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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

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when i was littlei used to believed has the years before i was born the people was gree and black

mr patate
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When my daughter was about 6 or 7 years old she was asking about some event in the past, presumedly during the time when I was young. She said, " You know when everything was black and white."
I realized that her perception of the world was based on old black and white photos and movies of the period when I was young.

Terry Debassige
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When I was little and watched black and white tv, I wondered when the world changed to color. I was thinking around the 60's, although the world was pretty grainy in those days. It never occurred to me that tv would show things in black and white.

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Up until I was 8, I thought that all things in the universe were devoid of color until sometime in the mid to late 60's. Then my parents bought a color TV.

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top belief!

Like many others, I used to think that the world used to be black and white. I didn't question why dinosaurs were in colour, though.

Al's view of the world
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when i was young i would always been shown the black and white photos of my nan and pop and then one day my mum was talking about how yellow the yolks in eggs were back when she was young and i said to her wasnt everything black and white back them..

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When I was small, I used to think that when TV was black and white, the world was black and white.

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I used to believe that because some older films and tv programmes were black & white, up to a certain point in time, the whole world was actually black & white and colour was only invented recently. How people managed to colour the sky used to baffle me, but i assumed they must have sprayed deodorant into the air until it turned blue!!

Nick, Aberdeen
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when i was little n saw black n white films on tv, i thought that evry one was actualy black n white, and that the whole world was in blak n white until they invented colour tv.

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When I was a child, my mother and I were discussing television and she told me that they had invented color (t.v.'s} when she was a child. I mistook this and spent the next couple of years believing that everything (all of life) was black in white and that color had been invented. I never did figure out how to mix black and white to get blue.

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I used to think that the past was black in white since I saw alot of old films that had no color in them. Made perfect sense.

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when i was little i used to think that black and white shows on tv existed in a time before they invented color. i thought everyone was running around in black and white like in the movie pleasantville.

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I used to believe that everything was black and white in the old days and everyone looked the same because every picture that I saw of people in the 18th century had the same facial features and hair cuts.I also believed that rocks on mountains were parts from this guy my dad made up called "the rock man".I dont plan on telling my children these things

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This one came from a friend of mine - he was youngster, sat with his Grandmother. She was showing him a very old photo album full of black and white photo's. He interrupted her and asked with complete sincerity - "Nan, when did the world go from black and white to colour?"

Steve John
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I used to believe that in the days of black and white films, LIFE itself was actually in black and white... and that color movies didn't come around until life evolved enough to produce color!

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As a child I thought that black and white movies were black and white because the world was black and white. this, to me, explained why black people were called black people, when all the ones i had seen were actually brown.
i thought this until i was about eleven when i asked my dad if he was excited when color was "invented." at first he assumed I meant just movies, but then i began to ask him things like "how did you know how to pick your favorite ice cream?" actually, he never mentioned it to anybody after he explained. he probably decided that everyone thought i was crazy enough without that.

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I was a child in the early 80s and would watch old reruns on nick and nite. Even though some of those shows were running just 20 years earlier, i was convinced that everyone who came out on a black and white show was already dead.

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When I was young, my parents watched a lot of TV shows and movies that were black & white. I assumed that when my parents were little, the world was in black and white.

One day I asked my dad what day the world got color, and how he celebrated. He was very confused, but had a good laugh after I explained myself.

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When I used to watched old TV shows in black and white, I actually used to think life was in black and white in the 'olden days'. My dad had to tell me that it was just the cameras that were black and white, and not the whole world.

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Always after I had watched a black and white tv show, I thought the world was black and white back when the show was made. My dad supported me in this, telling me how happy he was the day colors were introduced.

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