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Around the time I turned three, I underwent surgery to repair a hernia. In recovery, My parents were horrified when I stuffed my hand into the bandages and became hysterical because the doctor forget to sew on a penis.

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Our babysitter told my brother that he would go blind if he touched his own penis. I distictly remember him (he was 6, I was 4) asking if he could only touch it enough to need glasses instead of going blind.

kelly colleen
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When I was nearing my 5th birthday, may 8 year old sister told me ALL babies are born with a penis, but when children turn 5, half of them loose their penises and become girls. I wanted to remain a boy, so for several weeks prior to, and several weeks following my 5th birthday, I used packing tape to hold my penis on.

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When I was younger I thought being circumsized meant that you had a sex change. When I noticed that I had a scar on my penis I asked my parents what it was. They told me I had been circumsized. I was devistated.

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I don't know how I came to belive this theory.All babies are born as girls.You become a "boy" if you sneeze,or cough too hard.It pops out,and you're done being a girl.I used to dread having a cold.When I would sneeze,I would rush to the bathroom,just to make sure I hadn't "popped".

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As a little boy, I knew that girls and boys had different parts between their legs, but I thought that a girl's parts were the same as a boy's parts, just pushed inside (inverted). Made sense to me.

How did they get that way? Well, at first, boys' and girls' parts were the same, then a dinosaur kicked a girl in the crotch....

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Perhaps with the idea of delaying the inevitable, my highschool-age uncle told us six-year-old boys that girls have teeth in their vagina. Took awhile before I dared to find out the truth.

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Until I was about 18 or so, I used to think that if I masturbated too much (I'm female, by the way) that my clitoris would get bigger and bigger the more I did it.

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When i was young, after I first learned about breastfeeding babies, I thought that breasts were just sacks filled entirely with milk. Thus, if a girl got hit/cut on her boob, it would pop and leak milk...

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I knew that only women had babies, and that babies were inside the mother upside-down, so I believed that the woman's breasts were the baby's feet sticking out.

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I used to think that women wore bra's because it held the milk in. :)

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I grew up as an only child and at school (3rd or 4th grade) I heard some boys saying that their parents told them that if they played with their penises they would get REALLY sick. I was relieved because I knew I didn't have a penis. Some time later I told a girlfriend what I had heard and she said that the boys were lucky. She said that if girls played with themselves our hands would fall off into the big hole we had! Glad I'm an adult!!!

Dawn...The Believer! :-)
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When my little brother was little, he told me that boys were born with one testicle and acquired a new testicle every five years. He couldn't wait to get older and get his extra balls. I was six or seven when he told me this, so I believed it too.

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I used to think that the penis was a sausage and that they could remove it and cook it.

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Until I was 20, I honestly believed that a boys testicles dropped suddenly when they reached puberty! Just like dropped in their pants one day - must have been disturbing to have that happen to you in the playground huh?

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When I was about 3 y.o. I used to think that cameras had x-ray vision and would therefore expose me to the world, therefore I went through a period of grabbing my crotch during photos (Wacko Jacko eat your heart out!)

Nathan B
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When in primary 5 the class discussion moved onto piercings. one of my friends said he had seen this woman on tv who had her nipples pierced. Upon hearing this one of the other guys in the class said but wouldnt all the air come out? yes he got laughed at fo that for ages

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I'm not sure how old I was, maybe 7 or 8. This is before I knew what sex was or what a guy's "tool" was for. Well, while in the shower, sometimes the water would hit me just right and I would get hard. I thought this meant it was time to get out of the shower and that "the hard stick" was a towel rack. And I would hang my towel on it!! LoL

Hang your towel on my rack!
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My gulible daughter(her dad told her this one) that all babies were born boys and if you wanted a girl you had to put them in a freezer and then their willies would drop off!!

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I used to think that my testicles were eggs that would become babies when I was older...

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