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when I was younger, I called "feminine napkins" "feline napkins"... so whenever we were in publin restrooms, I would announce that I needed some for my cat

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my mother would tell me what a period was and how i was gonna get one i believed that she was lying to me so she could scared me( she loves to scare me) and that she told the whole world to keep lying so i could fall for it.

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When i was 8 my older cousin was on her period and she told me not to bug her because her "little fairy of the month" was here, i found out that she ment her period and pu together the information i already knew about periods and came to the conclution that a little fairy came in the middle of the night and flew up the girls vagina, then went into the womb and set up a little living area in there with a tv and a couch and everything and every few hours flicked her magic wand and the stuff would come out.....yeeeaaa, i was wrong

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i remember when i was about 9 and my puppy had her period, and i asked my mom "why is there blood all over the floor?" and she told me that ginger was losing teeth. then, at my thirteenth birthday, i asked my mom "can dogs get periods?" (i know random) and she told me "yes remeber when ginger had hers" and i screamed loud enough for everybody to hear, no lie, "ginger got her period? you told me she was losing teeth!" it is still i assume a humorous topic.

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My friends little brother found her tampons in her room. He took them out to his father & asked what they were. His father told him they were special ear plugs. So when her brother didn't want to listen to what was being said he would search for the special ear plugs.

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This REALLY happened to me: When I was about 6 years old, I rolled my hair up in my Mom's soft cotton rollers. When my Mom saw me, she took them off of me very quickly. I said, "Aren't these for your curling your hair?" My Mom said, "No, they're my sanitary napkins."

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I didnt find out about periods untill I was TEN. My friends Mum explained it, not MY parents. Anyway after the talk, me and my friend went back to my house & she said to my Dad 'My Mums just told us about periods, where blood comes out instead of wee'
In my last year of primary school aged 11, I overheard my teacher talking about a girl in my class who had already started her periods.
I thought that you would be stuck on the loo for HOURS because loads of blood would come out for hours on end, and because of the talk with my friends Mum, I thought that you would be stuck on the toilet peeing blood for HOURS, so I was rather confused as to why that same girl who had already started hers, was in her chair doing work and not peeing blood oin the toilet until 3pm. lol

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I got so freaked out!!that stuff was suposed to be blue,like on the comercials,not red!!!!!!!!!!!!

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When I was little, I was talking to my friend Will about periods. I told him what they were, and when I was done, he ran crying to his mom screaming and terrified that he was going to bleed through his penis. Later we had to correct him and he was very embarassed.

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when i had sex-ed in elementary school, the nurse explained what a period was and showed us pictures. i guess i didn't see too well, because i was so confused. even though i was really shy, i went up to her after class and asked about it, but still didn't get it. i thought a period was a red dot that you got somewhere on your body...like chicken pox.

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When I was an innocent 9 year old, my mum gave me a book on pubety and sex. It disturbed me greatly that I was going to start laying eggs (like a chicken in my mind) when I reached about 11 years old!

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I used to believe that if you were a girl and you touched yourself, ahem "down there", you wouldn't end up getting your period or it would get delayed for a really long time.

I thought this when I was around 9 or 10. When I was 12, I dissapointedly found out how wrong I was.

Some girl.
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When I was in elementary school my mom tried to explain puberty to me and I vastly misinterpreted the facts. For several years I believed that when girls first got their periods, they would just continually bleed for the rest of their lives until they got old and ran out of blood and then they died.

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Every month for three days my mom would sleep on the floor. She would not do any household work and rest. She also would not let anyone touch her. If we kids did touch her by mistake we would have to go take a bath. That used to be the custom in my society twenty years ago. As a kid when I asked her why we couldnot touch her,I was told that she had stepped on dog doo. Later I found out it was the period. And for a long time i thought women get periods when they step on dog doo.

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Until I was in about the 5th grade, I believed that boys used jock straps to hold on sanitary pads! Why wouldn't I believe it, my older brother told me about it!

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I used to think that girls who were beginning to have periods got them once a year before they became more frequent. I would play high school barbies with my sister and when the boyfriends came over, she'd say, "I can't. It's that time of the year."

Imani B.
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Until he was 12 and my mom explained it to him, my brother was convinced that pads were "vagina protectors" and were worn to keep any germs from getting into the vaginas. He even demonstrated how they were put on to me (very gross), by sticking the adhesive side to the crotch. I tried to tell him he was wrong, but he wouldn't listen. It was very funny when it hurt him to take it off, though.

He also believed that tampons were inserted into someone (man or woman)'s butt if they had to poop but didn't want to because they were in a public area or something. The tampon would stop the poop coming out so the person could wait until they got home to go in privacy.

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In like 5th grade, I didnt know what it meant to have your period, so I asked my friend. She told me it was when you bled from your private parts... I guess I figured she meant breasts or something, because i ran to her one day and was like "Nope, Nicki, you're wrong, you bleed from down there, not your boobs!" and she looked at me like DUH.

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I got my first period exactly one week before my mom had her hysterectomy (sp?) and i didnt tell her because i thought she'd be so mad at me because she wouldnt have one anymore!

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Well this isn't about me but I had to explain to my friend David at aged 15 that boys didn't have periods because he became very paranoid that he would start bleeding from his penis at school. Aw bless ya Dave x x x

Beth (aged 18)
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