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giving birth

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My wife thought that, in order to give birth, the woman would have her head cut off, and the doctor would sew it on after the delivery. Since the neck was the only "hole" that would be large enough to pass a baby through, this seemed to make sense to her.

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Like a lot of other kids I believed that babies were either brought by a stork or purchased from a special baby market.
I talked to a fully pregnant lady when I was about 6 and was a little shocked that a full-size baby would live in someone's belly like that.

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Up until I was a Freshman in high-school, I thought babies came out of a woman's butt.

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I believed that as soon as babies were born, they were able to crawl. I believed this until I was 25, got pregnant, and took a parenting class.

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I thought, up untill age seven, that babies wer born through the mother's belly button!

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When my brother was younger, he used to think that babies grew in a woman's bladder and that she would just pee her baby out into the toilet.

When he got a little older, he though that babies grew in a woman's stomach and she would vomit her baby up.

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when i was about seven iued to think that women could give birth by pressing their belly button but when i asked my mum she said "if only" i now know the horrifying truth

bench warmer
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When I was very young my mom used to jokingly tell me that when I was born, I was just a big poop. I felt so bad for my mom and any woman sporting a big belly. One day when my mother and I were on the bus, I saw a woman who looked as though she was going to bust the baby out at any moment. I went up to the lady and told her, "I hope that when you poop your baby wont hurt you too much." She just looked at my like I had two heads. My mom had to explain to me where babies really came out of.

Extremely gullible
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when i was little, i know its gross but i thought that babys came out of their mom's bums!!!!
i know its gross so i everyday day when i went to the toilet, i always used as less force as possible cause i thought even boys can have babies

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I used to believe that to give birth you simply pressed your belly button and the baby popped out! If only it were that easy!! well why else would it be called a 'button'! Also at a different stage in my life I was worried that the baby might accidently pop out while you were on the toilet!!

x~naive child~x
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Because everyone told me babies were always born in hospitals I used to believe babies could only be born in hospitals and by caesarean section.

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Before I learned about anatomy I used to believe babies came from a woman's cleavage. I would sit for hours staring at women's breasts waiting for a baby to poke their head out.

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I used to Believe that when you had a baby it came out of your butt.

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my friend used to think that a miscarriage was when the mom dropped their babies in a grocery store

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I used to think that all babies were born in the middle of the night.

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When I saw scenes on t.v. where a woman would give birth (not graphic scenes- just hear the woman scream and a doctor would be there and then suddenly the doctor would be holding a baby) I thought the baby actually came out of the woman's stomach, I think one time I asked my mom how the doctor could get the baby out of the woman's stomach. She didn't really answer!

better out than in!
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I used to believe, when my mom told me babies came out of mothers' stomachs, that their pregnant tummies lifted open, just like the hood of a car. It made sense to a 5 year old me.

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I used to think that when babies were born they came out of the belly button.

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when i was younger, i had this body book that explained lots of things, but i only looked at the pictures cuz i never felt like reading it. there was this one part about having babies and it had a drawn picture of a woman having a baby and it looked like the baby was coming out of a slit in her inner thigh. for the longest time, i thought this was how a baby was born until 5th grade when we had sex-ed and i found out that that is not in fact how a baby is born. needless to say, i was a little emberessed...

body book reader
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when i was little i thought that babies came from your belly button until one day when a girl in my class asked me if i knew where babies came from..when i said yea shes like "the...you know..." then i figured it out for sure and asked my mom what happens if you have to pee. stunned that i knew thats how you give birth she just said on the table...i was so confused

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