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When I was little, I used to believe that when you had a sex change, you went to this place, and got inside a teleporter things...and when you came out, you were the other sex...so it changed you when you were in there...hehe!

A random person
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I thought that my clitoris was a genital wart.

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When I was little I thought that only little girls had nipples, and they went away when you grow up.

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When I was young, my mother didn't want to have to explain the facts of life to me, so she gave me a book to read instead. Unfortunately, I wasn't a very good reader, and when I got to the part about pubic hair, I thought it said public hair. I dreaded the time when my public hair would grow in and I'd have to show it to everybody.

Still keeping it shaved
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I used to watch my brother and other little boys go to the bathroom when we were little, and I was convinced that the reason boys held their penises while they were doing it was because they needed to squeeze the pee out-- like it was a water squeeze bottle or something. I was very glad to be a girl so I didn't have to do that. (So much for penis envy, I guess.)

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i used to think that the penis was a string! i saw my 6 year old cousin naked when i was 3 , and i said to my mom, "Nick has strings! But don't worry, they'll fall off!"

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I used to think that a man's willy was called his 'tail'. I frequently asked my mom's friends if they had one...!

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I used to think that the only way that a girl would grow big boobies was to have babies. My aunt had no kids, and she was flat-chested, so I thought that it was that way for everyone. I was watching Star Trek with my cousin one night and told him that Counselor Troi must have babies because she has big boobies. My cousin laughed at me.

Lindsey Tankersley
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One time I overheard my parents talking about a body that had been found somewhere and they couldn't identify it. I asked if it was a man or a woman and they said the police couldn't tell yet. I said "Well that's easy! The man has a bone down there!" They still make fun of me to this day!

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I walked in on my cousin going to the bathroom and he was just staring at his penis and I asked what are ou doing and he asks why is there a mushroom on the end of my dobber!!(hes only 4)

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my dad used 2 tell me that eating your lima beans would make u get big boobs so when dinner came around i would have a full plate of them only!

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when i was about five the teenage girl next door showed me her underwear and said if i ever told my mom that my privates would fall off

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One of the grade 9 health requirements was sex ed. It was an all girls class, and very small. Maybe, 8-10 of us. We somehow drifted off topic and people started having some kind of open discussion about penises. All of a sudden, out of no where when it was quite, one of the more popular (and stupidier) girls exclaims "What would happen if it broke? How would you put a cast on a penis?" The whole class, including the teacher, started laughing while the girl just sat there looking confused. Several minutes later when we were done laughing the girl asked "What? Haven't you ever wondered that?" Someone finally said that there weren't bones in penises so they couldn't break. The girl, who was still confused, was about to ask why they are called boners, but the teacher, who was still laughing, cut her off and said that just because that's what they are called doesn't mean that there are bones in them.

BBQ Stain
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When I was little, I believed, that a penis is divided in two and looks like the lizard tongue...ugh....:-))

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I used to think that the doctor could chose the babies gender by cutting the umbillical cord long(a boy) or cut it all of(a girl). Now I know that thats not how it happened, and that the cord connects your stomach!

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For some reason my Mum used to call my penis my "Jiminy Cricket" I thought it was its correct name. You can imagine how amused I was when I was taken to see Pinnochio at the cinema - I giggled all through the film.

Kevin from Sussex UK
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I used to think that "having a boner" meant you needed to fart. One day I was feeling a bit gassy snd proclaimed, "Man, I have a huge boner!" in front of my brothers.

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when i was little, I used to think that willies were actually really long and thin and that men had to coil them up and fix them in place so they could fit in their pants.

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When I was 7 I came home from school one day and my mother asked me what I had learned. I told her I learned that boys had a penis and girls had a 'recliner'

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when I first heard the expression "balls" (I think I was 9 or so) I thought it refered to a man's chest.(don't ask me why, I really don't remember)

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