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When I was in third grade, for some reason most of my classmates still only knew the story of the stork or a very clean "birds and the bee's" so one day during class we were talking about birthdays and one of the girls in my class said "My birthday is on (some day) and thats the day the stork brought me home." And so being the enlightened child i was I raised my hand and was called on and said "No that's a lie, your parents had sex and thats how you were made" My parents got many a phone call from parents upset that their 3rd graders were coming home asking about sex.

farm grown
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I grew up on a farm, with cows. So at about the age of five I saw some of our cows being "hugged" by the bull in the herd. When i asked my parents why the bull was hugging the cows my parents straight out told me that the cows were having sex and that was how babies were made. Needless to say i soon came to realize how i had been made.

farm grown
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I used to belive that babys came from mothercare and if you were bad your mum could take u back for a refund!

Nikk Levinson
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I used to beleive that babies were made out of food that someone ate. For example if i ate sausages then it would form fingers, and meat was legs etc..

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when i was young i wondered where kids and young animals came from so i asked Grandma and she sugared the pill by saying that they were created by a stork who used to deliver them to the mum and dad who they belonged to. so i belived that but then i brought a book called the facts of life when i was seven so then i knew the truth.

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I was explained the initial process of intercourse...simple enough: the man's penis enters the woman's vagina, fluid with sperm comes out, sperm finds egg and gets fertilized. However, the only thing was I wasn't explained was the process of how the ejaculate fluid comes out of the penis. I spent some time thinking that once a man's penis was inside the woman they just sit there and wait until it comes out...and I was confused as to how they know when the man has ejaculated lol.
I also thought I could get pregnant just by sitting in the same chair where a guy just sat because I thought he left little sperm on the chair and they would crawl up in me.

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When i was little I used to believe that if your mummy and daddy got naked in the bathtub together, they wouldn't have human babies, but instead they'd have baby ducks.

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I always thought that if I weed in the bath I would make all the sponges pregnant and baby sponges would pop out at midnight because we always got new sponges if I weed in the bath.

Bradley Dominic Standish - Santa's little Helper
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When I was younger, I used to think that when little girls were born, a TEENY TINY baby was already in their tummy and would grow up and come out when she was married or in her 20's.

Sarah. Bella
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When my Dad told me that babies came from an egg, I thought they would come from ANY egg. So I used to sit on chicken eggs waiting for them to "hatch". All I got was yolk on my butt!

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As a kid I believed that the baby either had to originally be in the mom or the dad, and I believed that my mom just wouldn't tell me which one because it was a big secret. I decided that it was the sperm that was to become the baby because it could already move, and mom wouldn't admit to that because she was jealous that dad had the baby first.

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My Younger brother wanted to know where babies came from, so he asked my Mom...He was around 5 or 6 and Mom wasn't ready to explain this to him yet...SO, She told him that she bought him at K -Mart on "Blue Light Special"!
For years he really believed this, Especially since the other 3 of us would threaten to take him back for a refund because Mom kept his receipt, just incase she wasn't happy with her purchase!

(yea, I know we were pretty rotten)
Sorry "Pooh Bear"! Love ya kiddo!

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When I was little my mum told me that she had bought me from the baby shop. My teachers told me that babies grew inside their mummy's tummys, and somehow, I managed to believe both. I never quite connected the two and thought 'hang on, one of them's got to be wrong...'

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when i was younger my mum used to tell me that she found me under a tree and funnily enough i believed her until i was 7 n my sister came along, until then i used to ask her to put me back under the tree and let someone else find me!!

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When i was little i thought babys just happened as soon as you got married (that there was no act to begin with). One day me and my mom where walking past some sort of Birth Control Stand. i asked her what it was and she said it was so you stop making babys.
I told her she should get some so i dont get a little brother or something.
LOL. she truned pink after that (and i did'nt know why for years).

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This is pretty weird. Brace yourself! I'm a boy, and when i was little, I thought that girls privates were just like a tiny little hole in the front of the pubic area (right about where the penis is) that they peed out of. Anyway, I thought that when they peed, it had no pressure behind it, so it would just like dribble down the front and fall down which is why they had to pee sitting down. I thought that when you had sex, you just put your pee-pee in the girl and then peed in her (GROSS!!!!!!!!) and it would shoot up into her bladder and mix with her pee. I thought there was something about boy pee and girl pee mixing that made a baby (I thought girls pee was pink by the way). I wondered why there weren't thousands of little babies growing in the sewers. I figured the government must put a special chemical in the sewers to keep the boy pee and the girl pee from mixing. Thank God we had an anatomy book lying around that I read when I was 12 and it corrected a lot of things for me, otherwise, I'd probably be pretty warped these days. :P

mostly normal nick
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Until she was about 12 my sister belived that she would be able to chose the sex of her baby. Her idea was that it went: Man on top-its a boy, Woman on top-its a girl. It was only when I asked her what she expected to give birth to after doggie style that she finally noticed that her plan wasnt quite so fool proof!

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i remember when i was younger (it was the time were peer pressure was high on having a boyfriend- and i did not have one) there was a month when i didn't have my periods n i was panicing because i couldn't understand why. So i made a conclusion that made sence to me that because i didn't have a boyfrind my body seced it a stated producing sperms that got me pregnant as a punishment to not having a boyfrind.

Karabo Phello
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I believed that girls were born as boys, and boys were born as girls, and you changed when you were still a baby.

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I used to believe that boys had boy babies, and girls had girl babies.

That was when I was 3-7. I'm 15 now.

Stefanie Michelle
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