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top belief!

Once, me and my next-door-neighbour, who was a boy, found my mum's pads under the sink. We, being only 4 and no knowing what they were, assumed they were for protecting your head. We stuck them to our foreheads and ran outside to play. The whole road witnessed this, including my friend's dad, and mum was red, to say the least!

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I was told that once you got your period you could have a baby. I was always a tomboy and had more guy friends than girls, and the first time i got my period i had two of my guy friends at my house. I told them to leave thinking they could get me pregnant. I think i thought when you had your period you automatically got pregnant that you didnt have to have sex or something. I dont know.

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Before I started my period I was terrified to use a tampon because I was afraid the string would snap and it'd be lodged in my vagina forever. (I still kinda am)

14 and wondering
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i used to think that when you got your period your vagina would close up and be one thing with no hole or anything

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before i started my periods, i used to be terrified of starting while i was out because i thought it would all just start rushing out!!

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i was talking to a guy friend of mine (very close) and he thought that when you had your period that the blood would spurt out like when men ejaculate...you can not imagine how embarrassed he was....

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I used to believe that when a woman had her period, her urine would turn to blood, and the only reason you had to wear a pad was in case you couldn't make it to the bathroom in time, during your period. And when i first got my period, I thought that my pad would somehow leak, so I ran to the bathroom every 20 minutes to check the back of my pants, adjust my pad, etc. The thought of anyone seeing blood on my pants horrified me. Still does.

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When my mother first told me about periods (I was maybe five or six) she said, "You first start your period around eleven or twelve. You go through menopause in your 40's." I took this to mean that once you started your period you had one, continuously, until you reached menopause. I was very suprised when my first period stopped (I even went so far as to ask her if anything was wrong with me). My mother says she was shocked to discover I not only had I developed this odd idea, but that I hadn't been upset about it at all! I just figured, since my mom told me it was natural, I'd just go with the flow (no pun intended).

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top belief!

I had to tell my 17 year old boyfriend that when a girl has her period the blood actually comes OUT of her body. He was extremely grossed out! I still haven't figured out what he thought happened to it!

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I used to believe that when girls began to have their period it would continue non-stop for years until they finally reached menopause. I was so upset because I didn't want to have to worry about bleeding for basically the rest of my life. Also I thought that you would also just for no reason break down and cry all the time or start laughing for no reason. Well lets just say I am old enough to know all that is not true.

Jen the Confused
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I use to think that , when you had your period and if you had a tampon on that you couldn't go pee....until my friend told me and she never lets me forget

theres another hole!!!!!
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I used to believe that maxi pads we like diapers for women who didn't have time to go to the washroom at work. So one day after my bath i decided to try one, I put it in my panties and peed in it.

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top belief!

When I first got my period, I thought it happened because I drank too much black coffee the day before and it leaked out of my body *to me the color looked black*!

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when I was about 10 or 11–after I knew what getting your period was, but before I understood what the paraphenalia was for– I put my mom and sister in hysterics by asking how 'deodorant' tampons to stayed in your armpits.

summer fresh pits
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i used to believe that if you held on to your pee you would get your period. I was told this when i was 10 and i held on to my pee so much one day i couldnt hold it anymore and i peed on myself in the street.

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top belief!

My mom never told me about girls getting a period...When I was 10 yrs. old I woke up one morning to having some blood in my panties, well I thought I scratched myself in my sleep but I was very PRIVATE girl and did not go to my mother about it...as the day progressed I saw drops and tried looking with a mirror to see where I scratched myself...NO LUCK!!...the next morning I woke up and there was even more blood spots so I put BANDAIDS all over my private area but to no avail it continued and was only getting worse...so I finally went to my mother TOTALLY EMBARESSED to say "Mom I scratched myself and it just wont stop bleeding and I have tried using bandaids to cover the scratch but it's not working"...Needless to say my mother wanted to see and when I showed her or rather she could tell it waas not a scratch but my first period...It took everything for her to not laugh at the site of bandaids everwhere from front to back...She proceeded to tell me then what it was...One thing she told me was now I was a "Woman" so to speak and I had to stay away from boys..lol...I sure made sure when I had my daughter to tell her very early on about this subject...lol

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Well my sister was talking to me about Pads,and Tampons! So I knew what a Pad was because she opened one up for me! But I did not know what they were for so she talked to me about Periods and I was only 8 at the time and I still did not get it so Then she showed my a tampon which she4 use's and at first I said were does this go and she told me but I thoght she meant butt so when I got my Period I was Sooo embrassed that I put it in the wrong place!!

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top belief!

I remember hearing that you shouldn't go swimming in the ocean when you had your period or you would attract sharks.

shark bait
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My boyfriend's 18 and he thought that periods only last one day! I told him and he was very surprised and said that he's really glad he isn't a girl! :)

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i use to think after hearing girls have periods, that you only get it once and then your a woman, wish it was true...

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