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When I was about 11, my teacher did the sex education thing with us. She passed round a condom and I thought it was gum so i chewed it. And then this kid who knew what they were used for laughed at me andthe teacher went mad coz i was chewing a condom!!

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I use to think condoms was something very small, something you put inside the hole of the penis not over the penis.

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When i was little i read a book about sex and puberty. i knew that girls had to use tampon when they got older and i thought a guy had to wear a condom every month when he got older. i was worried that i would have to ask my mum to buy me condoms when i was older. good thing i found out what they were.

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I thought a condom was made of hard plastic and shaped exactly like the penis, not soft or floppy like a deflated balloon. Consequently, I wondered, how do guys get them to fit exactly right?!

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Once, I was in a theatre production of the Sound Of Music. We had microphones, and the mic packs (the square-shaped part that connects to the actual mic with a wire) weren't picking up sound right. So they started putting condoms on the packs to help the sound quality. Well, we had a five year old in the show, and she came up to me, holding the condom from her microphone, and said, "What's this?" I deliberated for a minute before saying simply, "it's a special microphone pack cover." Poor little girl! Years from now when she sees a condom again, she'll think it's a mic-pack cover!

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I saw a movie with John Travolta in it. He was talking to some girl and she had said something about condoms, then he flipped out a butterfly knife.
Until I was 15, I thought a condom was a knife.

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In the third grade, I had a friend who was a year or so older than me. One day, she told me about how her older sister was 'allowed' to have sex since she used condoms. I asked what they were, and she said that her sister showed her one, and it looked like a bag with white stuff at the bottom.

I then believed that condoms were sandwich baggies with little white pills in it.

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When I was 6 my family had a fourth of July BBQ at our house with all of our relatives and close family friends. Just as dinner had finished cooking I stood up and screamed at the top of my lungs that I was going to go get the condoms so we could eat. I thought that condoms and condiments were the same thing.

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When I was in grade 6 my friend asked if I knew what a condom was. I said, "of course I know what a condom is! It's a tall building with apartments!"

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I use to think that condoms had to be used because whenever a man and a woman slept together they automatically had sex and couldn't stop it. Why else would you need them.. there's no reason to intentionally have sex if you don't want to become pregnant.

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When i was 10, i use to go at pharmacy near where i was living with my mom and sisters, near the casher, there was aller candys of differents colors, each time i was asking my mom to buy somes but she never wanted to and each time the sallers were laughing at me... Now i realized that it wasn't candy, it was condoms !

Johnny from Qc
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I am an English female, and middle-aged. Back in the 1960s, my friend and I (being really embarrassed about periods and sanitary pads) thought that if we had to wear THEM once a month, condoms must be for a similar function in boys! We actually believed that boys had to go and buy condoms on a regular basis!!

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When I was little my dad took me to the toilets in a restaruant and when I asked him what the condom machine was he told me they were balloons for older boys! You can only imagine his response when I asked if I could have one to take home! haha

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In fifth grade, I had seen a condom in its packaging, where it just looks like a ring. For quite a while, I thought a condom just fit on the base of the penis (like a ring on your finger) and somehow shot invisible rays that kept any sperm from coming out. It wasn't until I bought one and opened it that I realized the non-scifi truth.

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I was once so naive that I thought that condoms were the male equivilent of tampons as although my Mum told me about periods, she never said men didn't get them either! So when the girl I used to sit by in English at age 11 said she would do it with Ayrton Senna as long as he wore a johnny I was absolutely appalled at the thought.

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Before I really knew what condoms were I used to believe that you would put them on like scuba gear...I really thought it was something you wore allo ver your body!

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One time when i was in second grade we went on a really long field trip so we stoped about half way to use to the restrooms at a rest stop.As i walked into the bathroom i saw a friend of mine blowing up a condom!As he saw me come in he said"Look at this realy long balloon i found!".The worst part is that...well it was used.ewwwww...

Feal sorry for him
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When I was about 7, I had found some condoms in my parents bedroom, and I brought it up to my dad asking him what it was. He had me convinced that they were "water balloons" so I filled them up with water and threw them at passing cars, not knowing what I had done until years later.

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When I was about ten years old I was helping my dad and uncle cut and split fire wood for the winter. I had overheard them say something about a condom and I laughed. My dad asked why I was laughing and asked if I even knew what one was. Hanging with the men I proudly explained that it was to keep the gel in! Although close, I still had no idea what the gel was or were exactly it kept it in!

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I used to believe that condoms were rare expensive water balloons

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