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I used to think that movie stars didn't have penises and vaginas because they were too rich, beautiful, and too good to have something that looked so weird. Especially when it does gross stuff like weeing, ejaculating, having sex, and growing black hair.....

oNe StRanGe kID
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When I was little, I knew nothing of pubic hair. Then one day I was in the public showers at a water-park and there was an older guy who had a massive bush. His forest was so terribly overgrown, all you could see was the tip of his penis sticking out of the giant ball of fur. I thought he was some kind of freak and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

This trauma must've stuck in the back of my subconciousness through the years, because as an adult I take the necessary precautions to avoid such a fate.

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When i was about 4 i went to the park and this girl was dancing about. she came up to me and said if you dont eat peas your winky wont grow. I was confused i thought a winky was something you done with your eyes

anonamous bob
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When I was younger my Dad told me when a baby was born the Mummy and Daddy got to choose if they wanted a girl or a boy. Every baby was born with a willy and if they wanted a girl the doctors pushed it in!

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I used to believe that having vaginas always hurt because there is a split right down the middle. I believed this until I discovered my own vagina, and that I was in no pain. What a strange belief!

Emily the Strange
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when i was a little tot like 3 or 4 i used to think a peenus was acualty called a weener.

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when i was a kid i thought ladies have also a penny like a man and that is situated their hip.

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As a result of helping my mom change my baby brother's diapers when I was three, I somehow reasoned that the entire purpose of a boy's penis was to help the doctor tell if a baby was a boy or a girl, which was important because the parents would have to know that in order to decide what to name it and what kinds of clothes to buy. I believed this until I learned about "the birds and the bees" when I was eleven - it was certainly a shock.

Amanda M.
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A male friend of mine got a little bit confused with anatomical terminology one day. We were walking along in a group of friends and the wind blew some grit in his eye ... upon which he yelled, "Argh" Something's gone in my clitoris!"
He was 15 at the time.

Mina, England
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I used to think that penises were little hot dogs with two walnuts.

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in science in year 7 one of my friends commented something on guys pubes being on their penis'. I looked at her funny and said "i dont think thats right" so she proceeded to draw me a diagram. On the diagram the pubes were growing down the penis. I had to take the pencil off her to show her where the pubes really went.

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My friend brother told me that if a guy ate Flaming Hot Cheetos his balls would grow, but if he ate the lemon flavored ones they would shrink. I actually believed him too!

man was i gullable
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When i was younger my older sister said that girls had a penis inside their vagina.

So from then on i was extremely scared of having sex until only a few years ago

Mr Awesome
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top belief!

I also believed that if I played with myself, it would fall off. I believed it so much, that I just recalled having a dream where I was standing in line for communion at church, and all of a sudden, the whole deal fell off, and rolled out my pants leg.

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my 13 year old brother thinks that if he cutts of his
dingy he will never have to go to the bathroom again

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When I was very young (about 4 or 5), I used to believe that if you played with your penis, it would drop off! I used to be very fearful of this, especially when my dad jokingly told me that a lumberjack called John he knew suffered from this unfortunate circumstance due to his own wondering hands!

Adults do like to fill children's minds with alot of rubbish!

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Up until the age of 12 I thought that women had 3 completely seperate holes with a gap between each. The front (for wee), the middle (for sex) and the back (anus).

I thought sex sounded so technical, I was so worried about making sure I got the right hole. I said this one time on the way to school, one of my mates burst out laughing and made fun of me until the other two said that's what they had thought too.

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When I was 8 or 9 I had this group of friends and we were all different ages. The eldest was a girl who was 13, the rest of us were boys. We were all in the park and the oldest boy said that we all had to feel this girl's breasts (and she was happy for this to happen) or we'd get whipped across the 'arse' with a stick.

At that point I'd never heard the word 'arse' and I assumed it meant my penis. I was so scared of having my penis whipped (as you can imagine), needless to say I felt her breasts. What a way to have your first sexual experience!!!

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From an early age I was familiar with girls vaginas from playing doctors and nurses, but had never seen an adult woman naked except in high art and pornographic pictures, which in those days always had their pubes airbrushed out. I therefore thought that as girls grew older, their vaginas must slowly migrate round towards their backsides.

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I used to belive that boy's peniuses were for peeing on spider webs, so they wouldn't scare girls

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