i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was learning about sex for the first time I thought people only had sex to have a baby. When my dad told me otherwise I didn't believe him at first!

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top belief!

I used to think "orgasm" was a misspelling of "organism." The best part is that I remember asking my parents about this, and they just smiled and nodded.

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top belief!

When I was younger, even though I just thought it was just kissing naked as portrayed in the movies, I was angered by the fact that my parents had sex--I was very disappointed in them and would cry every night knowing that they probably did it sometimes. Twice I begged them never to do it again and I tried to make them promise, but they wouldn't; they tried to explain to me that it was important for moms and dads to do that so they won't get divorced.

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I used to believe that the sound of two grown ups making love was the women giving birth and the guy screaming for her.

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top belief!

When I was little I thought that saying sex would cause something bad to happen so my brother and friends would whisper S.E.X. behind the pond so we wouldnt get caught

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This was way back when I was 11 years old. One of my friends told me that a person could have sex only once a year. And you know what......I completely believed him and held on to that belief for another 4 years (stupid stupid me !!!)

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top belief!

When I was little I believed only the most beautiful girls would become prostitutes, why else would everybody want to have sex with them?

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When I was little I caught my parents... well let's just say, in the act, but before they could say anything I ran away.

I thought my dad was trying to kill my mom and was suspicious of him for years! D:

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When I was 7 or 8 I thought sex was just two people standing real close to each other... Yea thanks to my older bro.

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top belief!

I used to believe that sex was illegal, and that if you did it, a swat team would bust in through the windows and arrest you.

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top belief!

When I was little I used to believe that when you were born doctors would respect your privacy by not looking at your genitals and to determine your gender they would do some sort of blood test.

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top belief!

Back in 5th grade I used to think homosexual meant that you wanted to have sex at your house. So if someone asked me if I was a homosexual, I would say "Yes". Those were bad times..

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Because of the phrase, "sleeping together" was always equated to sex, I was afraid to let my best friend share my bed with me during a sleepover. I didn't want to get pregnant. Since I didn't fully grasp the concept of sex yet, I also didn't realize that two girls couldn't have sex and get pregnant anyway. She spent a good 20 minutes giving me a better birds and the bees talk than my parents did. She was a year younger than me.

Sheltered Child
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top belief!

I used to think you had to put it in a girls belly button to get them pregnant.

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top belief!

When I was like 7 or 8 I caught my parents having sex. For a long time, becauseof that, I thought they called Wednesday "Hump Day" because everone had sex. I figured if they were doing it, everyone else was too.

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top belief!

when I was little, about 4th grade, I thought that when a guy had an erection his penis turned colors...lmao

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I had a book on where babies come from as a little kid, and I remember reading about "the exchange of bodily fluids". I knew that some sort of liquid came out of the man's penis into the woman's vagina during sex. But I couldn't really figure out how some weird new sort of liquid might magically show up, so for years I believed that boys just peed into girls during sex!

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top belief!

When I was younger, I had a bed wetting problem. So, during 5th grade when the teacher was talking about wet dreams, I shouted out "Oh, I used to pee the bed all the time."

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top belief!

My mom is a Labor & Delivery nurse so I always knew where babies came from and that it involved sex. But I distinctly remember thinking (around age 4 or 5) that sex was peeing into the mouth of your significant other. Strange!

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top belief!

I was seven when my parents told me I was going to be a big sister. My mom gave me a brief birds and the bees talk. I imagined sex being so clinical. I pictured a man and woman (I don't know how this image came about) sat facing each other, like on the side of the bathtub, and the man just inserted his penis into the woman and took it out, and she would automatically get pregnant.

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