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when iwas in third grade i remmerber reading dear God its me margert and it had something to do with periods.. well i was soo stupid and after pestering my mom and sister and siters friend about telling me.. i realized they wouldnt. so at school my freinds told me it was when your nipples bled

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When I was young I never got the sex ed class. So one day I was playin on a wagon and hurt my privates on the bar. I started my period that night and thought it was from hurting my privates and yelled that I had to go to the hospital. My mom laughed at me for hours.

California kid
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I have to:

When I was in my first year of Sex Ed, (i was probably about 10, my school started telling us these things early) the teacher showed us a tampon. She told us that it was like a pad rolled up into a tube, and that if we used them there woulf be directions in the box, so she didnt need to explain ow. This left me with some wrong assumptions. I thought that tampons were just what she'd said, rolled up pads, and that women would use them at work, or in the public toilets, because they were easier to carry and more inconspicuous to take out of your purse.

After alll my misunderstandings had be cleared up, i felt that i knew eveything about getting periods. When mine came when I was 12, i wasn't too alarmed, because i knew that it would come sooner or later. A few months later, i was at the seaside with my best friend. WE knew everything about eachother, and naturally i told her that the reason i had a bad stomach ache was that i had my period. When we were at the beach, she pulled my aside and said "WAit, i forgot, you cant go in the water, or you'll attract sharks!" HEr parents (very religious and kind of old fasioned) had told her that using tampons made you lose your virginity, and she had read someplace that blood in the water makes sharks come.

Girl whose brother used to think that tampons were those little plastic parachute men
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when i was about 13 i began to ask questions about periods because i would hear my sis and mom talk about them. My sister told me that if i didnt have my period by the time i was 15 i would die. I ofcorse believed her and when i turned 15 and still hadent had it....i cried untill my explained that i wasnt gonna die.I'm still just as gullible!

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My parents never were (and still aren't) the kind to make one feel real comfortable talking about a lot of things with them. So, as a little girl when I first heard of menstruation as something girls would grow up to have, I was very curious but had no inclination to ask my parents about it. Instead, I asked the closest person to me at the time, an uncle, who isan't as much older than I as you'd tend to suspect from his being my uncle. At first he was reluctant and asked me why I didn't ask my mother about this matter. I treid to explain that I wasn't comfortable talking to her. Finally, what he opted to do was check out a library book on the subject, written for young girls, and have us read it together, with him helping me with "big" words and the like. As that made him open up on the subject, I found he really knew a great deal about it after all. He told me a bunch more than was in the book. All of it turned out to be accurate except one thing. He told me that when girls start menstruating, that takes the place of pooping so that they don't poop anymore. Later when I started menstruating but continued pooping, I was distressed and thinking something was bad wrong with me. Finding out the truth made me mad at my uncle for years. But he in time would convince me that he told me what he honestly believed at the time, and now we're friends again. I've found out that his big sister put a lot of crazy ideas in his head. He doesn't remember whether that was one of them or not. But I consider it a safe bet that it was. Safe enough that you can guess who my least favorite aunt is!

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i used to believe that pads were diapers for women. i am 18 and i just found out!

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I seriously believed until I actually started having one that the period itself lasted for 28 days-not the time that came after it until a new one. Man,that would have been pretty painful!

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i use to believe that a period was when ur eye hurt

steven moore
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When I was younger I would watch TV and see those commercials for those pads that girls use when they are on their period. I thought that girls had to use them because they couldn't hold it when they had to pee.

R. Jett
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when i was 11, i used to think that a period was when a man stuck his penis into a girls vagina and blood spurted out. imagine my surprise when, as i was watching the sex video, they told me i would soon get my period!!

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top belief!

One night I was talking to my boyfriend on the phone and we somehow got on the subject of periods. He then asked me where to put a tampon. I thought he was being sarcastic so I asked him "where do you think they go?" He then said "Well, do they just lay there?" I had to be the first one to explain to him that no, they don't just lay there and also that you take Midol like a tylenol--he thought you just put it up there

Sex-ed teacher aka girlfriend
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i used to belief that when u had your period it would happen everyday and would use and tampox to stop so u don't bleed to death

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wen i woz lil i used 2 believe dat if u wor a tampon u wud get pregnent so i used 2 hide em frm me mum!

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when i was in first grade i saw a dispencer for napkins and tampons in a bathroom at an amusement park. i was really confused so i asked the sixteen year old girl next to me if tampons
were napkins in a different language. then my friends mom explained the whole thing to me, and she explained to me what condoms are while she was at it.

n. pantsie
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I thought that a period was a serious illness and that when you had it no one except the "guy, Nocoligist" (yes Nocholigist being his name, nd guy always refering to him), could be in the same room as. So when I found out the when I was around 10-13 i was going to start getting my period every month I thought I had some disease that caused me to to get this serious illness every month. Then I realized this happened to all females and wondered who was replacing my mom during hers...i had a lot of figuring out to do.

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When I was little i was in the pharmacy store with my mom and i saw pads that were in those plastic just like diapers come in. i said "mommy why are those diapers so weird looking" my mom was just liek "oh those are called maxi pads for bigger girls who cant control there pee pee" my little sister never wanted to get potty trained so finnaly when she was three i said "Lauren, u have to get potty trained soon or else you will have to wear maxi pads when u are older!" i finnaly found out when i was 10 what they really are.

Big girl diapers
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When I first started my period I thought that I was going to have it until the day I died (I didn't realize that it came once a month--I assumed once it started it never stopped.)

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top belief!

I would have been about 6 years of age the first time i saw my mother wearing a pad. I could see the bulkiness and outline through her granny panties, and a diaper pin stuck through near the top of her panties. Because my mom used cloth diapers on us, i believed that she was wearing a real babies diaper and i proceeded to ask her why she wasn't wearing rubber pants. I just remember how she laughed and explained to me that they weren't diapers.

Diane J.
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About the same time that I was starting to have my periods, my sister was into a singing group called "The New Christy Minstrels". I thought their name was "The New Christie Menstruals" and they were named in honor of my first periods! Later when I learned the word "minstrel" and what it meant, I realized that the groups name had nothing to do with menstruation.

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when i was a little girl i had gotten my first period and my mom was bothering me telling me i had to put on a tampon the catch is that i thought you put a stick up your butt hole

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