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I used to believe that what came out when you got your period was blue, because of the ads on tv where women would pour blue liquid onto a pad to show absorbancy. I was surprised and a bit disappointed to find out the truth during puberty.

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When I was about 9 or 10 one of my friends had told me that while you were on your period you could not get wet or your head would split open. When I got my period at 12 I was terrified to take a shower, but my mother insisted that it was not true.

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HA! I used to think when you got your period, you would just pee blood...I wish it was like that...if only.

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My mother, for whatever reason, never told me about puberty, so when I started my period at twelve years old, I didn't know what to think of it. My brother, younger than me, said I was having internal bleeding, and I accepted this happily - and went on stuffing toilet roll and cut-up clothes in my knickers - until I had my first sex education lessons at secondary school. I'm now of the opinion that parents should just give their children puberty books at age eleven if they're too embarassed to speak about it.

Riptide Belle
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Just after starting my first period, my mother told me that girls can't use tampons until after they have had sex. I believed this until I was 16. My mother claims her mother told her that and she also believed it until I was 16!

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when i was little, i walked into the bathroom and looked in the toilet to see blood in it. horrified i ran to my mother and told her what i have found. she said that when girls get a certain age, they get their periods, which makes them pee out blood, and that it was hers. i then thought that when i a girl got her period, she would always have it, but could hold it in like pee.. was i ever wrong.

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When i was small i didn't really know what tampons were for but i had a little idea. when my mates used to come over and play i used to soak them in water and chase my friends around the house with them. they would freak out and i would be having the time of my life.that is until my sister came home one day and saw me doing this. that was the end of the running tampon.

camel man
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I used to believe that maxi pads were beds for barbies and people, and I never understood why I could never fit on one. So I used to stick them to the floors and walls. My mom once had to show our old house to some realtors(of course they were all men). As she was walking up the stairs she had to rip them from the floors and walls witht the realtors following behind snickering.

June Courtney
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when i was little i believed that tampons were invisible crayons and so i took them to school and gave them to my friends.

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i used to think that pads were for when a woman peed more.
i decided that the next time i nearly peed my pants, i was going to demand a pad from my mother, because she was hogging them for herself...

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When I was about 8 years old my friend Alice told me that all women would bleed once a month, and that this would happen to us when we were older.

I was horrified, and imagined blood coming out of all of our pores. Then I didn't believe her because I was sure that I had never seen any grown up woman I knew walking around with blood pouring out from everywhere.

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When my friend's little brother was about three, he discovered the pads under the bathroom sink. We told him that girls put them on their privates (why we would tell this to a three-year-old is beyond me). So he decided to try one on. He proceeded to strip naked and put the pad on his privates--he literally stuck it on himself. When we saw him, we couldn't stop laughing. And when we pulled it off, the look on his face...

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A couple of years ago my cousin ran into my room and said she started her period, i went into the bathroom and found a box of band aids on the floor

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This is actually something my little brother thought when he was 5 or 6 - He had need pads and tampons in the bathroom at home, but was too embarassed to ask my mom what they were for. He thought that when a girl reached a certain age that she couldn't control her bladder anymore, and that's what all that stuff was for. My brother thought this for YEARS until he found out otherwise!

Rofl in Tx
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I used to think that pads were for people who wet themselves so me and my sister used to laugh at my mom cos we found a pack in her drawer.

could be true.....
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I remember when I was a little girl, we would always receive samples of Always pads in the mail. I lived with my grandmother and she would put them in her shoes. So for years I thought you use them in your shoes when your feet hurt. She never explained what they were and I never asked or thought to read the package. I didn't find out what they really were used for until I was 13 years old.

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My friend told me about a guy one time that asked her if she had got her period yet. When she replied that she got it every month, he said in surprise, "You mean you get it more than once?"

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A high school friend - a guy - thought that when girls had their periods, they just had to go sit on the toilet for about ten minutes until the bleeding was all done, then the period was over. At the time, he was 16 and he had a sister...yet this was his belief.

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wheni was in fifth grade we had the perid/sex ed talk at school in an all girls room.in the other room the boys were having study hall and they would have their talk some other time . after it was over we got these kits of pads and tampons and deoderant and calanders and guides on puberty
and stuff like that. after it was done we walke d out and waved or kits at the boys saying "We got goody bags!!!"

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When I was little I went to this basketball game and I bought some sticky food and there were no napkins so when I went into the girls bathroom and saw that it said napkins I was happy and so I asked my parents for a quarter and so
I Bought a napkin and I was like " These napkins are weird."

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