i used to believe

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When I was in grade school (and probably into middle school), I thought sex was when a guy put his penis in a girl's belly button to get her pregnant...I'm not sure why I thought girl belly buttons were different than a guy's

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When I was 13 I used to believe that the yellow bag in the shower was for me to releave myself.
I releaved myself for years in the yellow bag. My mom walked in on me once and got a good laugh.

Panda boy
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when i was little (6) i walked in on my when they were having sex. i thought they were playing leap frog and my dad was to fat to get over my mother

now 18
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When I was very little, I used to believe that at some point around adulthood, everyone swapped from male to female or vice versa.

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When I was about 8, (and a very innocent 8 year old at that), my friend Kelly came round and she said we should have sex, I asked what that was and she replied that it's when you lie on top of one another. So we did, for about 10 minutes, and then later announced to my mum what we'd been doing. She never gave me that 'talk'. I worked it out age 13 in sex ed class.

My mother and I have never discussed this ever again, I am 20.

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When I first learned about sex when I was really little, I saw my parents driving licenses. Of course, on there it says "sex" and then either M or F so I though it was marvelous, or fantastic haha. Wow.

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When I was 5 I read an photo case book in the agony aunt section of the local paper that involved a man shouting "Why is my daughters chest ripped, did you sleep with her?" Looking back my young mind probably missed out the word "shirt". Until the age of 12 I was convinced that one day I would have to have my chest ripped open and had nightmares involving as such.

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I thought that sexist was another name for prostitute (like a scientist does science so a sexist does sex!)

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When I first learned about gay people I thought it was something that had only started fairly recently like within the last 50 years or so. I thought this until I asked my mom one day and she informed me that there had been gay people as long as there had been people!

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When I was 10 I used to think that masturbation meant molestation because the words were so simillar. So whenever I heard about masturbation i was thought people were just trying to be edgy by talking about pedophiles.

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I thought making love meant making someone fall in love with you!

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My cousin told me that "Gay" meant that you like boys, being 8 or 9 at the time i was like " oh, im totally gay" until i figured out about the sexual part....

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As a 6 or 7 year old girl, my mom was showing me what my birth certificate looked like. I was really fascinated by it, until i saw the word SEX and an F right beside this. For some strange reason, I thought this meant my mom and dad had been graded F (fail) for sex. I'm just really glad I quickly learnt that sex also meant your gender...

talk about awkward
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When I was little, I saw a field full of lemon-yellow flowers and asked what it was. My grandpa told me it was rape (rapeseed, now known as canola). Being the good farm girl I was, I later asked my parent what rape was used for. And being the honest man my dad is, he explained it to me in terms of our dairy goats. I was one confused kiddo until I told him about the field of yellow flowers. My mom about died laughing.

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I used to believe that sex lasted for 2 hours like a movie. I don't know why I thought that.

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I used to believe that sex was something marilyn monroe invented

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When I was 7 my father used to watch "cops" all the time. I would see the prostitution sting episodes and ask my father "why are they getting arrested?" He "replied because they were having sex". Needless to say for about 2 more years I thought having sex was illegal.

The Nico
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When I found out about the mechanics of sex, I was about 7 and my grandma told me about it. Of course, I told my friends, but we decided Grandma was making it up. We tried to re-enact it with Barbies, and since Barbie's legs would get in the way, there was no way it was really possible!

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When my mom gave my brother and I the talk ( i was probably eight), I made sure I understood everything and said " oh so men and women make love so they can have a baby" an my mom said " yea, thats right". I was silent for a couple minutes and then turned to my younger brother concluding, " that means mom and dad only did it twice."

Fernanda P.
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I used to believe that you only had to get naked from the waist down to have sex. I remember being really nervous and worrying about whether I would have to show a guy my boobs during sex or if I could just keep my shirt on. I was like, 12, when I believed this.

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