i used to believe

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I used to think that "making love" meant doing whatever with a cute nightie on and "having sex" was the same thing only you were completely naked.

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When I was a nipper on Sunday mornings, in time honoured fashion, I would burst into my parents room and annoy the hell out of them.

One day, I noticed these rubber tubes lying by my old man's bedside table and asked him what they were.

"special elasoplasts for Daddies who have hurt their fingers at work..." He replied with a straight face...

For many long years, every time I cut a finger, I begged for one of these special elastoplasts ...alas they were only for Daddies.

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As little kids, we suffered under the delusion that foreplay included the man pulling out the woman's pubic hair, one by one, and that this action made her very excited.

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I masturbated for the first time with a stuffed dog. I believed I was going to have puppies.

Not pregnant with puppies
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It was the general concensus at our school that, if a girl closed her legs when you were having sex with her, the bones in her pelvis woul chop your penis off....

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When I was a child and asked my parents the big sex question, it was explained go me that, "The man puts something in the woman's vagina." I had heard of birth control pills, so I figured somehow there were little capsules you put in there that could turn into a baby, and a different kind to put up there if you changed your mind and decided you no longer wanted to have a baby. (the control pills) I think I probably could've used a more thorough explanation.

C. Ray
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I learned to masturbate around the age of four, and did it all the time because it felt so good. One day I was watching a cartoon sex education video that my Mom rented and when the masturbation scene came up, the little girl hiding under the covers moaning a bit while the blanket moved up and down, my Mom says to me "Some people get sick from doing that too much". That day I thought ....."OH MY GOD, I AM GOING TO DIE"

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One time I found my Dad's Playboy magazine. My young mind couldn't comprehend that a woman would want to have her photo taken when naked! My Dad told me that they weren't really naked... all the parts (the breasts and such) were fake and were strapped on to the body. They were actually wearing a bathing suit underneath!

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I used to believe that, since heterosexual men are attracted to heterosexual women and vice versa, therefore homosexual men would be attracted to homosexual women and vice versa.

It seemed PERFECTLY logical at the time.

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My brother and I, after much discussion, thought we had figured out how babies were made. Unfortunately, lacking the knowledge of the female anatomy, and of the existence of a second fluid from the penis, we decided that the man put his penis into the woman's anus and urinated. (un)luckily, our mother overheard this and set us straight...somewhat; "you NEVER do that!" *THWACK*

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When I was around 10 or 11, a friend told me he was going to get a "piece of ass". At the time, I was horrified, thinking somehow that you stuck a spoon in a girl's rectum and got a piece of it. When he asked me if I wanted him to get one for me too, not wanting to seem uncool, I replied, "not today."

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I believed that married people had sex once (obviously) and the number of, er, thrusts, determined the number of children. The woman then had a certain number of conceived eggs inside her just waiting to be born.

Also, the first time I heard the word "rape", I misheard it as "rake". I understood it was something very unpleasant, but being attacked with a rake just seemed a bit obscure.

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Alright, I've been reading these and thinking I had *THE* most distorted notion of sex. Here goes:

When I was a tot, my parents were loud. Not average loud or exceptionally loud, but jet plane loud. Every word, breath, moan, grunt and bed squeak would echo through the house. Sometimes they'd get so entheusiastic they'd forget to close thier door, making it that much louder. So I'd wake up to a terrible racket and lay there, listening.

For some reason (and I have NO idea why) I was convinced that Dad was laying next to Mom, both naked, and he was somehow forcing her to make a dark, watery fluid come out of her "privates". (I didn't know exactly what a woman had "down there" at the time.) It was clearly painful and exhausting for her to make the fluid, which explained her screams and breathing.

His groans and noises were caused by him restraining her and forcing the fluid out.

I thought he collected this fluid in a shallow container and ran his hands through it, in the dark bedroom, feeling for something. Why? What exactly? Who knows?

Anyway, I'm perfectly normal now. Really. No psychological scars. Maybe the occasional uncontrollable twitching, but nothing you'd not expect.

Anyway...top that!

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When I was around 10 or 11 a letter in Ann Landers column used the word homosexual. The only other word I could think of was homocide, which to me meant killing someone on purpose. For a long time I thought a homosexual was someone who acted sexy on purpose.

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I used to believe that sex had something to do with the long chrome handles on public urinals, and that they would go into your butt, and make your butt cheeks blow up like balloons - not round balloons, but long carnival balloons. Picture people with 4 foot long buttocks sticking straight out the back of them. Don't ask me how this really related to sex, but I was sure this was it for a long time.

A very confused 4 year old
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I used to think that sex was accomplished with both partners standing up. The couple would face each other, press their privates together, arch their backs so that they are both bending backwards, and raise their hands into the air. And while they are doing this, they would say "Quaaaaah! Quaaaaah!"

Where did I get this bizarre idea? Thinking back, I realize that it came from a poster I saw once in the London Underground, possibly advertising a movie or a dance production, and a friend who was with me told me it was a picture of two people having sex. The "Quaaaah!" was simply a corruption of the British slang "Cor!" which means something like "Oh god!"

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i didnt know how lesbians had sex with each other. i knew what homosexuals were and i knew how men did it with each other, but i was clueless how lesbians had sex. after all, they didnt have anything to put into each other!. my friends were as clueless as me so we figured lesbians did it by cutting off a man's penis and THEN using that!..

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When I was 8 or so, an older friend told me that masturbation meant "playing with yourself". I took her literally. This resulted in two things:

One day at day camp, I heard the word "masturbation" on television, and proudly proclaimed to the teacher in charge "I know what that word means!"

Shortly afterwards, my mother gave me a book about "the facts of life" and it said that masturbation usually resulted in an orgasm (which I somehow got into my head was a bad thing) and was terrified that when I played alone in my room I was going to give myself an orgasm.

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My neice and her little friends thought the word lesbian meant that you were sexy. They walked around for days hollering "hey lesbian, you're looking really lesbian today" Finally the found out the truth after telling a teacher that she was "very lesbian".

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when i was 10 i knew that boys were excited when their penis got erect but when i asked my mom, "how do you know when i girl is excited" she told me that "we pee on ourselves" after that i swore i'd never get excited

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