i used to believe

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When she was five, my niece believed that in the "olden days" folks had all the stuff you saw in movies - horses and carts etc - but that they also had TVs and computers. Maybe she believed that the movies of the past were docos and so they had to have TVs in order to film the movie?

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When I was a kid my favorite ride at Disneyland was Pirates of the Caribbean. I had never heard of the Caribbean though, and therefore assumed it was a time period. How I must have confused my friends and family.

"If I had a time machine, I'd go to the caribbean."

Ben Evans
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When we learned in school about certain countries conquering others, I thought it meant the conquered nation broke off and floated over until it joined up with the nation that conquered it. When we learned in Texas history that six flags had flown over Texas, I thought it meant Texas did a lot of sailing around the globe.

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I used to believe that the Boston Tea Party took place in the Great Lakes.

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i used to believe A.D. stood for "after dinosaurs".

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I thought the world was black and white before a certain date. I had only seen it in black and white film and pictures. So once I asked when the world turned colour.

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I used to believe the world was black and white before the 1970's.

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When I was a child, I believed that years before my birth, the whole world was black and white. Until NASA launched a satellite that brought color too the whole world. I believed this until I was about 9 or 10.

I also had the same explanation for gravity. I used to ask my mom how grandma used to take a bath when the water was floating all over the place. She used to respond with remarks like " Oh Willie, youre the only one who gets water everywhere when they take a bath."

Will Bush
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back in the days i thought the world was black and white like in the pictures

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Labor Day meant a long long time ago a whole bunch of women gave birth on that day. And that was the day all the baby boomers were born on.

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When i was a kid I thought that the Great Depression was a time when the whole nation got really sad/depressed.

I feel like i believed this till I was almost 13.

Kim Petersen
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when i was younger my mom told me that there tvs were black and white, so for about 3 years i thought that meant the tvs were spotted like cows.

Cassie S.
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I used to believe B.C. stood for "Before Cowboys" because I heard it on a cartoon and my dad let me continue to believe it because he thought it was funny. I didn't learn any better until 4th or 5th grade.

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I used to believe Bob Dole was Bob Dylan. In second grade we had a mock election when the 1996 presidential election was happening. So I thought that Bob Dylan was the person running against Bill Clinton. So I voted for Bob Dole thinking I was voting for Bob Dylan. The teacher called my parents wondering why I voted for Bob Dole.

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George Washington was the first president and on the $1 bill so naturally I assumed that since Lincoln was on the $5 bill, he was the fifth president

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When I was little (age 5) I wanted to be a paleontologist and I knew people at the museum and they took me to a little sand box and I found some dinosaur bones (chicken bones) and they said to come back in a week. So, I did and they showed me a video of the "dinosaur" (the bones and plaster) coming to life and growing to the size of a Volkswagen Beetle and roaring before being hit by a rock! I was then given the "dinosaur" and a piece of paper with the words "klaatu nixxu barru opim" and they told me it was how to make it come to life. I tried this until I was 8. I'm 12 now.

Dino Boy
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I used to belive that dinosaurus has lived until the WW2

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I once asked my dad what "Soviet Union" is; he replied that it was a horrible country where you couldn't say anything, because you'd be taken to jail immediately.

For a long time, I have been shocked by such an evil country where you had to be silent all the time.

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I used to think that there were no bombs or casualties in England in World War One!

History person
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My younger brother just three seconds ago asked me what A.D. means. He thought it meant after democracy!!! i about died laughing and told him it meant Anno Domani. He claims our mom told him that but I'm not so sure...

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