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When I was younger my mom explained sex to me as a "special hug." I thought that meant hugging and kissing at the same time.

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At around 6 years old, I heard the word "sex".... A few of us who rode the bus together, agreed that "sex" was lying naked with the opposite sex and eating fruit.

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When I was 9 I read a quote from a celebrity in Reader's Digest that said something alone the lines of "when a man has an orgasm, his legs shake a bit and then he goes to sleep". So for the next few weeks until I investigated further I believed that!

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My mother never bothered to raise me up with a clear image of sex. Whenever a bedscene on TV she didn't hide it from me.
One day when she was washing her face in the bathroom I walked up to her and asked. 'Does sex hurts?' 'No, she said'. Confused as I was; 'Why are the peoples faces so full off pain when doing it then?' She smiled 'Because they like it so much, it hurts'

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I used to believe that when people had sex, they just got naked and kissed under the covers. My mother explained how sex worked to me at a young age, but the real image I got was from watching my grandma's soap operas.

Emma Rose
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when i was about 28 years old i had a boyfriend but i had never heard or learned about sex before in my entire life. so when he took off his pants and revealed his "nooney" i screamed "what the hell is that!?" he ended up having to explain sex to me. then he broke up with me. i am now 56 and to this day i have not had a boyfriend. ever. =/

wilma patterson
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When I was little, about seven or so.For some reason I thought the word 'organism' was 'orgasm', I'm not even sure where I'd heard the latter.
I got some strange looks when in class I said "plants and animals, like people, are all living orgasms" my teacher turned bright red and was choking back laughter. She quietly told me later that was the wrong word.

Odd Kid
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i used to think you had sex by kissing

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I used to believed that having sex meant that the man and the woman rubbed their body parts together... up until 8th grade, I had never heard of penetration.

Nancy Peterson
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One day we were talking at the dinner table and somewhere in the conversation someone metioned sex. My litte sister (only 9, my brother, sister and me are 10 years older or more) tried talk along with everybody, as if she knew what sex was. So my mother asked her if she knew what it was and she replied: It's when people rub their feet together. My parents didn't understand, but I did. My sister and me had just watched some television. Here in the Netherlands we have descriptions for tv programs and movies. They use pictograms to describe what kind of things you can expect in a movie of tv show. For example if there is violence in it. And also if there is sex in it. The pictogram for sex is four feet, two facing up and two facing down between the first two. So naturallly sex is rubbing your feet together!

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When I was about 9 I think, I was watching a TV Show together with my brother. At one moment, the subtitles said something with sex. I knew what sex meant, so I said "OH!" (disapproving). My brother told me that seks (that's how it's written in Dutch, and that's how it appeared in the subtitles, duh:p) didn't have the same meaning as sex, but that it meant "laughing"

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When I was younger I had a friend that would always call people douche bags and since I had no knowledge about it I always thought it was a ball sack because I had seen my younger brother's pork&beans when they were little because I changed their diapers so I always thought that was disgusting and pointless to call someone that why didnt you just call them a ballsack! Then she explained it to me later in English class and I still thought it was gross!!haha

inexpierienced little girl
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this isnt about me but its pretty funny! My little sister was sleeping in my room one right because there was a "spider" in her room and my bedrrom is right next to my parent's so they started having sex and my mom started to moan and my little sister and I could hear it. So my little sister started freaking out and thinking that my mom was hurt or sick so she tries to run into there room but their door was lock so she sat outside crying and yelling for my mom. I tried to explain to her that mom was just really happy and to try to zone it out while I'm also banging on the wall for them to be quiet. IT WAS A MESS!! :D

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Until i was about 12, i thought an "orgasm" was one of those really small creatures you can't see, and i always got confused when my dad would look at me funny when i mentioned micro-orgasms..

Alex Duff
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Well, this isn't mine but it is my niece's. I was on the couch and I was talking to my cousin. My cousin was getting annoyed and told my nephew to go play with himself. Then my mom came out and she was like "What"? And, after my mom said that we realized that it sounded kinda dirty. Then my niece was like "My mom always tells us to go play with ourselves, I don't see a problem with it. Its more fun by yourself". Everyone bursted out laughing.

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i used to thynk that only gays would have anal sex bcuz then the guy could get pregnant. i waznt exactly the brightest bulb on the tree. hahah.

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i used to thynk you could get pregnant by giving a blow job. i thought that waz the only type of sex.

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I used to think that when you have sex, the guy inserts his penis into your vagina, and he just kept it in there, not moving. Until the guy decided he had 'finished' and got bored

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I used to believe that on standardized test where it as "M" for male and "F" for female you were supposed to indicate who you are supposed to have sex with. So, if you're a girl you mark that you have sex with boys and if you're a boy you have sex with girls. This was before I knew about gay sex, which would have been even more confusing.

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when i was really young i used to think sex was two paper dolls just rubbing on top of eachother...yea REALLY weird.

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