretty much everything about sex.

Nobody ever told me about condoms though.

Until I was about 13, I thought Condoms were just another brand of antacid tablets, like Alka-Seltzer, because they were both the same shape and size when they were wrapped.

I had really bad indigestion one day, and asked my mother for a condom to get rid of my stomache pains.

...She still hasn't let me forget about that...

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Iīve used to believe when I was 5 that a condom is a hat for a litlle mouse on the rain.Now Iīm 11 and I know that condomīs use as a contraception.

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top belief!

I had only seen condom packets and I knew that they were supposed to prevent pregnacy so I assumed they were to stick over the girl so the penis couldn't go in. Then I thought "so how is sex different from kissing naked?"

Should know by now
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when i was 7 i used to believe condoms where like those brush ups for your teeath later i realized i was wrong! :0

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top belief!

When I was in primary, I heard the big kids talking about condoms. For a while I thought that they were some sort of life-jacket. I still don't understand how i made that connection...

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top belief!

when i was about 7 or 8, my friends and i would always go swimming at our health club's swimming pool. one day, we found a condom floating in the water. i picked it up, and my friend said it was probably a lotion sample from the locker room. we opened it, and we thought it was a bathing cap for your boob, (it was probably an XXL) we always thought that was incredibly funny until a few years later, after we knew what condoms were, we were looking back, and suddenly we all realised that what we were playing w/ was a condom. we were horrified and embarresed for weeks.

summer girl
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top belief!

For a while when I was younger, i used to thing that you ate a condom, becauses I was watching room raiders and it said some thing about flavored condoms. when i found out what a flavoured condom was used for, i was SO grossed out.

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top belief!

When I was 8 or so, I thought that condoms were just high tech balloons.

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my belief when i was 14 was that why use a condom when you could get pregnet eather way you go. and i herd that if you fart during sex you will get pregnet cuz the condom could break and if you burped or sneezed that you would die during sex

sherry nomans
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When my sister was in 6th we were talking about condoms and she asked if that something you put in your hair.

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I used to believe that condoms and condiments were the same thing cause they sounded the same except for i thought they just pronounced condoms wrong when they said condiments and that that was just some peoples way of saying condoms.

Dumb Butt
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When I was little I had the belief that people who use condoms will have children with the same colors as them... white,black,yellow. Later I learned it`s not like that and I was a little disapointed cause I wanted a black sister with curly hair and a perfect smile.

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I used to believe that condoms were tiles. Like tiles that go on a bathroom or kitchen floors. I honestly don't know why.

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When at a cricket match there were blowen up condom's floating around, and my sister who was about 9 at the time saw one of the condoms and when it came our way went to grab it because she thought it was a baloon and we had to tell her that it was a yucky baloon and that we would buy her a real baloon.

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when i was like 8 yrs. old, i used to think that condoms where like those lane bryant strecth pads. when i saw 1 at the layne bryant store, i said "LOOK MOMMY! CONDOMS!" we all did somthing stupid at our age, right?

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I was merrily rooting throught my parents drawers and found a condom, I opened it and of course was intrigued as to what it was, I asked my Dad and he said it was like a sock... so I wandered downstairs to my Mum and she saw what was in my hands and said 'What's that?' I said 'Dad says it's like a sock, he's so silly, where is the heel bit?'

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top belief!

When I was about 8 me and my friend watched the movie Coneheads, in one of the scenes one of the coneheads pulls out a package of condoms and starts chewing on one. my friend then asked me what that was that he was chewing on, me knowing quite abit for my age told him it was a condom. he then asked me what a condom was, i wouldnt tell him because i found it awkward, we then had a moment of silence and suddenly he burst out and said
"i know what a condom is" i said
"what is it then?"
He said,
"its for old men to put on their penis' so they dont pee themselves"
me, just wanting to end the conversation said,
"yeah thats right"
He then ran to his parents and yelled out,
"I know what a condom is!"
...his parents loved me from that moment on

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I used to think that a shopping bag would make a suitable condom.

Clued-up Kid
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