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When I first had my period at 10, I didn't realize the cervix would block the tampon from going up all the way. I walked slowly like a robot, afraid any sudden movement would cause the tampon to shoot up in me irretrievably. I think I eventually realized the likelihood of women mass using a product also meant it probably wasn't so dangerous as to get lost in the body.

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I was at a friends house and her little sister ran up to us with her 'art'. It was in fact a pad with a mass of scribbles above it. My mum looked fondly at her and asked "Do you know what that is?"
"Yes," she replied, "It's mummies bum liner!!!!!"

Those were the days.....
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When my brother was about 6 years old he found a swelled-up tampon floating in a swimming pool. He picked it up, ran over to our mom, and happily claimed that he had found a marshmallow on a string. He was very exited about it, until my mom explained what it really was.

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Up until i was nine i thought that you swallowed tampons until one day while driving on the motorway i asked my mum and best friend how the tampon gets down to your vagina before the blood starts, they started laughing hysterically and explained it for me

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When I was 4 we had the entire family to our house for Thanksgiving. Back then all the women, even down to the youngest female (me) worked/prepared dinner and the men enjoyed their cigar/cigarettes in the livingroom watching football games. Apparently my mom told me to set the table with the nice silver, and special NAPKINS.. so i went on setting the table until the men started laughing & gathering around,.. the women came out of the kitchen where my mom grabbed my hand as I was placing the last silver fork ever so neatly on top of a sanitary napkin. I had set the entire table with sanitary napkins because my mom said they were the special napkins... the men giggled all through dinner while the women geered at me... this was in the early 60's taboo subject...

charlie girl
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When I was in 4th grade I used to believe that Once you got your period you had it until menopause. I told my friend this and she reassured me that it only came once a month. For some reason I thought that meant you had your period for one whole month and then didn't have it the next and so on. I finally found out it only lasted a week out of every month in 5th grade after the growing up talk at school. Oh was I releaved.

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When my brother was about 4, he had a horrible nose bleed in the middle of a long road trip, which of course occurred when we were out in the middle of nowhere with no napkins or towels in the car. So my mom handed him a tampon and told him to put it up his nose. I think he still thinks that that is the proper use for tampons...

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Just after starting my first period, my mother told me that girls can't use tampons until after they have had sex. I believed this until I was 16. My mother claims her mother told her that and she also believed it until I was 16!

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I remember when I was a little girl, we would always receive samples of Always pads in the mail. I lived with my grandmother and she would put them in her shoes. So for years I thought you use them in your shoes when your feet hurt. She never explained what they were and I never asked or thought to read the package. I didn't find out what they really were used for until I was 13 years old.

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As a little girl, my mother would take me into the bathroom stall with her. When I saw the spiked edges of tampons, I thought they were what made the vagina bleed.

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I used to believe boys could have periods after hearing about them from a girl in class.

I asked to be excused to the nurses office by my teacher one day cause I was having a bad stomach, when she asked if I had eaten anything bad.. I replied "not really, I think I must just be starting to have my first period" she looked back at me, a 9 year old boy trying very hard not to laugh.

This memory still haunts me to this very day.

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I used to think that PMS stood for "Pre Marital Sex", and was always confused as to why the girls in my 7th grade PE class had it every month.

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when i was little, i thought that once you go your period you had it forever. like everyday for the rest of your life.

i was so relieved when i learned the truth

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I remember in sex ed, in around the 4th grade, being told you got your period once a month. I took this to mean it was like a sneeze or something as it you had it...and bam you were done and went on about your business.

I'm sure you ladies can imagine my disappointment years later when I got it and discovered that "once a month" meant you got it and KEPT it for several days.

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We had a sex-education seminar at primary school and we learned all about girls periods. Afterwards, I turned to my mum and said "I'm really glad Mr.(teacher) is learning this with us, so he'll know what to do if I get my period at school!"

Sex Ed
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My sister and I used to believe that tampons were for making older women feel younger. We thought that once they were using a tampon, old women were able to dance around and do high kicks.

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When I was younger (6-7) I found my mum's tampons in the bathroom cabinet.
I thought they must be toy umbrellas or parachutes of some kind, since they had a string and well, they are shaped similar to an umbrella.

So I unwrapped one and tried pulling the string to open out the 'parachute'. When it didn't work I was incredibly frustrated, but still tried with most of the box. After a while I got fed up and threw them away.

Mum had quite a shock later when she came into my room and saw all these destroyed tampons in the bin!

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Not me but a friend thought (until we set her straight) that periods were blue because of the commercials that show how much the pad absorbs. She was so embarrassed when we told her that the blood "down there" is the same color. So was her face :)

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my friend haley had her first period in the 5th grade but her mother never explained to her what a period was so on that day she ran out screaming," mom im dying!!!!!" and started to cry
shes 16 now but that story never gets old(:

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When I was nine, I used to believe that tampons were a form of birth control and women wore them during sex.

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