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top belief!

I used to think that 'making a baby' and sex were two different things. Making a baby was a simple thing mommies and daddies did. Sex was a horrible thing only bad girls and mean men did! I think the media played into this.... I recall hearing the tv announcing two celebrities that had sex together and thinking "those evil people...."

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From the time I was little, I knew what the word "sex" was but I didn't fully understand the mechanisms of the deed. In the third grade, my friend on the school bus told me she saw her cousin having sex and that they peed into each other. That's what I beleived sex to be for the longest time.

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Until I was 8, I thought sex meant two people peeing on eachother.

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Up until about three years ago (I'm 21) I used to think that the "Mile High Club" was an actual, physical club that you could join to have sex on airplanes. It had it's own airline system and everything. Turns out it's just illegal sex in public. Who knew?

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top belief!

My two friends and I were sitting at a lunch table talking about sex. My friend asked how/why it feels good. I said because the guy goes in and out. They both looked at me like I had sprung another head and asked what I meant by 'in and out'. They both thought the guy put his penis in and you just sat there until he comes, then you're done. We're 17.

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top belief!

I used to believe that when you got old enough you had sex with everyone. That scared me because I didn't want to have sex with fat people or Santa clause.

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When I was little, I watched my mom fill out papers at the doctors. When she would fill out the part about your Sex..... she would put F. I was always trying to figure out what the hell F meant. I thought maybe it was how many times she had had sex. Or how many partners she had. I would sit and think about this the whole time we were in the waiting room.

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top belief!

When I was younger, I thought when people had sex, the man's penis would somehow lengthen and wrap around the woman's brain. I have NO idea whatsoever why I thought this, I just know it terrified me!

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When I heard the term "sleeping together" to describe sex I thought that a man and a woman literally slept an entire night while he was inside her.

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top belief!

When I was younger everything I knew about sex came from TV and magazine ads. A penis or vagina was never visible in those images so I used to believe sex consisted entirely of sliding up and down on the opposite sex with no clothes on. I spent many sleepless nights wondering what I would do with my erection when I had sex for the first time because I thought it would get in the way

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One day my friends came to school giggling. I asked her why and she answered "...I know what sex is". I never heard of that word before, so I asked her what it was. She replied that is was when people get naked and then hug and kiss each other. I was only 6 and my brother 2. My mother would bath us together. I would kiss him, when i giggled I when I splashed him with water. When my mother told up to pose for a picture I would hug him. For the next 1 year I went around telling everyone I had sex with my brother....

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top belief!

I thought when adults talked about "sleeping with" someone they meant a sleepover!

Alberto Richardson
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I thought sex was lying together naked kissing.

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top belief!

When I was little, I thought having sex was when you kissed a lot in only you underwear or underwear and bra. If you had any more clothing then that it's just kissing. otherwise, a baby popped into your stomach.

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when i was little, i used to think that you only had sex ONE time ever, and you had to be naked and in the bathroom. little did i know...

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I used to believe that sex meant a couple was kissing. I didn't know what it actually involved until I was 11, stumbling upon an adult film playing on late night cable.

I blame the catholic schools.

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top belief!

I thought that "foul play" had something to do with sex. Maybe I got it confused with fore play?

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I used to believe that sex was just kissing laying down.

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top belief!

When I was young, my cousin told me that you can't have sex until you're married. I knew how sex physically occurred, so I tried to add those thoughts together. I thought for a while that there was a special slit in the groom's suit or something, so it could happen during the wedding kiss. Then I got really confused when I realized that it could happen during ANY kiss, not just the wedding one.

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top belief!

I found "Where Do Babies Come From" on our bookshelf when I was little, so naturally I read it because I was a huge bookworm. It said something about people usually having sex somewhere comfortable like a bed, so I thought that meant they had to be asleep to have sex. I believed this until I was 10 and my cousin turned on Cinemax when he was spending the night. I said "Aren't they supposed to be sleeping?" and he just laughed at me.

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