i used to believe

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I had an older brother who was in a band so My mom and i got him this shirt that says on the front "I'm with the band" on the back it said" show me some hooters. So when i asked what hooters were she told me that hooters were feet.. I belived that till i was about 9.

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one time in school about 3rd or 4th grade i heard some one say "vagina" and i thought they said china and for some reason i thought that when they said "china" i thought they were reffering to the females body part and i thought about this for the longest time and i thought china is a country.but then my mom told me about sex about age 9.

Erik Johnson
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I thought everyone had a penis but mine was really small so I couldn't see it (this belief stemmed from walking in on my babysitter's son peeing when we were about three).

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I was 3 when my brother was born and when I watched my mom breastfeeding I was sure one was vanilla and the other chocolate!

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When I was younger, my mother always watched talk shows like "Maury" and such, and occasionally there'd be an episode featuring hermaphrodites. Once my mom explained what a hermaphrodite was exactly, I was sure I was one as well because that at that time I thought that all girl's privates were totally smooth, like a doll's. I kept on thinking this until I was 11 or 13, I believe.

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this happened to my brothers friend.

so his parents let him in the delivery room (don't ask me why) and when his sister popped out, they said it was a girl. apparently he didnt know that girls didnt have penises and he called her umbellical cord her winkie. so when his dad snipped the cord he exclamed "daddy, you cut her winkie off!"

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When I was younger my sister told me that if you pinched your nipples very hard for one minute your breasts would grow bigger. I went through many painful minutes with no results! Haha

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As a child, I had walked in on my dad in the bathroom once or twice, prompting my mom to give me "the talk," so I wasn't exactly a stranger to the male anatomy.

One day, though, I ended up playing doctor with a friend of mine and found that his penis was a lot smaller than my dad's, both in absolute terms and in proportion to the rest of his body. I knew from TV that having a small penis was something to be ashamed of, so I teased him for it for years. It never occured to me that they grow the way they do

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My sister, used to believe that penis was called pancreas. We were having a talk and she said 'oh! i thought it was called pancreas!'

Hannah's sister
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When I was younger one of my moms friends was breastfeeding her baby. One day I finally get up the nerve to ask her if milk came out of one side and orange juice out of the other.

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When I was little I thought that vaginas were inside-out penises and that they were in the same spot as penises.

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i never knew that boys had a penis and once when i accidently went into the boys bathroom and saw a urinal i wondered how they peed. when i got home from school i asked my mom how. then she gave me the birds and bees talk...

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I beleived when I was little that I had a special baby hole identical 2 my but hole. I would always bend over backwards infront of the mirror 2 try 2 see it. I never imagined it was the hole that it is

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I used to think that if I watered my boobs they would grow. Then one day my older and evil sister told me that wouldn't work - I had to pull them and stretch them. I did BOTH for quite a long time, needless to say, it never worked!

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When I was little, I used to think that a girl peed out of her clitoris. Valid, I didn't know that it was called a clitoris, I thought it was a very small penis!

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One time my mom told me that babies came from secret holes, and that's how I was born.

people still make fun of me for it.

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i used to believe that men had three penises, instead of 1 and two balls

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When I was a small child, my brother told me girls were girls because a ninja came when they were just born and chopped off their "weenies".

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I don't know why, but i used to think a penis looked exactly like a finger and even had a knuckle.

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My devious, corrupt friends and I asked a boy in front of us if he knew what the clitoris was. At first he thought we were joking, and when we wouldn't tell him what it was, he got angry and cried out, "It's not a word, is it?!" He then proceeded to ask the teacher, who gave him a vague technical definition. Still confused, he went to search for it on a map of the United States.

Mind you, this kid was a junior in high school.

Fruit on the Bottom
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