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When i was about 7 i heard about periods and was very interested to find out what they were.I asked my older sister who thought it would be funny to tell me a story. She said that when you lose all your milk teeth your own personal tooth fairy gets very cross. In revenge for you not giving her any teeth she comes and beats you up one a month in your sleep and makes you bleed and gives you a stomach ache. I promptly went and reported this back to all my friends. We retained this belief until we were 11 but we still refer to periods as 'The Fairy'!

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when i was like maybe 7 i saw some movie and it showed a girl bleeding and crying in the shower so i said whats happening to her to my friend and he said thats what happened to girls at their periods and i was like thats stupid y do they even go to the periods then?

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WHen I was in 2nd grade my bomb-loving friend and I found a tampon (in package - plastic applicator and all.) We thought it was a bomb/firecracker kit with built-in fuse, and so we filled it with calcium carbide ("Bangsite") and soaked it in rubbing alcohol. We were disappointed when we lit the string and only a faint blue flame appeared (from the alcohol, I guess.)
When I was in 6th grade and my mom explained to me about tampons, I was embarassed for years about the bomb-making incindent from just 4 years prior.

bombs on bloomfield
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when i saw sanitary pad adverts on TV, i used to think that they were for cleaning kitchens because they soak dirt so well.

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In like 5th grade, I didnt know what it meant to have your period, so I asked my friend. She told me it was when you bled from your private parts... I guess I figured she meant breasts or something, because i ran to her one day and was like "Nope, Nicki, you're wrong, you bleed from down there, not your boobs!" and she looked at me like DUH.

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I never knew how tampons worked, I always thought they would fit in a female flat, like a hot dog.

only me
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One day I asked my mum what tampons were for. She told me that it was to catch a seed that ladies produced once a month. I thought that at 'that time of the month' you had to stand there holding the tampon, waiting for the seed to pop out and catch it!

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well when I was in grade 1 my bgest friend had brought in a "thing" he had found in his mom's room, believe it or not it was a tampon. he must have seen his mom insert it before, cuz he said, "you put it in your butt"(hey he didnt know the truth yet) he tried and it didn't really work

Rob K.
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When I was grade 4 my aunt and mom gave me this harness and straps with this huge mattress of a menstrual pad and told me the time was coming when I would have to wear it because grown up blood wouldsoon start coming. I had no idea how it would go on and imagined it went around my thigh. I kept checking my right thigh for the hole opening up I would bleed from.

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Up until I was about 10 years old I used to think that when you got your period, a rush of blood would come out of your vagina once a day for 3-8 days per month. I didn't know why anyone would want to wear pads or tampons the entire day.

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For quite a long time, I used to believe that during the period there's a blue liquid instead of blood! It was because of all those Always commercials at TV...

Polish zealot
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when i was little i always thought that when you had your period you were no longer a virgin......

oh well i had it coming..... :)
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When i started my period when i was 11 i use to (sorry to be so gross) lick all the blood and clots off the pad or suck on my tampon because if i didnt ingest the blood that i was loosing, i would bleed to death eventually.

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wen i was at a lake with my friends sis (19) and her other sis (7) we found a used tampon in the water. her little sis is like whats a tampon and her big sis said it was cotton used by ppl with bathroom problems!

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when i was younger i found my mums period pads and thought they were special tissues so when my grandparents came over for dinner one night my mum said put the tissues out so i went to get the pads to put them on the table while my mum opened the door to my grandparents when they came in needless to say i was sent up to my room with no ice - cream!

tissues pads
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when i was 13, i was changing for a track meet in the girls bathroom, when a girl i knew walked in, holding a tampon. sill me, growing up with only brothers, didnt know what it was in her hand. the ENTIRE girls track team was in there, getting dressed, when i walked over to the girl with the tampon and asked her "hey! where'd you get that glowstick!?"...i still get laughed at for that to this day

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I had to go to the shops and buy some 'female products' and my boyfriend at the time said 'is that for the blue stuff or the red stuff'. I asked him what he meant by 'blue stuff' - because he'd grown up seeing ads where they pour blue liquid onto the products to show how they worked he thought that what came out was actually blue

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When I was eight, I wanted to go swimming with my friend Ella, who was fifteen. She was having her period at the time, and so couldn't go. When I asked why, she told me that blood comes from your bum and your tummy inflates when you get to fifteen. I cried and cried and worried myself sick about her, and then my mom told me what was really going to happen.

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I use to think that sanitary pads were adult diapers and that was why no adults ever peed in there pants. When I asked my mom if I could borrow her diapers- she nearly died from laughter.

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When I was 3 or 4 I learned about menstruation from an exhibit at the science museum. It went into plenty of detail about how the womb's lining drips out the vagina for a week, but it didn't mention that there are little wearable products specially made to catch the drip. So for the next few years I believed that a period was a once-in-a-lifetime event where a woman has to spend the entire week on the toilet.

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