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giving birth

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I used to think when babies were born they climbed out of the mother's stomach in some way (possibly out of the navel) because my mother had told us about the Caesarean section and that we came out that way.

This theory, however, was crushed by my best friend when we were going to start school. She also told me how babies were made. x.x' I remember being disgusted.

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Me and my sister used to think that when babies were born, they came out through the anus, and I believed for quite a while that all the babies a mom would have just waited in the stomach, each sleeping on a bunk bed carved into the mom's stomach skin, and they would just kind of slowly roll off the bunk bed every so often, and the moms stomach would grow until she went to a doctor and the doctor would pull the baby out.
So me and my sister would lay on the stairs, pretending to be babies in the mom's stomach, having adventures in "Stomachworld" until the doctor would come and take us.

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when i was 5 years old I thought that a pregnant women deliever the baby by vomiting it

Nesreen Tashkandi
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After my mum gave me the sex talk and told me all about giving birth, I used to think that when you're pregnant you could think you're about to have the baby and it could end up being you just have to poo. I always tried to imagin the look on the doctor's face when he had poo in his hands instead of a baby...

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My mother told me that babies were born from a 'special place' on a woman's body, however she omitted to tell me where this 'special place' was. For some reason I didn't need to ask, because I assumed (for some obscure reason)that it was in the middle of her back.

Michael (Australia)
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My brother believes that in order to give birth, her leg has to be lifted into the air then pushed back behind her head. The baby then pops right out.

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when i was about three i asked my mom were babys came from and she said that a man and a woman would spit into a contaner and put it into a machine.Then a baby would pop out. Beaing three i said cool can u go and do that right now cause i whant to watch.

lil watcher
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When I was 5, my aunt got pregnant and she was the first person I had known and been around who was having a baby. When she was getting very large, I asked my mom, "When is Aunt Betty going to hatch her baby". Apparently I though we came out of eggs...

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I only found out the other day that when babies are inside their mommys bellies that they had gulls and when they came out the gills healed over .....i am 14 and only just found that this is not true

an idiot
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When I was about six or seven I was just starting to learn about having babies, having sex, etc. When I asked if it hurt, my mom said that it was like going number 2. I remember being terrified of going number 2. in the bathroom because I always thought a baby was going to come out.

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I used to believe that all pregnant women gave birth to their babies on Labor Day, which was why it was called what it was.

By the time I was going to deliver my first baby, I knew better, of course, but as it happened, I did go into labor on Labor Day.

Martha LT
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when i was little my mom was pregnant and my dad told me the doctors had to use a tin opener to get it out i believed every word and was terrified my mom would have no 'cover' on her belly like a tin after its been opened

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When I was little, I thought my parents picked my brother from a cabbage patch. I was totally obsessed with cabbage patch dolls and thought that's where all parents got their kids.

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When I was younger I was convinced that since I was a girl the next baby my mom would have would be a boy, just to keep it even. Needless to say when my mom got pregnant and had a girl I was in complete shock and confusion. In my anger I yelled at her to return it for a new one, I guess I thought you could make exchanges, and then threw the telephone to the ground.

angry big sister
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I used to believe, as a very small child, that babies came out of a trap door hidden in the mother's back. You couldn't see it, because skin covered the button to pop it open, and only the doctor knew where it was...yeesh...

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When I got more information of where babies came from, I used to think they’d come out of the mother’s stomach. I was terrified to ever have a baby, since I thought the baby blaster out the mother’s stomach and left a hole, the bellybutton. OUCH!

Rebecca Sears
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At a young age, I was under the belief that having sex had something to do with kissing after you were married, that there was some magical type of kiss you could perform to make babies.

I also believed that if you positioned yourself right, you could possibly have a child without the opposite gender's involvement. This, in my mind, explained same sex couples, The Immaculate Conception, and Anakin Skywalker's mother (In Episode One, I clearly remember one of the jedi asking her, "Who is the father?" and her reply of "There isn't one." I took this extemely literally).

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when i was younger i thought that you came out flat when you were born. then the doctor "blew" you up to inflate you. and.... you know the thing you blow in to inflate a floatie? well i thought that wether he left that out or pushed it in determined the sex... man was i smart!

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I asked my mom how do people get babies out of their tummy, she said they need to squeeze the baby out like they're pooping. I thought pregnant women have to check the toilet bowl and make sure if the baby is born or not before flushing.

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I used to believe that babies were born from eggs (dinosaur eggs) and they would sit on them and keep them warm until they were ready to hatch

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