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i have a twin brother i used to take baths with and i believed (untill i was about 5) that i didn't have a penis because a dog bit it off......no idea how i got that

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When i was about 3(i am a girl) i saw a boys penis and kindy although i didnt know what it was. I went to my mom and asked her if this "girl" had some sort of disease and mom said no, he doesnt have a disease that is his personal "lump" until the 8th grade i thought a boys penis was called a lump. During sex ed. class i was put right and felt embarassed when the teacher said, " and this is the male reporductive organ, the penis." after his sentence i blurted out, " Wat the hell is a penis? Isnt it called a lump?!?!

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i used to think that my forskin was just extra skin that was there until my winky grew bigger. sorry to say it's still there and it's still not much bigger.

terry from da mountain
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I used to think my grandmother had two, shall we say, back ends. I didn't realize the second one was cleavage.

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When I was about 8 years old, and having just gone swimming in the cold lake (which we lived right next to), I went to the bathroom and noticed that my penis and testicles had shrunk CONSIDERABLY. I guess I hadn't really paid much attention to my penis before that age, since I didn't know that after cold swims male testicles tend to shrink up (which of course is a biolgoical function to keep them the right temperature).

Anyhow, when I saw my shrunken penis and testicles, I was absolutely mortified that my penis was going to disappear and that I was turning into a girl. I didn't say anything but I remember praying that I wasnn't going to turn into a girl.

After a few weeks I realized my penis was back to it's normal size and I wasn't turning into a girl.

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Until I was 13, I believed that the instant a boy got aroused he would spray semen everywhere. In swim class, I refused to get close to the boys (who everyone could see were suddenly very interested in us girls in our bathing suits...) just in case they sprayed at me.

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When I was little, I thought that a boy's penis filled up with urine. I didn't know about bladders. Later on, I learned about testicles, and I thought that was what filled up with urine.

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I read a lot of FanFictions (stories about shows that people just borrow the characters from) and for years I wasn't really up on the sexual slang. And of course, because I was curoius like all preteens and earily teenagers are, I read some light smut. And I had no idea that masturbating was called anything but that: 'masturbating'.
So when two male characters would talk about 'jacking off' or even *more* confusing to me the British 'wanking off' I just assumed it was some strange thing that was unique to those characters.
It tooke me a couple of months and some reading of more hardcore stories until I fiugered it out.
Same thing goes with a blowjob.
Also, on a side note, I thought "being in the closet" just meant you were shy.
Imagine how imbarssed I was when I told my mom one of my best friends was in the closet, and she said: "Jared's gay?"
I was mortified. I'm so glad now at 17 I know more than I did.

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I used to believe that a girl was a girl and a boy was a boy because of the type of underwear they wore. Needless to ay, I had an 'accident' in school and the nurse only had boys underwear. All day I could feel 'things' growing down there!

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I have a friend who's mother believed, until she was almost 50, that your urine and menstrual flow all came out of the same hole. She thought there was only one hole *down there*.

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when i was young i used to beleive that the bumps around your nipple was brale for suck here.

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When I was 2 and my brother was born he was lying on the bed and I stared at him clothless for a few mins. Then I walked up to my mom and said "Thats a funny lookin' tail"
My mom still tells that story today..

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My older brother told me that when girls are born their testicles migrate up to their sides. That's why they don't like it when you pinch/tickle them there.

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When my son was 7 he asked about the "big Q-TIP" in the Drs office. I had to explain that it was for women to get checked in their privates for cancer. He looked concerned for a second then loudly exclaimed "OW". I then realized that he thought women had only 2 holes like boys and so I told him we have 3. 1 to poop from, 1 to pee from, and 1 to have babies from. He digested that information for a minute then asked "do you think dad knows?" After almost wrecking the car I was driving from laughing so hard he looked at me and said " I am glad you told me cause I would hate to be having sex and slip and she looks at me and says 'WHAT are you doing?'" Had to pull over after that.

Chris' mom
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When I was young, I used to believe that women's breasts were mouldable like a 'stretch armstrong' action figure. You'd squeeze them and like memory foam, they would remain in that shape for a short period of time... slowly returning back to their original shape. I remembered thinking that it would be so cool to squeeze them with both hands and make them long and cylindrical and and try to loop them around each other in a semi-knot shape... I would watch as they would eventually return back to their original shape. You can imagine the look on my girlfriend when I got to 2nd base for the first time as I hovered over her squeezing away with great expectation and then realizing that I might have been mistaken about them.

Bill Dingafort
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i used believe and erection was when your testicles went into your penis

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when i was about 3, i remember playing in my grans wading pool naked. she told me if i played with my penis it would fall off... this was apparently the reason why mum didnt have a penis.

i reminded her about this conversation recently and she denied having said it.

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When I was little, my mom used the word "tutti' to describe private parts. I was disgusted and very confused when I heard of tutti frutti jelly beans and when the show Oswald has a tutti frutti tree..

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When I was little I was convinced that boobs could be made for you - no idea how I came up with that one. My grandad was a bit of a diy-er, and I used to have terrible temper tantrums because he wouldn't make me a set!

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im a guy. i used to think that girls got their physicals where the doctor would put his finger in a girls vagina and tell her to turn her head and cough. then squeeze her boobs to check their firmness.

im an idiot
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