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My brother and I (yeah, I'm a girl) believed for the longest time that feminine pads were to be used as peel-able window-sticky decals, and that tampons were to be used to whipe your butt after taking a crap, in those hard to reach places. We thought it was the "fancy" way to clean your butt out instead of old school toilet paper...Boy did I learn when I got my first period where those things really go! haha...

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I used to think (until age 14) that when you had your period, the blood came from your boobs. That's why, when you were old, your boobs would "sink" to the ground (because they lost so much blood!). Thank goodness for metapause!

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In the third grade, I became curious about periods, and asked my mother what it was. She simply told me it was "when your bellybutton bleeds once a month". Well, i mentioned this to a girl in my class, and her mother had told her it was "when your bum bleeds once a month". (gross..) Anyway, we figured out what was in between, and solved the mystery

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when i first started my period nobody had told me that it was a normal thing for girls to go through. things like that just weren't talked about. so every month when i started to menstrate i thought i was dying of cancer.

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when i was young (maybe 6) i had seen my mom changing her pad.... and i when i looked i didnt say anything (i was a shy kid) and but in my mind... i was like OMG WHATS WRONG WITH MY MOM?!?!?! WHY IS SHE BLEEDING?!?!?

now that i know......lol!

just someone.
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when i was little i thought tampons were for boys when they got there periodes

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be4 i thought that when u had ur period Blood SHOT out of ur pee-pee

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When I was very young while my parents were entertaining a large group of guests at a party in our home I had gotten into and removed the wrappers of some of my moms tampoms. after walking into the middle of our living room where everybody was. I was carrying the opened tampons with strings hanging out, and getting everyones attention my mom screaming what the hell I was doing. I shouted that i had found some sticks of dynamite. As everyone bursted out laughing. Embarrassed my mom quickly took the tampons and me into another room and yelled at me... I still hear about this incident to this day...HAHa

bill c. Buffalo,ny
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I found sanitary towells in my moms drawer and stuck it on my leg thinking it was a big plaster.

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When i was in 7th grade a couple of boys thought that you could just hold your blood when you were menstruating until you got to the bathroom and just pee it out! HA!

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I can't remember if this was a dream or not, but once when I was young I had a particularly nasty stomach-ache. I had seen an ad for a pill to stop pain during periods and surmised that a period was a bad stomach-ache. I went up to my father and said "Dad, I'm having a period." I couldn't think why he was laughing.

Guys don't have periods. Full stop.
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Me and my friend told her little sister who is 12 that if she uses a tampon she will no longer be a virgin and she believed us!

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When I was about 6, I knew about pads but not tampons. I thought that you pulled the tampon out of the plastic then unfolded it until it was a pad. Now I'm really a little glad they explained tampons to us before I tried to unfold a tampon into a pad and use it...

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when my little brother was younger he tried to tell me how girls got their periods. He told me that a girl gets her period when a guys "gets horny at her" and she knows. lol...then he tried to tell me that he knows that from expeince. you can imagine how confused i was when he told me that last part

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My kid sister (when she was 4) used to believe that sanitary towels were nappies... and well... she saw the towels one day in a cupboard in the bathroom and well... wore the towels for about a month before my mother found out... and told her they were for big girls and mommies... I still mock her for it to this day.

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I used to watch the commercials for pads and think that they were for women who wet their pants.

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When my family and I where at a very nice restaurant,I chose to eat spagetti.It was really messy and I needed a napkin.I was like "Mommy I need to use the restroom."She was too busy talking and just simply pointed to where it was.I was like 7 so i felt like I was finally a big girl.Well earlier my mom gave me 50 cents to get something out of the quarter machines and what I got was something only worth a quarter,so I had a quarter left over.I had just began to learn to read and saw the word napkin in the bathroom. I used my 25 cents and wiped the spagetti sauce off and shoved the"napkin" in my pocket. When the waiter came to pick up our plates he asked me if I was done with my plate, I was like wait heres my napkin.I reached in my pocket and pulled it out and put it on the plate. Every1 at the table cracked up laughin, the waiter wasnt to happy!

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I used to think that my mom's pads were slippers. i put the sticky side on my feet and walked around in them with the wings taped to the side.

Little Girl
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I got my period when I was about 9. When I was on my period, and the little chucks of blood came out, I thought they were mermaids...

I'm not telling
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When I was little, all I wanted to do was be like my mom. One day we were at CVS and my 20 year-old cousin was working at the counter. My mom told her " I got my end of the sentence today." I thought this was the greatest thing ever! We were learning about what comes at the end of a sentence in school. A period! So about a week later I went in to CVS and while my mom was picking up medicine, I went over to a person working at the counter(not my cousin)and proudly told him that I got my period today. Remember, I was about 6.

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