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I used to believe that you couldn't go pee if you were useing a tampon.

Megan luv's Cody
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Until I was in about the 5th grade, I believed that boys used jock straps to hold on sanitary pads! Why wouldn't I believe it, my older brother told me about it!

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My 4 year old daughter thinks that I stick tampons in my butt. I haven't told her anything different

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when i was little, i walked into the bathroom and looked in the toilet to see blood in it. horrified i ran to my mother and told her what i have found. she said that when girls get a certain age, they get their periods, which makes them pee out blood, and that it was hers. i then thought that when i a girl got her period, she would always have it, but could hold it in like pee.. was i ever wrong.

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When was about 7 years old, my family went to sizzler and my mom let me go to the bathroom by myself.

I found an empty tampax carboard tube on the floor. I had never seen one before. So I brought it out to the table announcing that I had found a "telescope" in the bathroom.

My grandmother (having never used tampons apparently) didn't see what the problem was about me playing with this object.

Natch my mother and sister were mortified! I still laugh (and am grossed out) about this incident to this day!

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tampax tampons used to come in these cool cardboard applicators, and if you gave them a good intentional whack on one end, well then the cotton tampon would be propelled out like a soft bullet.

As a young boy growing up in a house full of women, I had no idea what a tampon was. But I knew quite well what "cotton rockets" were. My mom arrived upon the scene to witness the yard covered in unused tampons that i had been shooting here and there, under the sly pretext of Star Wars battles and Spider Man adventures. My dog was chasing after the tampons and chewing them up. It was sunny, and I remember that that was a really fun afternoon.

I can't imagine what she thought. I think I got the "facts-of-life" intro speech not long after that.

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When I was 7 years old I found some pads under the bathroom counter. I thought they were knee pads. All the neighbors had a good laugh to see me riding my bike up and down the street with sanitary napkins stuck to my knees and elbows.

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when my dad and his sister were teenagers he would see her eyelash curler on the counter near the sink. untill he married my mom, he was convinced that the eyelash curler was a tampon remover!

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I saw that boxes of tampons often showed up in our bathroom. I asked her what they were, and she explained that they were for when you got your period and they would soak up the blood. I assumed that periods meant you were peeing out blood, and tampons were a kind of specialized toilet paper that could stop this.

Sheltered Child
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In the fourth grade the girls had to watch the "period movie". In the movie it mentioned that "soon after you start to get pubic hair.. your period will follow." So I thought that if I shaved it off I would never get my period. I would shave it often with my fathers razor in the bathroom. To this day ... he doesn't know.

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I used to believe that your vagina and urinary tract were one in the same. I didn't understand how you could have your period for a week straight and be able to wee at the same time.

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I used to think that period blood was going to be blue because in the commercials in which they do an absorbency test comparing two different brands of sanitary napkins they use water with blue dye in it.

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When I first got my period, my friend and I were talking about this new experience. We thought that you were fertile during your period, and only then. We wondered, "Why would anybody ever want to have sex? Wouldn't it be messy? What man would ever like that?"

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When I was 12 I stayed over at my mates house. Her little brother was 7.

In the afternoon her mom came back from shopping, put all the groceries away, and left all the toiletry stuff in a plastic bag ready to put upstairs. My mates little brother rushed in from outside and had fallen off his bike. He had a big graze on his forehead.

his mom had popped around to see a neighbour, so when he asked where the plasters were, we told him to look in the plastic bag on the stairs.

He did look a prat with a sani pad stuck to his forehead as he went back outside to play with his mates......

classic comedy moment.....

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When I was little and I heard about getting your period, I thought that once it started, it would never stop, you'd be bleeding constantly til menopause.

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At age six, my mum made a bit of a mess of explaining the birds and the bees to me. I asked her if you could get periods anywhere and she said yes. Of course rather than thinking that you could get them in any place that you went, I thought you could get them in any part of the body. Every nose bleed or cut on my knee was a potential period for the next two years until sex ed put me straight!

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i used to believe that when u got ur period it was continuous and carried on until you died

ze bledzing laydz
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When my younger brother was around 8 or 9 years old, he was curious and read the directions inside a box of tampons. For years he believed tampons were for cleaning out your butt because of the illustration on the directions.

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My friend Theresa's mom told her that if you used a tampon, that you weren't a virgin anymore. She didn't believe me when I told her the truth and for all I know, she still doesn't.

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When I was a child my sister told me that a period was a chocalate bar so I used to lokk for one whenever i went into a shop!

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