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top belief!

A little disgusting, but...

When I was about 8, my mother had just recently given me the good old puberty education, including the joys of having my very own period. One of the things I learned is that girls had periods so that they could pass their unfertilized eggs out of their bodies. Well, one day, I took a shower and she went to the bathroom, so she didn't flush (poor plumbing, thus I would have been burned by scalding hot water). When I got out to dry, I peeked in the toilet and saw it was red inside - plus there was this really big dark thing! For days, I was in a panic about having my period, because I didn't want to pass that HUGE thing through you know where!

... then I realized it was poo I had seen, and not some huge unfertilized egg. I was so relieved to learn that the eggs were microscopic...

Sorry Mom :)
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top belief!

After the horrifying conversation and book-readings that explained getting your period, I became paranoid until I started at age 12. When I started, I was staying with my father for the weekend, and had to call my mom on the phone to tell her. She then instructed my father to go buy me some pads. Dad, not knowing any better, bought pantyliners (those lil' flimsy things), which did okay on the first occasion, as I didn't bleed much. Problem was, pads and tampons had been explained to me, but nobody had explained that you could STOP using them after you were done for the months. So I wore the stupid pantyliners for a month solid! I then informed my mother that I needed more. At which point, she told me that I didn't need to wear them for eternity, just when I needed them. (Big Relief!) However, having only seen the panyliners (mom used tampons, no pads), I was HORRIFIED when she bought me the real deal pads and they were, naturally, much larger.

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top belief!

My 10 year old brother once confronted me and threatened to go to mum and dad to tell on me.....?
He had found a tampax in my tent when we were camping one time and although he didn't know what it was he was certain it was for grown-ups only and I was in deep trouble!

Yvonne Welling
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top belief!

Up until I was 9, and taught better, I thought a sanitary pad was for office women who were too busy to go to the toilet so they just peed into their pads, yes, like a nappy.
Imagine my amazement when I found out what a tampon did. I didn't even know I had a hole there. I used to pull the string on tampons, thinking it would turn into a mini umbrella like those in cocktail drinks.

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my stupid little brother walked in the bathroom and seen a tampon sitting on the counter and he said"hey how come i can't get a popsicle?"

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When I was 11 I´ve got my first period.I was afraid because I was thinking that I´m gonna lose ton´s of blood.

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when i had sex-ed in elementary school, the nurse explained what a period was and showed us pictures. i guess i didn't see too well, because i was so confused. even though i was really shy, i went up to her after class and asked about it, but still didn't get it. i thought a period was a red dot that you got somewhere on your body...like chicken pox.

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top belief!

When I was younger, I got the whole facts of life talk off of my mother along with a side lecture on PMS. I didn't quite understand what she meant and was completely convinced that whenever my mum was annoyed with me or my brother, it was the "time of the month."

I distinctively remember a time when my mum told me off in front of a group of family friends and I turned round and announced in front of all of them, "It's ok, it's just the time of the month." Oops.

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Until i was in a bodycare shop with my best m8, i used to think that women had periods until they died! My mate was like..
' dya think she's buyin those tampons for her daughter?' n i was like..
'erm... no y? Y rnt they for her?'
Then we had a proper argument over who was right. i was well convinced that it was me... unil i found out about menopause..teehee

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I thought that when a girl became a teenager, she would start having periods to prepare to have children, and after she had around ten periods, they would stop and then she'd be able to get pregnant, and would never have another period again. When my mom told me that women usually have periods for several years, I was horrified.

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When I was in year 7, in Sex Ed class, the teacher was discussing periods and how they work. When a classmate of mine rose his hand and asked "if a girl has her period, how does she go to the toilet?" Later when i asked him, he replied "isnt it the same hole?" and thought that the girl had to hold on until her period ended before she could go to the toilet again!

kids these days!
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top belief!

This is more my mom's than mine. Once her mother asked her to go to the store to buy napkins, and she went to the back of the store and picked up sanitary pads (this was before she knew what a period was, and it wasn't talked about much). The cashier asked her if she wanted a bag and she was confused as to why. So she walked all the way home with a package of pads, and her mom sent her back to the store, and the cashier just laughed.

She's embarrassed about it to this day.

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i used to beileve that getting your period was punishment for having sex. til this day i couldnt tell u why

teenage dirtbag
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There was a pad ad which showed a middle aged woman bike riding. Then they shoed a pad. I thought they were for old people in case they wet there pants. Like a nappy for old people.
My cousin who is 2 years older then me had to explain it. Needless to say I then told all my friends lol.

diapers for old ppl?
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This kid i was babysitting had a "Special Things Box" hidden under his bed. Well he decided to show me all thethings that were in there. They included flavored dental floss, candy, special stones, and that kind of stuff. Then he pulled out an uwrapped tampona and even thoughi knew what it was i asked him to see if he knew. (He was only 5 so i figured he wouldn't) and he said "It's a powder puff1" andthen he rubbed it on his face. Yuck!!! I left his room laughing sooo hard!

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top belief!

the spring before i got my period my class at school had been given the whole "birds and bees" discussion. well, they nice lady that talked to all us girls had explained that when we would get our first period we would see a "tiny red spot" in out panties. i believed her. that summer i was at camp and one day i found all this brown stuff in my panties...i thought that i had some horrible disease. i didn't tell a soul out of fear they'd send me away. turns out that "brown stuff" was my period. my mom explained that often a girl's first period would come out as brown and not red, and unless i had just barely started (like only a few minutes had passed) the "spot" wouldn't be small. to this day i feel that woman that talked to my class is a horrible liar.

thought i knew it all
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I started my period when i was 13 going on 14 and i used pads for the first 2 months. Then i wanted to use tampons. I never kew how to use them and i always thought that they went in your pee hole. I didn't know about the other one and how to use tampons right until i had sex when i was 15.

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top belief!

When I was ten years old I began my mentrual period. I had been riding my brother's bike and when I flew off a curb, I went home and went to the bathroom and saw the blood so I thought I had an injury. No-one was home except my older brother and I. He was 12 and I was 10. He told me to put a bandaid on it. I told him , but I am bleeding "down there" He then said Ohhh I think you better tell mom when she gets home so she can get you some of those big badaides for "down there". What a nutty pair we were.

Just a little innocent one
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When I was about 12, I started my period. My mom had not told me about it yet, because she didn't start until she was 14, so she figured I wouldn't. Needless to say, I thought that I was dying! I didn't tell her for a few days, stuffing toilet paper in my panties. I was so scared! I thought I had a disease. Finally I got scared enough to tell her that I was bleeding down there, and she was all like ," Oh, that's normal"

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When I was younger, for some reason I believed pads were to cut vaginas and thats why there was always blood on the pad. I thought women needed their vaginas cut so they could stay healthy and so they used pads to 'cut' their vaginas. I was horrified, and I remember my cousin getting her mother's pads and saying, "Someday we're gonna have to use these."
I'd always ask my mother if it hurt. She would respond, "Sometimes," so that added on to that belief.
Come on, people, I was like, 5 years old!! :-P

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