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i used to believe that babies came out of birth marks

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I always heard that babies "grew inside a woman's stomach". Naturally, I assumed that meant they were born out of your belly button. What other function could it have?

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I just didn't understand how babie's were made and born. My mom finally came up with the tail that, 'You have to buy fariy dust and put it in your belly button, and 9 months later, a baby comes out!' This terrified me, and I would constantly spends hours staring at my belly button, thinking of how a baby could even fit threw a belly button. I even thought that the baby was born small, and you would have to add water to make it grow!

Jennifer S.
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When my mother went into labour with my little brother I was three. She suddenly stood up one day and said, "I'm having contractions." She rushed into her room to get her bag. My dad didn't hear her and said, "What?" and I told him very urgently, "She's having conections!" My dad thought this was hilarious. He kept asking me what she was having. I got tired of telling him over and over but it didn't stop my dad from grabing the video camera and asking me agan what my mom was having. To this day we still have a video of a Three-year-old me saying angrily, "She is having a CONECTION!!!!"

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My friend and I were talking one day when her daughter (age 5) walked up and asked "How does a baby get out of a mommy's tummy?" My friend stifled a laugh and said "There's a special hole that the baby comes out through." Her daughter thought for a moment and said "Is it this one?" (pointing at her belly button). "No," my friend said.

"Is it this one?" (pointing at her bum)

"No," said my friend, seeing where this is going.

"Is it this one?" the girl asked, pointing at her *ahem* pee-pee.

"Yes, it is."

"OK." She said, and walked off. About 3 minutes later, she came back in with this really confused look on her face and said "Mommy, that's a really small hole."

"Well, honey, it stretches."


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I used to believe EVERYTHING, even inanimate objects were born. So one time I asked my Dad "How old is your truck?" *puzzled face* "Well how long ago was it born? And where are it's parents?"

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I used to believe that when I was in the womb, there were little drawers built into my mom's tummy where I stored all my clothes before I was actually born. And just before she gave birth, I took everything off and left it in the drawers inside her. I was also convinced I was able to see out of the womb through my mom's bellybutton.

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When I was little, my mother had kidney cancer so she had one of her kidneys taken out and had a long scar on the side of her stomach. For a long time I thought that the scar was from when I was born and that all babies were cut out of a woman's stomach. I asked her why she didn't have four scars (I have 3 siblings) on her stomach. She finally told me where babies really come from. I was horrified.

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I thought that some people were born with clothes on!

Lord Zedd
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I used to believe that babies came out of their mother's mouth like a small bubble.

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when I was about 6 or 7, a frienf of mine told me that she knew how children werw born....as she had understood from her mother (who is a doctor!!!!), the doctor would enlarge the women`s belly button, take out all the pop inside her and then bring out the baby! and i believed her!!!!!

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So relieved to find out other people thought that babies came out belly buttons!!! When my 8 year old nephew found out I had had a c-section, he thought they made a big round cut and lifted off the top of your belly like a saucepan lid. Ouch!

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My fiancees Mum was mortified when she was pregnant with him and took his older brother shopping - he announced to a crowded shop that his new brother or sister would be coming out of his mummy's magic hole soon = he was referring to her bellybutton!

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I used to beleive that the mommy and daddy got to choose wheather their baby was a girl or a boy when the baby was born. I thought when the baby was born that the cord thingy atached to the belly button was like a penis and if the baby was a girl then the doctors cut off the cord thingy and if it was a boy the they cut the cord thingy off then sewed it back where the penis is supposed to really be.

Sammy Sosa (nickname girl)
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My grandma has has a lot of children, and a lot of scars. When I first saw her stomach when I was at the age of 5-7, its when I first believed that there HAD to be another way than that old stork story. So then I believed that to have a baby, you would kiss, be pregnant, and then go to the hospital. Then you would have to get your stomach cut open. I believed it wouldnt hurt. After than, they opened it up like a door, and took the baby out. I thought it would look like a hot water bottle-one of those things you put on your stomach when you have a stomach ache- So after getting the baby water bottle out, you had to sit on it, and eventually it would hatch and turn into a baby!

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When I was about 3 years old, I asked my mother how I was born. She told me which body part came out first. I didn't have any clue exactly what it meant, but I knew that I must have been born in this order. When she was done I asked her "How did the doctor put me back together again?" I honestly believed that I was born in seprate pieces and was put together one limb my limb.

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when i was born i was a difficult birth and i came out rear first. one day when i was old enough to wonder about such things, i asked my mother about my birth, she told me that the doctors had to pull me out with forceps. for years after that i wejt round telling everyone i had been given FALSE HIPS :)

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Me and my brother would play "House" when we were little. First we'd have to give birth to the babies. I used to believe that babies just grew inside you when you reached a certain age and that they grew in your stomach. When your stomach was so full of baby that you couldn't eat anything, you pooped the baby out.

Ms. Mole
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A girl I knew in elementary school convinced me that if you were fat enough, you could have a baby through your arm. I never quite understood how it would work, but I believed her.

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When I was little I believed that to get a baby out of the womb you had to cut a square in the woman's belly and lift it up like a jar lid and then take the baby out.

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