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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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When I was little I used to look at the black and white pictures, which somehow gave me the idea that the world used to black and white.

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When I was young I belived that color was invented. I never saw pictures in color they were always in black and white so I thought someone came along and invented color.

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I used to think that in the 1950s, when my parents were little, the whole world was in "black & white." I guess I believed this because of black & white images I saw on old TV shows from that era.

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When I was little I watched a lot of reruns of classic sitcom television. I Love Lucy, Andy Griffith, Leave It To Beaver, and Dennis The Menace were some of my favorites. Now, I knew that some things on TV were in black and white, and others in color. So, one day I asked my mom what it was like to live when there was no color. I thought there was a time in the world, when real life was in black and white. This in addition to trying to peek down below the TV screen to see the rest of the showering woman in the shampoo commercial.

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I used to think that there was no color AT ALL in the workd before color T.V.

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i used to believe that when my Mom was a kid, everything was black and white.
Then, one day, everything changed and then there was color.
This explains why there was Black and White TV shows.

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When I was younger and would watch old reruns of black and white shows like "I Love Lucy" I really thought everything was black and white in real life. I thought if I was living in a time of the "Adamms Family" then all my clothes and skin and furniture would be black and white.

Morticia Adamms
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I used to believe that before the 1950's, the world was in black and white instead of color.

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I used to believe before color television people not only watched tv in black and white, but also lived life in black and white.

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When I was a kid I use to think that the worldonce was black and white. I asked my dad if that was true. He said that a long time ago that a big color storm covered the whole earth and brought color.

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After I saw the Wizard of Oz, I was under the impression Kansas was black and white.

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When I was very little and would see black & white photo's of people. I was led to believe that the olden days were actually in black and white.

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I used to believe that the reason old movies are in black and white is because the world used to be in black and white.

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I watched my favorite cartoon betty boop which was in black and white and I remember my mother saying that the tape was old so I came to the conclusion that one day (I dont know when) the world changed from black and white to color so thats why tom and jerry and me and my friends where in color. ODD HUH:)

Jennifer Thornton
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When I was a kid, my father's funds were very limited raising 3 kids on his own, so all our TV's for a long time were black and white. I Used to think all people were black and white, not the flesh color we obviously are. I used to walk around asking why aren't you black and white?

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when i was little i thought that "in the olden days" that everything was in black and white and that you had to buy color, and it was very expesive and it came in a box.

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I used to think that the whole world was all black and white in the old days, just like in the movies, and the Wizard of Oz was a major breathrough.

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I used to think, like old movies, life in the past WAS actually black and white.

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I was born right about when color film came along. Looking at my parents and older brothers and sister pictures, I thought that color happened when I was born. I felt so sorry for all of the people born before me, even their dogs were black and white.

the baby
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I used to think that the world was all black and white, just because of all the photos and videos! (I'm 14) I used to think I was like a Sim character from the computer game, being moved around by some big person with a mouse! (maybe this is God with a rodent pet, you never know!)

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