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I used to think that when you where born that you where an "IT" because the parents cut the ambilical chord short for a girl long for a boy and thats why some people had sex changes because their mommy and daddy made the wrong choice.

i was cut short
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once when I was little I saw a woman who had a hump on her back. I don't know why I came to this conclusion, but I thought that she was pregnant and the baby would come out of her butt and the baby was living in her back.

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when I was a kid I used to believe that when a baby was born it would come out in parts and you had to put it together. Like you had to collect all the pieces and put them together

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i used to think that babies were born with their diapers on i was mortified when my brother told me i was naked when i was born..... dont ask -_-

step away from the video game consoles
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As a little girl I was convinced that babies had the choice of being born from their mummy's tummy buttons or their bottoms. I told everyone I had emerged from my mum's tummy button, and was devastated when I learned the truth!!

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I was about 8 months pregnant with my second child and was holding my 4-year-old son in my lap (what was left of it). He placed his hand on my huge tummy to feel the baby kick and he said, "When you come home from the hospital, will you be wearing a cast on your leg?" I was startled and said, "Honey, why would you ask me that?" He said, "Well, when they chop off your leg to squeeze the baby out, how will they get the leg back on?" Time for our "first talk"... at four year's old!!!

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When I was in 5th grade, I told my best friend; Alicia (man, I hope she reads this), that I wanted to be the doctor that delivers babies when I grew up. She told me that I was stupid and couldn't do that because the baby would get confused when it came out about who its mom was because I’m a girl.

Princess Sara
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When I was little I use to believe that a mom could decide the gender of her baby at birth. I did not know that the ambilical cord was attached to the belly button and i believed that if you wanted a boy you would leave a little bit of the cord and if you wanted a girl you would cut it all off. wow.

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My 6 year old little sister once told me that she thought babies came out of their mother's mouth. She even opened her mouth to show me. She was absolutely baffled when I told her that babies did not, in fact, come out of mouths.

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My mom used to tell me that she the stork gave me to her in exchange for a pound of kroger salt.

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I used to think that babies came out of your belly button, that's why you became and outtie when you were pregnant beccause the baby was coming out very slowly and the woman's belly button would grow to a full 1 year old baby size, So I was in third grade right? And I was hanging out with this new girl who had moved in a cross the street (She was in sixth grade)
And I told her where i thought babies came from and she said "No, they come out from your peehole" So I was thinknig that you were supposed to go to the bathroom and pee the baby out whenever you wanted to. So for a few years after that I always checked after I went to the bathroom to see if I had accidentally dropped a baby in there ! XD

Venti V.
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I was about 8 when i asked my grandmother how babies were born and she said, "Well, they come out of your moms stomach." Then the next day i went to my other grandma's house with my cousin who new how babies were born. When i asked her why she is so short and she said, "I came out on a emergency threw my moms stomach." I was shocked.

Sarah Lee
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when my auntie was pregnant with twins i thought that because there was two of them, one was gonna come out my aunties belly button, and the ohter out her bum!!!

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I was three at the time my sister was born and therefore years later my mother's pregnancy became quite fuzzy to me. In the third grade my teacher started talking about how sometimes doctors have to cut open a mommy's stomach to get the baby out. This combined with distant memories of my mother being in a room with jelly on her stomach (like when you get an ultrasound), I believed that they cut my baby sister out of my mother's stomach and rubbed magic jelly on her so it would heal without stitches...

Shannon Newsome
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When i was about 4 or 5 i was curious about how babies came out. (I didnt care about How they got in there, i found the answer to that at age 7 though) anyway, i thought that if a pregnant woman sneezes really hard then her baby would just fly out!

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When i was 7 i asked my mum where babies come from.
She replied, "From your tummy"
Not knowing what a bellybutton was for, i assumed that they came out through there.
It puzzled me how a small person could be squeezed out through such a tiny hole!

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When I was little I thought that when a woman gives birth, the baby explodes out of her stomach. One day when I was little, my younger cousin and I were playing like I was pregnant. when I had the baby, he said it would come out my "private parts." I, of course, didn't believe him.

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I believed women were alwAys sick when they had babies thats why they ended up in the hospital and that babies would pop out of their bellies

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When I was 3, I really wanted a baby sister, since I was kinda lonely. I have an older brother, but he has autism, so I couldn't really communicate with him. Anyway, I used to believe that you could just get a baby from the hospital, like a "baby store" or something. I begged my parents for a sister named Dashalina (which was also what I had named my favorite pink stuffed animal dog), and they asked where we would get it from. I had always said the same thing each time: "from the hospital." My parents jokingly asked if I would steal it from another person, which made me cry, since I felt guilty and sad just from the thought of it. I knew that the hospital wasn't a "baby factory" where babies are manufactured, but it had never occurred to me that the hospitals had to get the baby from somewhere, and that they don't just magically appear out of nowhere. I recall my mom telling me that the baby came from her stomach, and me asking, "how did it get it THERE? Did you eat it?" It wasn't until I was 7 when I discovered sex. I didn't know that sex was how I was born, though, until I was about 8 and a half. And when I was 10, I read this puberty book for girls (it was surprisingly interesting), and I found out that the man's "thingy" has to go into the woman's "thingyhole." I am currently 11 and in 6th grade.

To younger kids: Don't try to rush your life. Being a kid is exciting and you only get this opportunity once. Enjoy life. Have the most fun you can. After this you will never get to do it again.

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This is actually from my 4 year old son. A friend was pregnant and he got to feel the baby move. He was very interested in the whole thing. When the baby was born I told him he could meet the baby that he got to feel moving and he asked if the mom had barfed out the baby. He was sure that she ate the baby and then barfed it out!

Matt's Mom
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