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You can get pregnant from kissing

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when I was little I believed that you got pregnant by kissing, so then I asked my mom if movie stars had at least 15 children each since they kissed all the time in the movies!

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This is insane but, when I was in grade 3, in the school yard. I noticed all my friends huddled in a circle. In the middle of the circle was this girl, Bernadette, and she was sobbing. I went over to see what was going on and the girls told me that Bernadette was pregnant. I knew that meant she was going to have a baby, but I had no idea how it happened.
I asked how that happened and they explained that this boy Eric had ran up to her and kissed her on the lips and that was how babies are made. We were all horrified and did our best to comfort her....in grade 3!

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when i was around five or six i heard my nine year old neighbor talking about sex and having a baby. I was a curious little girl and i asked how a baby got to be in the womans belly to begin with. She told me that a woman got pregnant by french kissing a man and then the woman would bite off the end of a mans tounge and swallow it and therefore she would get pregnant. Needless to say, when my first boyfriend asked if i wanted to french kiss, i freaked out and said "no i am to young to have a baby!" lol

kangaroo katie
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I used to think that all you had to do to get pregnant was kiss a person of the opposite sex. I stayed away from all the boys I could.

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When I was seven, an older girl who lived next door told me that women became pregnant when a man gave them a French kiss. That year a boy in school kissed me and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I punched him in the face, then watched my stomach for months, convinced he'd gotten me pregnant.

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when i was six, i had my first "boyfriend". well, one day he kissed me on the lips. That night, my parents heard me crying in my bed and asked why. I told them that i got kissed and now i was pregnant. I then very seriously asked them to take care of my baby until i finish elementary school.

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I used to run around kissing all the girls, my sister then told me that I would get them pregnant if I kept doing it. I was horrified because I didn't have a job to support my baby, so immediately stopped kissing the girls.
It was shortly after that when I overheard my parents talking about how a neighbours daughter couldn't be pregnant because she was "only 16". I was immediately relieved and resumed kissing the girls because I was 8 and figured I had at least 8 more years.

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When I was around 5-years old, a friend told me that you could get pregnant by kissing. I was so scared for months afterward whenever my mother would kiss me goodnight!

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Back in the day, i used to think that the women got pregnant when the man kissed the woman; The baby would go into the womans mouth, and then she would swallow it. later the baby would tear through her stomach. (like a chicken through an eggshell crossed with a C-Section) I think i got this idea from an episode of family matters. Later i thought that only married people were allowed to kiss.

Ima Lrightnow
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When I was little I used to believe that when people kissed, the girl would get pregnant. So every time I watched a movie with my parents and someone in the movie got kissed I'd yell "She's gonna have a baby now!"

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When I was a young girl (around 4), my best friend completely talked me into giving him a kiss on the mouth because he said "everyone does it...I see it on TV all the time!"
Needless to say, it was a very quick smooch and suddenly I freaked out, ran home crying, raced up the stairs sobbing & slammed my bedroom door. My mom and older sister begged me to tell them what was wrong.
I honestly didn't know how to explain the fact that when I woke up the next morning, there would be a newborn baby and a crib in my room just because of a smooch & a stupid boy!

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I used to believe that people made babies simply by kissing. I held onto that belief even after my dad sat me down and told me the facts of life, because I didn't believe him. It was just too gross.

Dave P.
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when i was little i got my first kiss in school...then i thought that it made me pregnant so i was crying the whole day trying to figure out how to tell my mom

oh yeah
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I used to believe that a woman got pregnant by kissing a man. When I finally got THE TALK from my mom, she asked how I thought a woman got pregnant, so I told her by kissing. She then laughed and asked why I had never gotten pregnant when my dad had kissed me. I had never thought of that.

I also used to check the toilet after I had gone "number 2" just to make sure I hadn't had a baby.

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When I was 6 I thought you could get pregnant from kissing and so when me and my friend watched soap operas, we thought that the reason the actresses didn't get pregnant from kissing was because they put a special cream on their mouths.

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When i was little i thought that you would get pregnate by kissing someone...noone ever told me this but i would try and figure it out and i was watching an "i love lucy" and when she had her kid i came to the conclusion it MUST come from kissing becasue nothing could happin at night..they sleep in different beds!

Paige Locke
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My Mum always had me convinced that babies were made from kissing on the lips and that they came out of belly buttons!

So being a family orientated type of girl, I used to go round kissing everyone and trying to get a baby coming out of my belly button!

Lisa Edson
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I used to think that women got pregnant by kissing men. The sperm flew up from his scrotum, through the man's lips, into the woman's body and back down to her womb. This I believed, and was forced to explain in front of a whole class at the age of 11.

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I used to think that when two people got married, their DNA automatically tranfered to eachother when they kissed, which is why their baby looked like them. I thought this 'till I was like 8 and then my friend told me the truth.

Big idiot
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i used to believe that if u kissed a boy u would get pregnant.i was scared when i had my first kiss.

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