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when i was little i thought babies came out of your mouth because when a women was in labor "screaming" i thought it ment the baby was coming out.

now better informed
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when I was little I thought that a baby could come out of any of the following: regular way, the butt or your eye. EYE??? I must have been a troubled child!

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When I was 5 my little brother made his appearance into the world. My mother had made dinner then gone to lay down on her waterbed. She did not feel well and soon after laying down she yelled for me to come to her, I did. She said "Tell your Daddy that my water broke." I saw water, she was on a waterbed...I knew no better. I walked in to my dad, looked up at him and said "Mommy said her waterbed broke."

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I used to believe that Labor Day was when all women had their babies!

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I used to believe that my pregnant mother would unzip her tummy to change the baby's diaper, completly logical right?

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I used to think adopted babies were transplanted into another woman's stomach so she would still the birth mother but not having conceived it.

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My Mother was pretty buxom when I was a child, and as was the fashion in the 50's, she wore low cut summer dresses that displayed a generous display of cleavage.

I asked often "where did I come from", all the while being pretty sure that babies originate in their mummies tummies, since an Aunt was pregnant.

How did they get out, was the question?

The little engineer in me for lack of better data, surmised that they must emerge kicking and screaming one day, from that bottomless cleavage.

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I think I was about 5 when I asked my mom where babies came from. She promptly told me that babies come from a woman's birth canal. For some reason, at this point in my childhood, that answer sufficed and I did not ask her anymore questions. But for years after I thought that the birth canal was in a woman's arm and that IVs where used somewhere in the process of getting pregnant and/or giving birth.

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When my youngest sister was born, my 3 year old sister and I were looking in the nursery before they brought out the new baby. She looked around and told my dad to go get mom so we could go home-she didn't see any babies in the nursery that she wanted. She thought that to have a baby, you just went to the hospital and picked one out!

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When I was little I used to believe babies came from stores. When my little brother was born I was mad at my parents for picking a boy.

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when I was about three, my mom went into hospital to give birth to my new baby sister. she had a cesarian birth and due to the scar i believed that the new baby had bit her belly when she'd come out!!! I went round telling everyone i hated the new baby cuz of this, poor thing didnt even have teeth!

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I used to think you pooped out babys. I just had one....thank god it didn't come out there!

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I used to believe that people got pregnant by kissing too much, and men had boys and woman had girls out of their mouths :)

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When I was little, my mother was explaining how baby's grew inside a little sac (the uterus) until they were ready to come out. I thought that when babies were born, they came out in a little sac, like one that looks like a grocery bag. I always asked my mom "so do they throw away the bag after?"

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i used to believe that me and my two older brothers were all in my mom's womb at once and that her giving birth to us was like a card game.who ever lost first would be out! in other words, my oldest brother wasnt a good card player!

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I never understood when a mother gave birth, how the doctors found out if it was a boy or a girl. They shouted, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" when it came out, I just thought that when the doctor slapped the baby's butt, that was the deciding factor and he would automatically know.

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I used to believe that before my siblings and I were born, we all lived one on top of another in my mom's belly, and instead of coming out as babies, we came out as old as we were at the time that I thought this. So, my sister would’ve come out a 15-year old, my brothers 14 and 5, and me 4. I wondered, too, how we all fit in there, because we were much bigger than my mom’s tummy!

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My husband used to believe that Labor Day was the day of the year when all the pregnant women had their babies.

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I 'used' to believe that LABOR DAY was when all the pregnant women had their 'labor' pains. lol

melissa in san diego
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for a long time i used to believe that birth could be given from both the anus amd the vagina and that it was just chance whichever one the baby came out from.

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