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top belief!

I'd been told that a period was when, once a month, a woman would bleed. Now, I was a fairly laid-back little girl, so this idea didn't bother me much. After all, the only bleeding I'd ever witnessed was from little scrapes and cuts, so naturally, I thought any bleeding would only last a minute or two. I was more than a bit pissed off, then, when my period came along and lasted a full week!

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i use to think that everyone had a period. but now i know that only girls have them.

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When i found out that your period was a new egg that needed to be expelled once a month, i imagined a large, squishy blob the size of a chicken egg, and i could understand why a woman couldnt just sit on the toilet and drop it in all at once. I was really disgusted when i found out that it had to leak out in small chucks, because i imagined a soft-boiled egg sort of deal

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top belief!

When i was about 6-7 i played with these 'napkins' i found undernieth the sink in the bathroom. one day my mom found me playing with them and said "What ar you doing in the special napkins?" so then the next time we had a fancy dinner shehad asked me to set the table to i took out the 'Fancy' napkins. I never knew why i got in so much troble till i was a bout 9.

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Upon being told by her Mum that women got periods so they could have babies, my best friend (aged about seven at the time) promptly told her that she didn't ever want babies, so she straight-out wouldn't be having any periods. She's currently pregnant with her second child...

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I heard that it was a good idea to take baths during your period, but the idea terrified me because I thought you'd end up bathing in your own blood. I was blissfully unaware of the term "water pressure".
Also, when I was about seven, seen a sign in the Ladies saying "please don't flush sanitary towels down the toilet". I knew what sanitary meant (clean) and I assumed that this meant you were allowed to flush DIRTY towels - as in bath towels. Sensible idea - no point wasting clean towels. I didn't understand properly until I was nine or ten.
Not to mention I thought you tied tampons to your underwear. All the school textbook had was a picture of a loose tampon and the words "You can do any exercise wearing a tampon, it cannot slip." Thank you, middle school.

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I used to think that your period was this, red, gloppy mess, that would give you a stomach ache until you went to the bathroom to get it out...much like a bowel movement.
I don't know what made me think this. I'm glad my idea wasn't true though.

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After being allowed to eat as many beets as I cared to at lunch one day (my gramma was minding me), I was horrified to see later that when I weed, the water turned red. I was convinced I was the first 6-year-old to get her period. When my mum came home, she noticed I was very preoccupied and after getting the horrible truth out of me, proceeded to dress down my gramma for overfeeding me beets and scaring the tar out of me.

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top belief!

I'd once heard maxi pads referred to as "feminine napkins", so for a while I used to think that when I got my period I would have to put a dinner napkin down my pants.

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top belief!

I had no idea what maxi pads were for and stocked my Barbie townhouse with maxi pad beds one day

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top belief!

I remember once my mom was explianing periods to me. She told me that when I had my period, I couldn't go near water. Wide-eyed, I asked, "I can't even drink water?" I thought that for a while.

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I usedto believe that Maxi pads were to soak up underarm sweat. I was shocked to find out their real use at a Mother daughter night in the 5th grade.

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top belief!

My parents decided to educate me early about my period, when I was seven. I didn't quite understand it though- I thought that girls got it only once, and it lasted for 28 days. A few years later I found out the truth and I was quite pissed off.

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top belief!

I'm posting this anonomously because even though no-one knows this story, it still makes me blush to repeat it...

One sunny summers afternoon my Mother was sunbathing nude (on her front) in the back yard. Not such a shocking thing to do in a private space and with only your family around. Except when her darling daughter pointed out she had a 'string' near her bottom, and did she want me to get it for her. I don't think she's moved so quickly since!

Red faced
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when i came to the US in 7th grade. a classmate asked me if i had period. she believed chinese, unlike americans, might or might have period.

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I thought when i had my period that i was dying, my mum never told me what it was

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top belief!

When my brother was still much younger, he used to like going through my things. One day he came across a box of tampons and wanted to know what it was used for. Embarassed (because he asked this infront of some of my male friends), I explained to him that tampons were used in case of a nose bleed. He believed me then, but I think he knows all about it now. Luckily he never had any nose bleeds when I was around...

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top belief!

When i was small i didn't really know what tampons were for but i had a little idea. when my mates used to come over and play i used to soak them in water and chase my friends around the house with them. they would freak out and i would be having the time of my life.that is until my sister came home one day and saw me doing this. that was the end of the running tampon.

camel man
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top belief!

When i was about 10, i had seen a commercial about super absorbent Maxi pads. So, i knew my mom kept these similar looking ones under the sink in the bathroom. I took one and decided to experiment myself how much they did absorb. Taking red paint and watering it down i drenched this maxi until it over flowed with water and paint. I threw it out. Later my mom came to me very concerned thinking that i had gotten my period and she hadn't the chance to explain to me what it was all about. Poor mom, she got scared.

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The first time I used a tampon I didn't know you had to remove the cardboard after you slide the tampon in. Ouch!!! It really hurt and I decided there was no way I was gonna use these things. Finally someone told me how to use them properly.

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