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getting pregnant

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When I was younger, I thought the woman got pregnant when the man kissed her with his tongue.

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When I was little I asked my mum how some eggs have chicks in and some don't. She told me that a girl hen just had to see a boy hen and the eggs would have chicks in. I believed that until I was 14!

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I used to believe women could get pregnant just from sleeping in the same bed as a man.

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When I was young, I heard my parents talking about this kid I knew named Shane, and how his mom was "24 when she got pregnant with Shane". I thought that meant his own mother got pregnant with him. Confused me for years.

Shane's Friendly Neighborhood Idiot
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I used to believe that when parents wanted to have a baby the dad would touch the mom's stomach and she would be pregnant.

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When my mom became pregnant with my little sister, she said that God gave us a baby. I believed this until I learned about sex, but she still thinks she can tell that thing about God to me!

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When I was around 5, my mom took me to a science museum. They had a display about reproduction, which included a mural featuring sperm. After seeing this, I came to the conclusion that when parents have their "wedding kiss", sperm comes out of the guys mouth and gets the girl pregnant.

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I used to believed that a woman got pregnant when she married, even if she never had sex, but if she wasn't married she had to sleep with someone to have a baby.
My friend teased me and said that his parents never had sex because they where married and my parents had sex because the where not. I started crying and ran home when he told me, thinking that i really had to get married so i would not have to have sex.

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When I was a child, I thought that I was originally in the 'tummy' of an old French woman, but everyone thought I should be in my own mummy's tummy, so the teleported me over there.

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When I was only 3-7 years old I used to tell all my friends that if you put your tongue in someone else's mouth you'll get pregnant. So whenever my parents started kissing I woukd scream that I didn't want a little brother or sister

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I used to believe that people were born pregnant and everyone had a baby eventually. I remember being about 5 and thinking I'd probably grown at least a toenail inside of me by now.

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I asked my mom why babies look like their dads if they came out of the mom, and she said when people get married they mix DNA. I thought they needed surgery before the wedding.

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I used to think that you get pregnant when the mummy kisses the daddy. Then I realised that couldn't be true because my mum and dad kissed all the time. I was confused. When I was 8 or 9 my mum told me about sex. I knew already about sex and thought it was naughty. I said '' but mummy you and daddy never had sex did you?'' then she explained

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When I was little, I asked my parents the obvious question "where do babies come from?" My parents told me that babies came from the hospital.

for years, i truly believed that there was a shop full of babies, one room full of chinese babies, white babies, black babies and asian babies, and you would go to the shop and buy one to match the ethnicity of your family!

it was only when i went to year 7 when I found out where babies really came from!

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When I was little and my mother told me how I was in her belly when she was pregnant, I thought that also meant I could crawl up her throat and see out her mouth.

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My mom told me that in order to get pregnant and give birth to a baby, woman must eat only chocolate exclusively for 9 month... and I used to believe her... Then one day we were playing in the yard and one of the older boys started scientific explanations of the process, I disagreed and we had a fight. Kids around us divided in two camps, half believed to me and half - to him. At the end we all made peace and decided that both ways probably work...

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I used to believe that a child was born when 2 people got married and had their magical kiss that would make the women get pregnant. so out of curiosity i would ask my parents at totally random times how a baby was made. They would always say that it was a bad time to ask and they would tell me later

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When I was around 5 years old, I heard from several friends that if you ate a watermelon seed you would get pregnant. I ate a lot of watermelon seeds that summer...I loved babies and couldn't wait to be a mom!

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I used to believe that when people got married and kissed afterwards that the kiss caused them to have a baby after they were married.

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i used to think that when girls got older and got married, they could just want to have a kid and magically it would happpen.

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