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my friend's little brother used to belive that you got a period after you kissed a boy. when my friend got hers he over heard us talking and he shouted " MOM MOM!!!!! ALEX KISSED A BOY!!!!!!" we laughed so hard it wasn't funny!

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(not my beleif) once my friend anne and her 13 year old sister came to my house for a sleep over. later that night we heard her talking on the phone to her mother. anne said she heard something about a period.my 10 year old brother woke up before us and over heard us talking and he asked "what's Alison so worried about?" he heard about periods was but didn't REALLY understand it. Anne said "she got her period, i think." so he said "how can you get a punctuation?" alison, Anne and I laughed so hard it seemed we were crazy.

anne's friend
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lmao! my first period ... i thought i had internal bleeding and was going to die im so glad i didnt tell my mum that she would have died laughing!

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when i was 10 i started my period. I had started during school. Well Isaw the blood on the toilet and on my underwear I freaked out and yelled," Im Dying!!!!!". So i ran to the school nurse and when I told he she started laughing at me, and told me how to use a pad. Well I went home and my mom gave me the whole "My baby girl is growing up" talk it was imbarising. But the worst thing is that every one heard me say i was dying and so every ont knows i have my period!

early bloomer
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i used to believe that when you got your period you would pee and it would just come out than!

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I used to believe that when a woman has period she becames a witch. Iwas very afraid of my mom. Now I know what is that.

Paolo Ivanov
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I was im a mall bathroom once there was no nampkins so i was looking all over for napkins (i was only 7) and i saw somthing that said napkins so i put a quarter im it and i rinsed my hands with tampons.....

Funny bone
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I used to believe that what came out when you got your period was blue, because of the ads on tv where women would pour blue liquid onto a pad to show absorbancy. I was surprised and a bit disappointed to find out the truth during puberty.

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when i first got my period at age 12, i told my younger (fifth grade) friend all about it. i told her about cramps and stuff, and how unpleasant they were. "juliet," she went," you are SUCH an idiot! u can stop it anytime u want by cutting ur finger!" I was like,"?" and she said,"yeah! u can't bleed in 2 places at once!"
she is such a moron. now i'm 14 and she's 11, about 2 be 12. i hope that when she gets hers i don't see bandaids all over her fingers.

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When I was in 5th grade they school deicided they would teach us about what a period was. They only invited the girls which I thought was kind of odd but paid no attention to it. We watched a movie about it explaining that a period is when you bleed once a month and that you get it around your early teens. I don't know why, but I thought boys got it as well and when I came home that day I told my brother the information I had found out and told him soon he would bleed once a month. He was only 9 and when I told him this he screamed and ran to my mom. After that she explained only girls got periods and that was the end of that..

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i used to believe that you would die if you got your period...because of all of the blood coming out.

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When I was in the fourth grade my best friend spent the night. My older brother, being the comiedian he is, asked my friend if she had Maxi Accident Insurance. I knew he was kidding and started to laugh. During my time of laughter she had walked up to my mom and asked her what Maxi Accident Insurance was. My mom looked at her confused. I grabbed her and told my mom never mind. I had to explain to her that it was just a joke!

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when i was about 6 or so my mom told me that maxi pads were for belly aches one day she came home from work and i was laying in bed with a maxi pad on my stomach because i dident feal so good.

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My cousin once told me that you bleed out of your armpits when you had your period and you had to put a big maxipad to keep the blood from leaking. then when i really started my mom told me it wasnt true.

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My mother used to call "periods" "imperial." As a kid, whenever I saw the TV commercial on Imperial Magargine -- yeew, you got the picture.

Missed that bullet
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I always thought that women had to keep the plastic part on when inserting a tampon...
Someone on here said that wasn't the case...
How interesting lol...

I'd rather not tell lol!
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I used to believe that having your period was no big deal. I had seen all the ads on tv for pads and tampons and thought that they were just being dramatic. I decided that when I got my period I would just ignore it and not go crazy with pads and stuff like those silly women in the ads. When I was 11 I was told by my friends what a period really was. I was horrified to learn that it could last a week and that every women HAD to have pads or tampons. But thank goodness I learned that in time.

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when i was little i found my mom's pads in her bathroom and i thought they were diapers...I thought how cool!! and then one day when we were about to go on a long ride in the car i thought what a perfect oppurtunity to ask my mom to use one. when i asked her she was like what the heck are you talking about? to this day i never snoop around in her bathroom

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I used to believe, when I found out, that once a woman started menstruating they would menstuate each and every day for the rest of their lives and never stop. I was worried for ages about it, and the prospect that I once I begun, I would never be able to go swimming again.

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One time, when my mom's "friend" was visiting, she had asked me to get her a pad. I gave her one, then later that day she asked me for another one and I said to her,"Gimme the other one back and I 'll give you another one!" I smirked at her, but i look back on that day and wonder how it could have been me that said that. My mom still occasionally reminds me of that day!

Confuzzled Little Kid!
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