i used to believe

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I beleived that when you got to a certain age you went to a special shop and got to chose your boob size and they had them in rows like in a bakery and you went in and said id like a c cup or something.

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After being informed that daddy had ben 'sterilised', I genuinely believed he'd has his genitals immersed in boiling water. To this day, the imagery still appeals to me!

R A L Eldritch-Boersen
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For some reason I was under the impression that old women had toads in their breasts, and that was why they were saggy and couldn't give milk. I have no idea why.

Patrick Boyle
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After spending too much time laying around with my pet dogs, I entered preschool. One day I walked in on a boy named Scotty going pee, and I came out saying, "Scotty has a tail". I truly believed for many years that penises were just tails, like my dogs had. AND I didn't think they had anything to do with whether a person was a male or a female. That just had to do with whether you had long or short hair.

Emily Hartman
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when I was young my parents used to refer to my vagina as my "china," I suppose for pronunciation ease. Well, I was horrified when one summer my grand-parents took a vacation to China. My parents quickly corrected the terminology.

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The urban legend of the school nurse! It seems quite universal and had many others confirmed that they had the same belief in school. At a certan grade in school, 5 I think, the class would line up for a private inspection by the school nurse. It was rumoured that she would weigh our testicles with a cold metal spoon. And if you got an erection she would deflate it by pricking it with a pin. When the time came for the visit there were alot of nervous little faces lined up outside the office. Strangely enough when it came to the second inspection in high school, the same rumours went around and the faces certainly did not look any less nervous lined up outside the office.

Paul C
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i used to stand in the shower when i was little,like 4, and squeez this pink thing with a white "target locater". I used to play with it the whole time in the shower and refill it with water. intill one day my mom came in to make sure i washed up and she told me that was for her. I got older and i realed i was playing with a douch.

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when i was small (around 5 or 6) i ran to my mom and yelled MOM MOM!! I THINK I SWALLOWED A MARBLE then i shoved my hands down my pants and yelled NO TWO MARBLES!! (true story)

Marble Boy
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when i was younger i thought a penis was a hat worn by a men.
As i grew older i wonderded why i never recieved one until one day i asked my father for a lone of his penis.

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I would always beg my mother if i could have a little brother or sister, because being the younger child, i wanted to boss someone around. My mother told me that my father could not because he had a bisectamie. Well when i took my cat to get neutered,i realized they were the same thing. So the next night, when we were holding a small get togeather with our friends and family, i sat down and announced that i couldn't have a younger sibling because my father was neutered. My parents were flustered and sent me to my room.

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When I was little, I didn't realise I had a vagina and always thought that when having sex, the clitoris went into the hole in the mans willie!

Susan Barrie
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One time my cousin had an erection when he was little and he didnt like it so he tried to tape it down with stickers

cousin of sticker-boy
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My mom used to tell me that if I didn't clean my penis region it would fall off and I would become a girl, I scrubbed the hell out of it and I soon had another question for her.

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When I was 9 years old, my friends and I had a mystery.
We knew that boys and girls looked different ‘up front, down there’, so that’s why we had to keep that part covered.
We knew that women’s breasts were different from a men’s chests, so that’s why women had to keep that part covered.
But what about butts? From what we knew, and boy’s butt looked just like a girls butt. So why hide it? So one Saturday we decided to study the issue. There were about 6 girls and 8 boys. We spent all afternoon looking at each others rear end. (of course, there was a lot of looking at other things too.)
I don’t think we ever did decide anything, but it was a hell of a lot of fun!

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I used to believe when I was small, that I was horribly disfigured bcos I didn't have a penis. I pictured horrible accidents, my favourite being that I had been in the tub and it got caught in the drain and ripped off. I would go around asking everyone if they had a penis, and this one time I asked my grandmother if she had a penis, and she prentended like she didn't hear me and said "What? I don't have any peanuts!"

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When i was younger, i used to believe that many women, when they grew up, grew penises. I Also believed that some girls i knew secretly had penises. I used to think all these 'dirty' people combated their 'problem' by using 'willy-remover'(and that is what i thought it was actually called aswell), a white paste in a blue paper sachet that they applied on the 'problem area' with a spatula.

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When I was about seven or eight, my grandma tried to explain to me what sex was. As I heard it she said, "Sex is when a man puts his penis into a woman's china." I knew what a penis was but I thought that every time a man went over to a woman's house he would put his penis is her good china! Boy was I ever wrong!

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when i was younger and my mom told me about sex, she just said "Penis, Vagina, sex, baby, that's all you need to know." But she didnt specify who had the penis and who had the vagina, so for about a year or so i believed i had a penis. I was a very confused little girl...

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I used to think that being circumcised meant they cut off your penis. I thought my own circumcision had been botched, leaving me with most of it. However, I didn't want anyone to know I had been circumcised cos they'd think I had no penis.

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I use to think that a boys penis was long and flat like one of those hoses that get round when you run water through it. I thought that they would roll it up to put it in their pants, kinda like you would roll up a measuring tape.

Ha Ha Ha
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