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Oral sex is talking about sex

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: Oral sex is talking about sex. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to oral sex.

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I remember stealing one of my sisters magazines when i was younger and saw something about oral sex. I thought for the longest time that it meant you sat around and talked about sex.

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I used to think that Oral Sex meant talking about sex and I couldn't figure out what the big deal was all about!! changed my mind now though

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this isnt mine but that of a kid in my old health class

the teacher was talking about how you can still get and STD from oral sex when a kid raised his hand and asked "how can you get and STD from that, isn't oral sex just talking?"

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I didn't know what was the big deal with Clinton's sex scandal b/c I thought oral sex meant just talking to each other about sex.

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When I was little I thought oral sex was just talking dirty to eachother. I also thought that when people had sex, the guy would put his penis in the girl's pee hole. I didn't know about the the other one yet... lol

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I used to think that "oral sex" meant that a man and a woman talked about sex.

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I used to believe that oral sex was talking about it.

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my friend used to think that giving oral sex was talking dirty, like, "i have my hand in my pants." he found out he was wrong in 7th grade health.

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i saw this one comedy movie where at a phone in a hotel, u push a button for oral sex and a woman at the other end would start making sex noises (groans, breathing hard, etc). For the longest time thats what oral sex was.

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I am an only child so i didn't have older siblings to tell me that oral sex isn't talking dirty.

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I thought oral sex was talking dirty to one another. LoLz

dis girl
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i used to believe that oral sex was two people sitting on seperate chairs - naked - just talking about sex. its amazing what parents will agree with when their kids make a statement

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When I was around 13, my younger brother told me that oral sex was when 2 people talked about sex.

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When I was little, I thought that oral sex was where you talked about sex, because I knew oral had to do something with the mouth.

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I used to think that oral sex meant 'talking about sex'

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top belief!

I used to think that oral sex, was just sitting, talking about it!

Ty (",)
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One of my friends thought that Oral Sex was talking dirty to each other and wouldn't believe me when I told her otherwise.

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i used to think...up until like high school that oral sex was when you talked about sex on the phone. apparently that is something completely different..

silly student
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top belief!

when i was about ten or eleven i was watching an MTV special on sex and STD's with my friends. for about half an hour the host and the guests were talking about oral sex and how even that can transfer STD's. and because i knew oral ment mouth, i turned to my friends and said, "how can you get diseases by having phone sex. i didn't hear the end of it for a couple of days.

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up until i was like 13 i thought that oral sex was phone sex and dirty talk.

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