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When about aged two and a half a friend's son seemed to always have his hand down his nappy. One afternoon he came into the room saying, "Mummy mummy, my willy has a bone in it!"
He knew that your arms and legs had bones in them (after breaking his arm) and had worked ot that his willy must have too since it had become stiff!
I thought this was quite good logic!

Scooby Doo
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I used to know someone who, when young, saw his mother naked and asked what her genitals were called. Flustered and embarassed, she replied with the first thing that came into her head and told him it was her "goat" (she doesn't know why). He believed her for several years afterwards and told me he used to be quite shocked whenever he heard the phrase "that really gets my goat".

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My friends and I (male) believed at school that a woman's breasts became bigger when fondled by a man. So when we saw a large-breasted lady we sniggered- we knew what SHE'D been up to!
My wife told me this was not true about two years after we married.
I'm still not convinced she's right.

Graham, UK
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Prior to gaining education pertaining to sexual body parts and functions, I was told by my mother that I, a girl, had a "front butt" and a "back butt" to wipe when learning toilet training. I believed our female genitals were our "front butt" until someone corrected me over half way through grammar school! I can't believe she copped out on my explaination like that! Laughing myself to tears now at 43 yrs. old!

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Some time well before puberty, I used to wake up with a hard-on in the morning. As I usually had to pee in the morning, I put two and two together and decided the hard-ons were due to my penis getting filled up with urine overnight.

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when i was young (6) my friend told me that my penis would grow if i showed my mom and got her to pray for it!
thanks joe!

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my mum told me when I was about 6 or 7 about reproduction, and the different body parts. She explained that girls had 3 holes- 1 to poo, 1 to pee, and 1 where the baby comes out. I found this interesting, but it also made me worry. I knew that my penis needed to go into the one where the baby gets born, but I was scared I would never be able to tell them apart.

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In my young, impressionable years, my sadistic older sister informed me that when you get to 8th grade you have sex education, and the teacher would randomly call on a boy and a girl to come to the front of the class to drop their pants for illustrative purposes. The rest of the class would gather around and stare while the teacher would point out various anatomical features. I lived in fear of being the unlucky victim of this mortifying exercise.

Fortunately, when I finally reached 8th grade, the teacher picked someone else :)

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When I was about five or six, I decided that my brother's testicles were for storing pee. And told him so.

I don't remember when I learned about bladders.

The Big Sis
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when i was little i so wanted a willy because my big brother could stand up going to the toilet. Soon my mum told my aunty, and when shopping one day she wound me up telling me we were going to the willy shop to get me a willy! i was quite upset when i found out there wasn't such a shop!

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While hanging out with some friends and the older guy that I had a HUGE crush on we decided to play word association. I led a pretty sheltered life until late in high school, and of course when there is more than one male sexual words populate the conversation; the last word said before me was clitoris. I had no idea what this word meant but I remembered from art class that green was the most mentally neutral color (I was told that is why they have “green” rooms for actors and actresses) so I thought it was the safest possible answer. Needless to say my friends were first taken aback but then presumed I must not know what the word meant. To make matters worse I insisted that I did, thinking I was saving face by not admitting my ignorance, then mumbled some excuse for my answer and tried to move the focus off the girl with the ever reddening face. Four years later I am still introduced as “the girl with the green clit” by the guys that were there that night.

Seeing a doctor for it (jk)
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My mother once ran home crying after a boy on the playground informed her that her ass was broken. It had a "crack" in it.

Still Laughing At Mother
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Our (16 year old) friend, while we were having a conversation about sex, etc. with a large group of guys and girls, suddenly burst out saying "Wait! Guys have TWO testicles?" We laughed an explained it to her.
Funny enough, her mom is a school nurse.

Emily and Chris
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i used to believe that i needed to have sex before i was 15 or else my penis would fall off

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When I was about 2 1/2 years old I had climbed into my sisters crib. She was about a year old at the time. My mother overheard a conversation which she has told us several times. My sister took her diaper off, something babies do I guess, and when I saw she had no appendage like I had I said "It's ok, Mommy will take you to the store to buy one." I thought she was missing a part!

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When my brother was 3 or 4, (I would've been 6 or 7) I walked into the living room to find him crying his eyes out... It was *i think* his first erection, and he pulled his waistband out and showed me.. he said "I think I'm sick" and I said... maybe it's just an infection."

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When I was about 2 years old I saw my older brother naked briefly when my mom was putting him in the bath. I was convinced a penis wasn't attached to the body, but rather something boys had to hold between their legs. If they moved their legs apart, it would fall off. No idea how I came to this conclusion.

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One day when I was about 4 I walked into a room where my mom was breast feeding my new born brother and my moms friend was with her. I had the belief that a girl could choose what she wanted to have in her breasts. I had thought about the possiblities and as i entered the room and said proudly "when I get older I am going to have big boobs and they will have chocolate milk in them!!"

my mom and her friend immediately started laughing and I was completely embarrassed and later my mom explained things to me.

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Because P.P. was used to refer both boys and girls, I thought girls also had a PP like mine. I was probably under 10 when me and a female friend were in her room playing with toys, and somehow we got the idea to show each other our PP's. When I saw her's I said, "Wow you have a really small PP". Then she said "My big brother has a really small one to." Thinking back to what she said is hilarious.

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When I was 4 years old, and my little sister was a newborn, I saw my mom changing her, and when I saw that she didn't have a penis, I exclaimed "What happened!?"

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