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giving birth

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When I was a child, i used to belive that a baby comes out from mom's navel not vagina, until I studied biology in school

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when i was little and not as smart as i am now, I was under the impression there were two types of birth. Those which you had through your stomach (near enough right on this one) and the other through slicing open the crook in your arm............i havent a clue how i dreamt up that one.

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When i was little i used to think a woman's tummy would deflate like a balloon when the baby was taken out.

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When my little brother was little (about 5) he asked my dad where babies came from. Dad told him that they come out of the mother through the birth canal. Later on that day dad told my brother to tell my mother what he had learned about babies that day. He said that daddy told him that babies come from the "baby corral".

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When I was a little kid, I don't know why, but I thought when a woman had a baby, she would lay on her stomach and it came out of her butt. And when she was having a baby, the baby would trigger something in her neck muscle and she would be able to twist it around and see the baby coming out. Wierd huh?

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For some reason I believed that when a woman was about to have a baby that somehow, and I didn't know how, that the doctor's put a zipper on the mom's belly and then would unzip her and take the baby out.

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A very obvious one, I used to believe that when pregnant women, like my mother at the time (I was three), had their babies, they had to push their belly button and then the baby would come out. I am now 16 and my mother is pregnant again, thankfully I no longer believe this.

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when i was little i asked my mom how the doctor's knew if a baby was a boy or a girl. my mom told me they had a "special gift" because they were doctors.

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When i was younger, i used to think that babies came out of the belly button. and i would always wonder why men couldnt have children

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Until I was about five years old, I thought that babies were born wearing clothes.

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i used 2 believe babies were born through your belly button

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When I was about six or seven I was just starting to learn about having babies, having sex, etc. When I asked if it hurt, my mom said that it was like going number 2. I remember being terrified of going number 2. in the bathroom because I always thought a baby was going to come out.

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When I was little girl, I overhead family members discussing childbirth - how long the labour was, how much pain the woman had, etc. - and I thought I had figured out why the woman had pain: the baby was biting its way out through her body. OUCH!!

Joan Muir
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I used to beleive that when a baby was born, you couldn't touch it because it's skin was so thin that you'd tear it, and it would bleed to death. I heard this from a TV show on discovery channel. I now remember that they were actually talking about some very premature-birthed babies, but the word "premature" was beyond my understanding at the time. So I thought this was the case with all babies. When I said this in 1st Grade, the teacher finally corrected me.

Daniel Muir
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when i was a kid i thought babys came out of peoples bellybuttons and that men could too

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i used to think that when the mom was showiring the baby would just fall out of her butt

butt baby
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When I was little I use to believe that a mom could decide the gender of her baby at birth. I did not know that the ambilical cord was attached to the belly button and i believed that if you wanted a boy you would leave a little bit of the cord and if you wanted a girl you would cut it all off. wow.

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I used to believe that since babies grew in your stomach,they HAD to come out of your stomach,belly button first.Since my mom told me about the tube in a mothers stomach connecting to your belly button,I believed babies had to come from a mom's stomach.If the mom couldn't tear her stomach open,the doctor had to use a knife.That's why I was scared to death of having a baby,but when I was ten I learned about C Section and that stuff.I never believed they could come out through your legs!After reading the article in a magazine I didn't believe babies were born in between the legs cause I just didn't want to,for like...a month.How could the fit through there??

Absolutely nuts
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i used to believe that women gave birth out of their ears. when i was very young i saw a birth on tv and the baby came out of a flappy opening with hair around it. the only place i had hair was on my head! i carried this image with me and told all my friends about my newly discovered fact!

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I don't know why, but I used to believe that babies were one year old when they were born o_O.

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