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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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I used to believe the world was in black and white because of old movies and tv shows. I thought color was invented.

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When I was a kid, I used to think that when black and white movies were made, the world was actually black and white.

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When I was a kid, I noticed that when I saw films that were old, they were in black and white, but the world outside was color. I came to the conclusion that there was a point in time where the entire world was black and white and somehow changed to color. I thought this may have had something to do with the "Grey" Depression.

Lil Nicki
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I used to believe that my parents and anyone older used to live in a black and white world without color. This belief came from seeing all of their photos being in black and white.

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I used to think, since all the old pictures are in black and white, that back then EVERYTHING was black and white, so everyone had grey skin etc. I thought this until I was about 7 and I learned about photography.

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i used to believe that in the "olden days', the world was black and white because i saw old pictures and they were black and white. some of my friends did too!

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i used to believe the world used to be in black and white, because old movies and tv shows were in black and white.

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I used to beleive that people in the 1930's when T.V. was black and white that people were accually black and white. but not nemore!

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When my Mom would tell me stories from her childhood, I always thought she saw things in Black & White (cause after all, all the 'olden' movie are B&W!!)

Debra Steckler
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When I was a little girl, I used to watch westerns with my papa. I always thought that since the picture was black and white, that it was the same back then. I thought that everything was black and white. I also thought that my family came over on the covered wagons that you see on old westerns.:)

heather parker
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I used to believe that everything in the world was black and white. I thought everything in the world was colorized sometime in the 60's. I thought that because all te old photos,tv shows and movies I had seen were in black and white.

Kevin McGuire
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I used to believe that the world was in black and white when my mom was little. I had seen books of dinosaurs, and they were color, but all the pictures of my mom were in black and white, so i thought the world used to be in color, changed to black and white, then returned to color.

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when i was like 5-6 yrs old i used to believe that the entire world was black and white in colour due to the old movies i had seen like the ones in the 40's or 50's.(i was born in 1986 colour tv was already there).i asked my mom about this and she just couldnt stop laughing for the entire day. stupid right?

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The first time I saw a black and white movie I thought that color didn't exist before 1950. I had nightmares about it until I saw a picture in color from 1943.

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I used to believe the world was black and white until about the 1960's cuz I would see all these movies and shows and pictures that were black and white from when my mom was little. So one day I asked her, "When did the world turn color?" She had no idea what I was talking about because she knew it was always color. I believed this until I was like 8 or 9. Pretty old huh?

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i thought that color film had always been around, and that they made those old movies black and white on purpose to show how serious they were suppose to be (because as a kid i didnt understand half the plots)

kid a
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I used to believe that all pictures in black ad white meant that the people were black and white also. When i was six, I showed her a picture of her as a girl and I said "Holy crap, you have a great tan!" I was punished and she straightened me out.

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When i was little i used to believe in the olden days thre was literallt no colour in the world as my mother used to say, in my day everything was in black and white - obviously talking about the television and photographs.

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When i was little I was watching an old show in black and white and my mom told me that when she was little all shows were in black and white. This made me wonder a bit so I asked her "was everything black and white back then"? not realizing that it wasn't the objects themselves that were black and white it was because of the camera that couldn't pick up the colour

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I remember going to Disney World when I was about 8 and being astonished that Lucille Ball had red hair. I had only ever seen I Love Lucy in black and white and thought everything was black and white, not just tv.

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