i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was young (about 8 or so) I used to think that sex was what happened when you sharpened a pencil. Still not entirely sure how that one came about...

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I used to think think that kissing or making out was sex....

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top belief!

I used to belive that thunder was clouds having sex.

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When I was little, I used to believe that sex was when a man and a woman both peed at the same time and essentially sword fought with their pee.

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top belief!

When I was little my dad told me that if I had sex, sperm would come out. Sperm was part of your life, and if you spermed to a certain amount you would have lots of wrinkles and suffer.

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when i was young, i thought the "farthest" anyone could go was to be naked with someone, before i knew about sex. later i learned about sex but did not understand that motion was involved. no book said it and no one explained it, so i figured people having sex just lay there motionless and somehow magically knew when it was time to stop.

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when I was 10, a friend of mine explained me that in order to have sex you should introduce the penis in one of the many holes women had.
For many years I thought women had like 20 holes and always asked myself wich hole was the correct one and that you should pee inside her in order to get her pregnant

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I used to think a wet dream was when you had such a scary dream that you wet the bed.

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When I was about 9, I had just started learning about sex. One day my neighbor asked "What sex are you?" I replied "Safe." He obviously meant Male or Female.

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I use to belive that , when i was 7 yrs , in sexual entercourse , penis should put in female ass hole and pee there and after few months a little baby comes out from same hole . but at my age of 12 , my mom explain me how this happens and clear this wrong thinking from my mind .

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I got my twisted view of sex from watching Back To The Future as a young child. I remembered seeing Biff with his hand up Lorraine's skirt, and her calling for help, so I naturally assumed that sex involved the man's hands and the woman's privates. I believed this until health class in middle school set me straight. I even made my Barbies have "sex" with Ken's hands up the ladies' skirts. (After all, Ken does nothing to promote a correct understanding of the male body.)

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That being a virgin was equivalent to being a "slut."

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My mother always used to tease my brother and I by telling me that I would grow up to be a fine young man, and he would be a fine young woman. We both thought for years that boys grew up to be girls and girls grew up to be boys. We eventually got straightened out in sex ed, but not before my brother started wearing my grandma's curlers and lipstick.

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When someone told me what the word "gay" referred to, i thought that gay guys had sex buy putting their penises together like you would your finger tips....i was 14 when i found out the truth, then i was afraid of getting analy raped....=/

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I didn't understand what being homosexual was. I knew that gay guys wanted to be with guys and lesbians wanted to be with women, So i figured if a guy was gay and a woman was a lesbian they could still hook up.

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When i was little, I believe that parents had to check themselves into the hospital just so they could have sex!

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I used to beleive that sex was done between the penis and breasts. only.

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i used to believe that black people had black sperm

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top belief!

When I first learned the definition of the word "lesbian" I could not, for the life of me, figure out how they had sex without even half a penis between them. After a great deal of thought, I decided that the only sexy bit that protruded from a woman is the breast, and that therefore lesbians must have sex by putting one woman's boob into the other woman's vagina.

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I used to believe that the vagina was in front of the woman's body.

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