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The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV

This section contains beliefs all on a common theme: The world was black and white before colour photographs and colour TV. Show most recent or highest rated first or go back to history.

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i usd to believe that before colour television was invented,real life as it was in the 50s and before was also in black and white

Conwy le Gin
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i used to believe that in the i love lucy days, everything really was in black and white

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I once had a friend that told me her grandma was so old that she came from the time where the clouds were blue and the sky was white. I laughed, but it mistified me. I told her right back that leprechauns put 4-leaf clovers in your yard and that i had seen so for myself. Then i found one... stuck two together and ripped off leaves.

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When I was younger, I thought that the world was black and white until colour t.v. came out.

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When i was young i used to believe that back when they showed and made those black and white films that the whole world used to be black and white and there wasn't any colour.

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top belief!

Before the invention of the camera, everything looked like a cartoon with the quality/effect of oil painting.

MD Caruso
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When I was younger I used to watch a lot of black and white movies and tv shows (Like I Love Lucy and Shirley Temple movies). Well I used to wonder why it was only black and white and no color. For about 8 years of my life I thought back when tv was first made there was no color, just black and white, so the whole world was black and white, not just tv and movies.

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when i was young and i used to see black and white films of the olden days i got it into my head that in those times everything was black and white and then it eventually changed into colour.

well i was 5 or 6

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When i was little I used to think that when pictures and movies were black and white everything was black and white.

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I used to believe that the people in black and white films and tv programmes were actually black and white, and I always wondered how they managed without colour!

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I know a girl who used to think that prior to the late 1950s (when color television was introduced) the world was in black-and-white, and colors were invented around that time.

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The world used to be in black and white before the invention of the colored television.

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When i was little, i used to believe that the world was in black and white 50 and more years ago, because movies and TV shows from that time were in black in white. I remember when i went up to my dad and asked "what was it like when the world was black and white?". He didnt understand so i told him and he laughed. I got confused and he told me the truth. I wonder what life would be like if everything WAS in black and white...

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I remember once, my Grandma gave me her crystal ball to look at. I think it was to keep me quiet and entertained - while she chatted to my Mother. I sat there for ages staring into this crystal ball. Finally, I went and asked my Grandma if the pictures would be in black and white or colour! I guessed that as the "ball" was old - it might be in black and white - but it should be showing me the future.....she laughed, but I'm still non the wiser.

Victoria, Eaglescliffe
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I used to believe that in the 'olden days', things really were black and white. I only discovered the truth when i asked mum and dad when colour was invented.

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i used to think that when i would see a picture in black and white that it was how things used to be like everything was black and white. so i asked my mom one day "mom, when u were growing up were the vegetables black and white, ya no the carrots and cucumbers and stuff?" she just started to laugh and laugh and then she finally explained to me that only the pictures were printed in black and white, not actual life.

Kelsey K.
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I used to belive that the world was Black + White Before the late 50's. Like somebody invented colour and all of a sudden we could all see it.

I thought Walt Disney was the man that found it.

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My mum had told me that in the olden days there were black + white tvs and photos. I actually thought that the whole world was black + white.

Strange lil child
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I used to think that the world used to be in black and white because of old tv shows. When I asked my Grandfather when we became color he said "Ohh.. About 15 years ago." Which didnt help the situation.

Michael B
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I used to believe the past was black and white.

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