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my friend told me that you cant hav a baby if you dnt have "pryamids" by this i thought she ment, trianglur boobs, wen i saw my flat chest i started to cry, bu she sed i can abortion when im older(by which she ment adoption) wen i went home ansd told my mam i was gonna hav an abortion wen i was older, she told me about periods, but i couldnt manage to sey periods, and i called them pryamids, and still thought that wen u bled, it would come out in a pyramid shaped block, lol

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When me and my sister were younger we use to beg mommy to show us what color her period was when she got it. We thought that it was a different color every month. Mommy didn't want to explain the "proces" so she would color a pad different color every month. She would even let us keep it. It was later on that we found out the truth and were deeply upset at mommy for lyeing to us and threw away are pad collection.

The Ditzy Dorky Duo!!!!
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When I was about 13, I got my period. I knew that if people lost a lot of blood they would die. One day, while on my period, I got a cut on my arm. Feeling frustrated, I murmured to myself "This can't be happening! If lose any more blood I'll die!" As you can probably tell, I'm not a brunette nor a redhead...I'll let you figure out the rest ;)

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i thought that when you started your period u hav 1 4 1 day a week 4eva! now of course i know what really happens

how strange?
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My mother always used to tell me not to be afraid when I started to see blood in my underwear. She explained the whole thing about having periods, and it scared me to death. I thought that once you started, you never stopped.

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i thought tampons were butt plugs!

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Mum and I went to the school 'mums and daughters night' to see a film about the body etc, well after finding out about periods and bleeding I thought once a girl started to bleed it never stopped! what a relief to eventually find out that was wrong

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This isn't really funny, but it is dumb. When I was about 10, I didn't have my period yet. So I would wonder what tampons were for and what pads were for. I knew it had something to do with periods. I would see commercials for tampons that would say "So comfortable, you can't even feel 'em." So, then I decided pads were like tampons. So I took a pad from my sister and put it on. In my room, I would pretend I was in a commercial and was doing an add for pads, thinking they were exactly like tampons. I was mad because I COULD feel the pad. I was happy once I finally realized how wrong I was during puberty classes!

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When I first got my period I was not scared at all because my 3 older sisters had theres and I thought I knew all about them, so I never told my Mum, I just pinched my sisters pads. However I never new they stopped after a few days, I thought they just kept going - because mine did - I had a hormone problem. But after 5 months of this I decided to finally tell my Mum. I had been fainting a lot. I was taken to the doctor and put on special tablets to stop it and given iron.

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I used to think that the paper that was used to wrap tampons and pads was very pretty and nicely decorated so I asked my mom where exactly she got this "Pretty Paper."

The Pretty Paper
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I used to believe that period pads were aeroplane stickers and thinking that they were really pretty, used to colour them in and stick them up everywhere.

Silly Tasha
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I started my period when I was eleven. Not long afterwards I went to stay with my two twin cousins (who were a year younger and had not yet started their period) and my Aunt in their beach house for two weeks out of the summer.
I started my period for about the thrid time not long after I got to their house and was upset and embarrassed because I thought I wouldn't be able to go swimming with them, then they would ask why not.. and I didn't want to tell them that!

I ended up telling my Aunt my "problem" and she suggested that I use the Tampons underneath the sink in the bathroom. I felt like I was able to understand the directions quite clearly on the back of the box after studying them intently for more than a half an hour. So I pulled the bottom part of the applicator from the top piece (figuring it was just a useless piece of plastic) and proceeded to shove the rest of the entire applicator in. I didn't use Tampons for a very long time after that week because of how uncomfortable they felt.

It wasn't until years later that I figured out how they REALLY worked. Needless to say, I felt pretty stupid.

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once me and my friend stuck her mums tampons up are butts thinking that you didnt have to poo

ha ha ha ha
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when i was about 8 my mom used to tell me that tampons were ear cleaners for adults.......so when my dad was watching T.V. he started using his finger to clean his ears. I thought he needed some help so i went to get a tampon and when i gave it t my dad he started laughing and asked what it was 4 so i told him what mommy told me he started laughing and told me "THE TRUTH"

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One time, when I still used to go to public loos with my mum, she had her periods. I didn't see her pad, but only saw the red liquid in the loo. I thought this was because she had ate too much strawberries, and because strawberries used to be (and still is) my favourite fruit, I shouted at my mum for eating strawberries without my knowing.

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As the youngest among three sisters, I only heard my sisters talking about their periods during the summer holiday. They just never called it by the name and always referred to it as "my point point point". I figured that it was some kind of paper they had to write for school during the holidays and really wasn't looking forward to having to write one myself.

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I used to think that pads were little diapers for my baby dolls.. haha

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my cousin found a sanitary pad of my aunts. When she asked what they were my ant explained that they were 'ladies things'. So the next day my aunt hears my cousin shouting "Mum I'v got a ladies thing stuck to the back of my neck". It was a plaster. She obviously thought that the pads were plasters.

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my friend told me that a girl would wear a tampon if she wanted to have sex whie on her period (we were i think 12)...now i wonder why i never saw how almost impossible that is.

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I use to think that pads where diapers for women who peed their pants

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